Old Union Cemetery, Indiana


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

In 2021, I started working on a privately funded preservation project doing 3D data curation for Old Union Cemetery of Marion County, Indiana in association with the Geospatial and Virtual Archaeology Labratory (GVALs) at Indiana State University. In this poster, I present our methods of processing the data that has been collected over the past 3 years through structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry. I present some of the issues we have encountered while processing the data as well as what methods have worked best for us. I also present a few examples of the 3D models we have created, along with some of the grave markers that have been 3D printed from those models.

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Old Union Cemetery, Indiana. Elizabeth Sinders, Alex Elvis Badillo, Stephen Aldrich, Brooke L. Drew. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499781)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -103.975; min lat: 36.598 ; max long: -80.42; max lat: 48.922 ;

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 39571.0