Overview of the Cultural Resources Management Program Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Archeological Resources on Cornwallis Neck


Extract from the report (pg. 1):

The purpose of this study is to review the current status of the archeological resources located on Cornwallis Neck and to make management recommendations for continuing and enhancing the activity's cultural resource survey and evaluation program. This document specifically reviews the status of the archeological survey coverage of Cornwallis Neck. Data from previous surveys of this area were analyzed with the purpose of assessing the need for additional archeological survey.

Cite this Record

Overview of the Cultural Resources Management Program Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Archeological Resources on Cornwallis Neck. Thomas W. Davis. 1997 ( tDAR id: 500990) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8500990

Spatial Coverage

min long: -77.274; min lat: 38.523 ; max long: -77.101; max lat: 38.62 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator

Sponsor(s): Navy

Repository(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory

Record Identifiers

Maryland Historical Trust Report #(s): CH 23; CH 83

MAC Lab Accession Number(s): 1995.015


General Note: This report includes scanned field records from the 1985 Phase I survey of Indian Head by William Barse (MHT report CH 23; MAC Lab Accession 1995.015).

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
CH-83---Davis.1997.pdf 8.23mb Aug 7, 2024 12:16:23 PM Confidential