Houses at 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue, Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY


Photographs of structural remains of two houses at 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue at the Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility site. The houses were built in the early 1840s and represent examples of row-housing in Albany. Accompanied by conjectural plans of the house and contemporary examples.

Cite this Record

Houses at 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue, Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.. 2005 ( tDAR id: 381336) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8DF6QXK

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1840 to 1920 (Approximate based on deeds and diagnostic artifacts)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -73.776; min lat: 42.644 ; max long: -73.74; max lat: 42.67 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Walter Wheeler

Project Director(s): Justin DiVirgilio

Record Identifiers

New York State Museum Accession Number(s): A2007.14

New York State Museum Site Number(s): 11691

Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. Project Number(s): 3077

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Unique Site Number(s): A00140.004644

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Project Review Number(s): 02PR05772


General Note: SH House 1: View facing east of 114 Sheridan Avenue and remnants of wooden sleepers in the brick basement. A small portion of 112 Sheridan Avenue has been exposed beyond the first brick wall in the background. SH House 2: View facing east of the rear of 114 Sheridan Avenue and the stone foundation. In the foreground is the side-passage hall and rear entrance. SH House 3: View facing east of the stone kitchen stove support in the basement of 114 Sheridan Avenue. SH House 4: View facing east of the basement firebox and hearth arch support at 114 Sheridan Avenue. This shows the later 19th-century alterations to the original hearth. SH House 5: View facing south of the rear entrance to the basement side-passage hall at 112 Sheridan Avenue. SH House 6: View facing south of the rear entrance to the basement side-passage hall at 114 Sheridan Avenue. SH House 7: Detailed view facing south of the rear entrance to the basement side-passage hall at 112 Sheridan Avenue. SH House 8: View facing southeast of the excavated kitchen stove support and partition wall between 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue. SH House 9: Conjectural floor plan of houses at 110-114 Sheridan Avenue, basement (Wheeler 2005). SH House 10: Conjectural floor plan of houses at 110-114 Sheridan Avenue, first floor (Wheeler 2005). SH House 11: Front elevation drawing, Sternburg house, designed by Philip Hooker in 1827 (Hooker 1827). SH House 12: Floor plan drawing, Sternburg house, basement, designed by Philip Hooker in 1827 (Hooker 1827). SH House 13: Floor plan drawing, Sternburg house, first floor, designed by Philip Hooker in 1827 (Hooker 1827). SH House 14: Floor plan drawing, Sternburg house, second and third floors, designed by Philip Hooker in 1827 (Hooker 1827).

Source Collections

New York State Museum, Albany, New York

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
sh-house-1.jpg 577.67kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:20 AM Public
sh-house-2.jpg 571.55kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:33 AM Public
sh-house-3.jpg 593.55kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:36 AM Public
sh-house-4.jpg 589.25kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:38 AM Public
sh-house-5.jpg 578.17kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:40 AM Public
sh-house-6.jpg 589.87kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:42 AM Public
sh-house-7.jpg 599.65kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:45 AM Public
sh-house-8.jpg 1.94mb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:49 AM Public
sh-house-9.jpg 525.80kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:52 AM Public
sh-house-10.jpg 49.95kb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:55 AM Public
sh-house-11.tif 7.73mb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:56 AM Public
sh-house-12.tif 7.39mb Feb 1, 2013 8:15:58 AM Public
sh-house-13.tif 7.72mb Feb 1, 2013 8:16:00 AM Public
sh-house-14.tif 7.75mb Feb 1, 2013 8:16:03 AM Public