Archaeological Features, Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY


Photographs of archaeological features associated with residences at 112, 114, and 116 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY, excavated for the Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Features, Sheridan Hollow Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.. 2005 ( tDAR id: 381337) ; doi:10.6067/XCV88S4PM5

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1840 to 1920 (Approximate based on deeds and diagnostic artifacts)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -73.771; min lat: 42.641 ; max long: -73.729; max lat: 42.669 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Project Director(s): Justin DiVirgilio

Record Identifiers

New York State Museum Accession Number(s): A2007.14

New York State Museum Site Number(s): 11691

Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. Project Number(s): 3077

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Unique Site Number(s): A00140.004644

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Project Review Number(s): 02PR05772


General Note: SH Feature 3A: Wooden vault construction at Feature 3, a wooden privy serving 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1870-1908). SH Feature 3B: Plan view of Feature 3, a wooden privy serving 112 and 114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1870-1908). SH Feature 4A: Profile of Feature 4, a cylindrical brick privy at 112-114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1870). SH Feature 4B: Profile of Feature 4, a cylindrical brick privy at 112-114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1870). SH Feature 5: View of Feature 5, a stoneware sewer pipe (1880-1980) replacing an earlier brick drain beneath (c.1833-1880). SH Feature 6: View of Feature 6, a wooden privy at 116 Sheridan Avenue, beneath a corrugated steel storm sewer pipe (c.1850-1864). SH Feature 7: View of Feature 7, a heavily disturbed privy at 116 Sheridan Avenue, (c. 1850?). SH Feature 8: Profile and plan view of Feature 8, a barrel privy at 116 Sheridan Avenue (c.1840-1850). SH Feature 10: Feature 10, a concrete privy vault with brick floor and iron drain at 112 Sheridan Avenue (c.1908-1921). SH Feature 11A: Pre-excavation plan view of Feature 11, a wooden cistern serving 110 and 112 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1864). SH Feature 11B: Final plan view of Feature 11, a wooden cistern serving 110 and 112 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1864). SH Feature 11C: A wooden bucket recovered from the bottom of Feature 11, a wooden cistern serving 110 and 112 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1864). The bucket is resting on the wooden floorboards of the cistern. The scale stick is 1 m (3.3 ft). SH Feature 12A: View of Feature 12, a drain in Feature 4, a cylindrical brick privy at 112-114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1870). SH Feature 12B: Interior of Feature 12, a drain in Feature 4, a cylindrical brick privy at 112-114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1870). SH Feature 12C: Stone capped portion of Feature 12, a drain in Feature 4, a cylindrical brick privy at 112-114 Sheridan Avenue (c.1841-1870). SH Feature 13: Plan view of a wood drain leading from Feature 3, a wooden privy (c.1870-1890).

Source Collections

New York State Museum, Albany, New York

File Information

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