A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Coconino and Prescott National Forests, Arizona


At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office (PXAO), Logan Simpson performed an intensive Class III cultural resources survey of approximately 474 acres of Reclamation withdrawn lands managed by the Coconino National Forest (CNF) and 130 acres of Reclamation withdrawn lands managed by the Prescott National Forest (PNF). The Class III inventory was conducted in compliance with Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). There is no undertaking associated with this survey.

Reclamation originally requested survey of five blocks totaling 1,062 acres. Of the five blocks, three (Blocks 2 through 4) are located on the CNF east of the Verde River and two (Blocks 1 and 5) are located on the Prescott National Forest (PNF) west of the Verde River. The survey areas known as “CNF Block 2” and “CNF Block 3” are irregularly shaped. CNF Block 2 measures approximately 1.24 km (0.77 mi) north-south by 1.39 km (0.86 mi) east-west and encompasses 259.38 acres of Reclamation withdrawn lands while CNF Block 3 measures approximately 1.98 km (1.23 mi) north-south by 2.09 km (1.30 mi) east-west and encompasses 370.53 acres of Reclamation withdrawn lands. The survey area known as “PNF Block 1” is irregularly shaped and measures approximately 937 m (.58 mi) north-south by 692 m (.43 mi) east-west.

The project resulted in two reports, one for the CNF and one for the PNF. On the CNF 25 archaeological sites were recorded (21 new sites and four previously identified sites). Seventeen of these sites were recommended eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), one was recommended not eligible, and seven were unevaluated. On the PNF, 22 new archaeological sites were recorded. Eighteen were recommended eligible for inclusion on the NRHP, two were recommended not eligible and two were unevaluated.

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A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Coconino and Prescott National Forests, Arizona. ( tDAR id: 427390) ; doi:10.6067/XCV83J3G0Q

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Euroamerican Historic Prehistoric Southern Sinagua Yavapai/Apache

Building Materials Ceramic Chipped Stone Fire Cracked Rock Ground Stone Metal Wood

Site Name
AR-03-04-01-11 AR-03-04-01-111 AR-03-04-01-1206 AR-03-04-01-1506 AR-03-04-01-2246 AR-03-04-01-2247 AR-03-04-01-2248 AR-03-04-01-2249 AR-03-04-01-2250 AR-03-04-01-2251 AR-03-04-01-2252 AR-03-04-01-2253 AR-03-04-01-2254 AR-03-04-01-2255 AR-03-04-01-2256 AR-03-04-01-2257 AR-03-04-01-2258 AR-03-04-01-2259 AR-03-04-01-2260 AR-03-04-01-2261 AR-03-04-01-2262 AR-03-04-01-2263 AR-03-04-01-2264 AR-03-04-01-2265 AR-03-04-01-2266 AR-03-09-05-00758 AR-03-09-05-00759 AR-03-09-05-00760 AR-03-09-05-00761 AR-03-09-05-00762 AR-03-09-05-00763 AR-03-09-05-00764 AR-03-09-05-00791 AR-03-09-05-00792 AR-03-09-05-00793 AR-03-09-05-00794 AR-03-09-05-00795 AR-03-09-05-00796 AR-03-09-05-00797 AR-03-09-05-00798 AR-03-09-05-00799 AR-03-09-05-00800 AR-03-09-05-00801 AR-03-09-05-00802 AR-03-09-05-00803 AR-03-09-05-00804 AR-03-09-05-00805 Show More

Site Type
Artifact Scatter Bedrock Grinding Feature Cairn Check Dam Field House Historic graffiti House Isolated Artifact Masonry Room Block Masonry Structure Petroglyph Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Rock Alignment Rock Circle Rock Pile Room Block / Compound / Pueblo Thermal Feature

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 825 to 1250 (Clover Leaf to Honanki)

Calendar Date: 1250 to 1900 (Yavapai/Apache)

Calendar Date: 825 to 1000 (Clover Leaf to Camp Verde)

Calendar Date: 700 to 1400 (Southern Sinagua)

Calendar Date: 825 to 1300 (Camp Verde to Honanki)

Calendar Date: 800 to 1400 (Clover Leaf to Tuzigoot)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.809; min lat: 34.353 ; max long: -111.677; max lat: 34.483 ;

Record Identifiers

Coconino National Forest Project No.(s): R2016-33-A

Coconino National Forest Permit No.(s): COC0524

Logan Simpson Project No.(s): 165210a; 165210b

Prescott National Forest Permit No.(s): PNF124

Bureau of Reclamation Project No.(s): R12PA32020

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-4 of 4)

  • Documents (4)


  1. A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of 130 Acres of Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Prescott National Forest, Yavapai County, Arizona (2017)
  2. A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Coconino and Prescott National Forests, Arizona: Photo Log (2017)
  3. A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Coconino and Prescott National Forests, Arizona: Photos (2017)
  4. A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey Report of Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Coconino National Forest, Yavapai County, Arizona (2017)