41HM51 Data Recovery Project
In 2003–2004, Prewitt and Associates, Inc., performed National Register of Historic Places testing and subsequent data recovery excavations at the Jayroe site (41HM51) in Hamilton County for the Texas Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division, under Texas Antiquities Permit Nos. 3211 and 3405. The investigations were prompted by the planned replacement of the County Road 294 bridge at the Leon River (CSJ No. 0909-29-030), in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations (36 CFR Part 800) and the Antiquities Code of Texas.
Testing consisted of the excavation of 6 backhoe trenches and 19 test units, and the data recovery work consisted mainly of hand excavation of 153 contiguous 1x1-m units within a single block, with 2 backhoe trenches and 2 manual units apart from the block excavation. Combined, the testing and data recovery identified 16 cultural features interpreted as 3 open hearths, 4 shallow earth ovens or surface hearths, 8 scatters of various kinds of debris, and 1 knapping station. The excavations recovered 322 chipped stone tools, 26 cores, 6,589 pieces of unmodified debitage, 21 ground or battered stone tools, 38 potential pigment sources, 43 ceramic sherds, 15 modified bone artifacts, 7,649 animal bones, 1,200 mussel shells, and macrobotanical remains. Four analytical units are defined for the site, only one of which—the Toyah phase component—has much interpretive potential. It is interpreted as a campsite used at least several times, mostly in the a.d. 1470s, at which butchering of mostly bison and deer, late-stage lithic tool manufacture and repair, and other maintenance tasks figured prominently in the site activities.
The artifacts recovered and records generated by the project are curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University.
Cite this Record
41HM51 Data Recovery Project. ( tDAR id: 458015) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8458015
Late Prehistoric Toyah phase
Chipped Stone
Dating Sample
Fire Cracked Rock
Ground Stone
Site Name
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Artifact Scatter
Butchering / Kill Site
Hunting / Trapping
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Sheet Midden
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Site Evaluation / Testing
Geographic Keywords
Hamilton County
Temporal Keywords
Late Prehistoric
Toyah phase
Spatial Coverage
min long: -98.225; min lat: 31.794 ; max long: -98.192; max lat: 31.822 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Ross Fields; Scott Pletka
Record Identifiers
CSJ(s): 0909-29-030
Texas Antiquities Permit Number(s): 3211, 3405
Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-92 of 92)
- 41HM51-060.01-IMG_0504.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-062.01-IMG_0452.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-116.01-IMG_0508.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-127.01-IMG_0498.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-130.01-IMG_0506.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-168.01-IMG_0496.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-183.02-IMG_0472.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-189.02-IMG_0476.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-230.01-IMG_0486.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-240.01-IMG_0421.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-242.05-IMG_0510.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-250.01-IMG_0484.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-254.01-IMG_0448.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-262.03-IMG_0438.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-262.04-IMG_0436.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-262.05-IMG_0434.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-274.03-IMG_0423.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-274.04-IMG_0430.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-290.01-IMG_0460.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-290.02-IMG_0458.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-290.03-IMG_0456.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-322.01-IMG_0450.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-346.02-IMG_0488.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-358.01-IMG_0444.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-358.02-IMG_0440.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-358.03-IMG_0442.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-363.03-IMG_0482.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-370.01-IMG_0468.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-370.02-IMG_0466.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-375.06-IMG_0480.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-378.01-IMG_0470.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-410.03-IMG_0427.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-445.04-IMG_0490.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-447.02-IMG_0492.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-455.07-IMG_0464.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-455.08-IMG_0462.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-457.01-IMG_0446.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-470.01-IMG_0432.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-495.01-IMG_0474.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-502.04-IMG_0419.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-502.05-IMG_0417.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-506.01-IMG_0425.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-549.04-IMG_0500.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-576.02-IMG_0502.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-603.01-IMG_0478.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-604.04-IMG_0512.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-605.01-IMG_0454.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-622.02-IMG_0494.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37a.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37b.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37c.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37d.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37e.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.37f.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.38a.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.38b.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.38c.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.38d.tif (2020)
- 41HM51-Figure5.38e.tif (2020)
- Feature 10-41HM51-145 15450009.tif (2020)
- Feature 11-41HM51-163 15450027.tif (2020)
- Feature 12-41HM51-165 15450029.tif (2020)
- Feature 13-41HM51-213 15490009.tif (2020)
- Feature 14-41HM51-219 15490015.tif (2020)
- Feature 14-41HM51-231 15490027.tif (2020)
- Feature 15-41HM51-246 15480006.tif (2020)
- Feature 16-41HM51-251 15480011.tif (2020)
- Feature 17-41HM51-278 15470004.tif (2020)
- Feature 3-41HM51-32 15440032.tif (2020)
- Feature 4-41HM51-39 15440039.tif (2020)
- Feature 5-41HM51-72 15440072.tif (2020)
- Feature 6-41HM51-64 15440064.tif (2020)
- Feature 7-41HM51-99 15440099.tif (2020)
- Feature 8-41HM51-113 15440113.tif (2020)
- Feature 9-41HM51-128 15440128.tif (2020)
- Feature 9-41HM51-131 15440131.tif (2020)
- 41HM51_tDAR_File_List.xls (2020)
- CeramicData.csv (2020)
- Chipped Tool Data.csv (2020)
- Core Data.csv (2020)
- DiagnosticArtifactsLog.csv (2020)
- FeatureDataTable.csv (2020)
- FeaturesPhotoLog.csv (2020)
- Flake Data.csv (2020)
- Ground_Battered Tool Data.csv (2020)
- Invertebrate Remains.csv (2020)
- Lot Info.csv (2020)
- Macrobotanical Carbon Samples.csv (2020)
- Macrobotanical Flotation Samples.csv (2020)
- Vertebrate Remains.csv (2020)