US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Fort Worth District, U.S. Corps of Engineers , US Army COE, Fort Worth Distirct, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District Corps of Engineers , U.SA, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , COE-Fort Worth , U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Burec, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers; US Army , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Dist. , USA, COE, Fort Worth District , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas , U.S. COE, Fort Worth District , United States Army Corps of Engineerts, Fort Worth, TX , EPA, COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth Dist. , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District , Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , U.S. Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Federal Technical Responsible Individual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , COE, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District COE, City of Arlington, Tx , For U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Department of the Army, Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Fort Worth District , U.S. Army COE, Fort Worth District, Fort Worth, TX , U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army COE, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps os Engineers-Ft. Worth , COE-FWD, Fort Worth , Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , For U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth District , U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Fort Worth , Department of the Army, Fort Worth Corps of Engineers , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Dist., and GSA , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth , US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District , COE-Fort Worth District , U.S.A.C.E., Fort Worth District , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division , US Army Corps Of Engineers-Fort Worth Division (COE-FWD) , U.S. Army Engineer District, Fort Worth; THC , U.S. Army Corpos of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth COE, City of Kyle , Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , U S Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , Fort Worth District, Corps of Engineers , US Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, TX , United States Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District , COE / Fort Worth District , US Army Corrps of Engineers-Fort Worth Division
Institution Members
1-50 (337 Records)
- 1950 Excavation in the Lavon Reservoir, Collin County, Texas (1952)
- 1986 GBFEL-TIE Sample Survey On White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico: the NASA, Stallion and Orogrande Alternatives (1988)
- 1986 Gbfel-Tie Sample Survey On White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico: the NASA, Stallion, and Orograde Alternatives (1988)
- 1995-04-12, Letter from US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District to the Texas Historical Commission, Cultural Resources Survey, Fort Sam Houston Recreational Area, Texas, Draft (1995)
- 1995-05-11, Response from the Texas Historical Commission to US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, Cultural Resources Survey, Fort Sam Houston Recreational Area, Texas, Signed (1995)
- 2005-06-28, Letter from Victoria Green Clow to Jackie Schlatter and Michael Pumphrey, Condition Studies for Various Properties, Fort Sam Houston, Signed (2005)
- Air Education and Training Command: Training the Peacemakers during the Cold War Era (1945-1991) (2003)
- Alternative Perspectives On Burned Rock Middens (1982)
- Analysis of Impact to National Register Eligible Sites 38SU106 and 38SU182/208, Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter County, South Carolina (2009)
- An Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Proposed Rockland Lake (1987)
- An Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Perspective: The Tucker (41DT104) And Sinclair (41DT105) Cemeteries of Delta County Texas (1988)
- Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Perspective: the Tucker (41Dt104) and Sinclair (41Dt105) Cemeteries of Delta County, Texas (1988)
- Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Survey at Tennessee Colony Lake 1975 (1977)
- Archaeological and Historical Investigations of Joe Pool Lake, North Central Texas (1988)
- An Archaeological Assessment of the Bear Creek Shelter, Lake Whitney, Texas (1978)
- An Archaeological Evaluation of Beals Creek, Big Spring, Texas (1977)
- Archaeological Investigations at Dudley Branch, Dallas County, Texas (1994)
- Archaeological Investigations at Lakeview Lake (1979)
- Archaeological Investigations at Lakeview Lake: 1979 and 1980 (1982)
- Archaeological Investigations at Site 41Tv383, Lower Boggy Creek, Colorado River Drainage, Travis County, Texas (and Addendum) (1983)
- Archaeological Investigations at Sites 41CN74, 41CC46, and 41CC44 / 45 in the O. H. Ivie Reservoir, Coleman and Concho Counties, Texas (1991)
- Archaeological Investigations at the San Gabriel Reservoir Districts, Central Texas (1982)
- Archaeological Management Summary: Limited Phase II (Site Testing) of Four Historic Sites, McGuire Air Force Base, Burlington County, New Jersey (1995)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Upper Brazos River Basin (1973)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Aubrey Reservoir (1973)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Aubrey Reservoir (1973)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Fort Sill, Oklahoma (1978)
- Archaeological Research at Proposed Cooper Lake, Northeast Texas 1974-1975 (1977)
- Archaeological Research at the Proposed Cooper Lake, Northeast Texas, 1974-1975 (1977)
- Archaeological Resources at Los Esteros Lake, New Mexico (1976)
- The Archaeological Resources in the Lake Monticello Area of Titus County, Texas (1973)
- Archaeological Resources Overview of Shaw Air Force Base and Pointsett Electronic Combat Range, Sumter County, South Carolina (2006)
- An Archaeological Survay of 592 Acres at Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Angelina, Nacodoches, Sabine, and San Augustine Counties, Texas
- Archaeological Survey and Testing Along the Rio Grande Terraces Near Eagle Pass and El Indio, Maverick County, Texas (2001)
- Archaeological Survey at Fort Hood, Texas, Fiscal Year 1980 (Fall) (1989)
- Archaeological Survey at Fort Hood, Texas, Fiscal Year 1980 (Spring) (1989)
- An Archaeological Survey of Portions of Dry Branch Creek, Dallas County, Texas (1989)
- An Archaeological Survey of Portions of the University of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (1988)
- Archaeological Survey of Selected Portions of the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas, 1989-1992. (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of the Fort Sill Barracks-Trainee Complex Water Pipeline (1980)
- Archaeological Survey of the Grapevine Dam Area Tarrant County, Texas (1975)
- Archaeological Survey of the Lewisville Lake Shoreline, Denton County, Texas (1990)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Flood Control Project Along Sulphur Branch Creek, Euless, Tarrant County, Texas. (1989)
- Archaeological Testing of the Lake Lewisville Shoreline Denton County, Texas (Draft) (1988)
- Archaeological Testing of the Lewisville Lake Shoreline, Denton County, Texas (1991)
- Archaeology and History of Lake Ray Roberts, Cultural Resources Survey (1982)
- Archaeology and History of Lake Ray Roberts, Volume III: Settlement in a Marginal Zone (1985)
- The Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Aubrey Clovis Site (41DN479), Denton County, Texas (2001)
- Archeological and Historical Investigations at Camp Bullis, Bexar and Comal Counties, Texas: The 1989 Season (1990)
- Archeological Investigations at 41DT11, 41DT21, 41DT50, 41DT54, and 41DT63 at Cooper Lake, Delta County, Texas (1992)