The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology
No description specified.
1,801-1,850 (3,593 Records)
- The Landscape Archaeology of the Northwestern Plains: Problems and Potential (2015)
- The Landscape of Agricultural Engineering in Windward Kohala, Hawaii Island (2015)
- The Landscape of Klamath Basin Rock Art (2015)
- Landscape Stability, Environmental Resilience and Anthropocene Transformations in Iceland (2015)
- Landscape-scale survey at the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site, Ireland (2015)
- Landscapes of Labor (2015)
- Landscapes of the Dead: Mapping, Survey, and Site Monitoring at Fifa, Jordan (2015)
- Landscapes of Violence: Trophy Head Production and Interpersonal Violence during the Wari era in the Middle Majes Valley, Arequipa, Peru (2015)
- Landscapes under Chachapoya and Inca presence in the Chachapoya region. (2015)
- Language contact and intergroup interaction in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (2015)
- Lapita - the Australian connection (2015)
- Large-scale Prehistoric Water Management Projects by Small Cooperating Corporate Groups in Mexico and Arizona (2015)
- Las cabezas de estuco, recuperadas en el Grupo Casa del Coral, El Mirador, Peten (2015)
- Las figurillas cerámicas de Los Soldados, Veracruz: Una evidencia de la relación cultural y de identidad de una comunidad Olmeca. (2015)
- Las manifestaciones grafico-ruprestres en las Cuevas Prehistoricas de Yagul y Mitla (WH-UNESCO) (2015)
- Las primeras sociedades agrícolas sedentarias en el Valle de Oaxaca: producciones líticas y surgimiento de nuevas necesidades (2015)
- Las Voces del Barro y el Paisaje Manteño en Hojas-Jaboncillo, Manabí Central (Ecuador) (2015)
- Late Archaic Plant Remains from the Québec City Area (Canada) (2015)
- The Late Bronze Age Theran Eruption: A Spatial Analysis Study of Permanent Abandonment Processes (2015)
- Late Classic Household Ceramic Production at Uxbenká, Belize (2015)
- Late Formative Craft Production and Interregional Interaction at Las Orquideas, Imbabura, Ecuador (2015)
- Late Holocene dietary variation along the central California coast: Isotopic evidence for marine dependence (2015)
- A Late Holocene Environmental Reconstruction from a Wetland in the Northern Holmul Region: Preliminary Results from Laguna Ek’Naab, Peten, Guatemala (2015)
- Late Holocene occupation in southern California using data derived from Cultural Resource Management studies on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, California (2015)
- Late Holocene occupations at the Pinnacle Point Shell Midden Complex (2015)
- Late Holocene Resource Depression in San Francisco Bay: Recent Research with Tule Elk, Sturgeon, and Waterfowl (2015)
- Late Mousterian Industrial Variability in Southwestern France: A Case of Abri Peyrony (2015)
- The Late Natufian culture dynamics during the Younger Dryas event (2015)
- Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Transition in Korea: Implications from the Evaluation of Radiocarbon dates (2015)
- A Late Pleistocene aridity and vegetation record from stable light isotope ratios of ostrich eggshell in Pinnacle Point (2015)
- The Late Pleistocene Environment and Lithic Technology in South China (2015)
- The Late Pleistocene Fauna of Hoyo Negro (2015)
- The late Pleistocene transmission of fluted-point technology across a continent: A morphological investigation. (2015)
- Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene Stratigraphic "Marker Horizons" in North Florida (2015)
- Late Prehistoric Food Choices in the Upper Great Lakes Region: Evidence from 20OT283 and 20OT3 in the Lower Grand River Valley of Michigan (2015)
- Late to Terminal Classic Period Obsidian Exchange and Regional Interaction in the Belize Valley (2015)
- Lauricocha v2.0: Ancient highlanders grant new insights into the pre-Columbian population history of South America (2015)
- Laying the Foundations: A Unique Inka Construction Technique in the Northern Ecuadorian Highlands (2015)
- Learn by Doing: Sharpening Understanding of Archeologists and Sites Among Diverse Publics with Hands On Activities in Arkansas (2015)
- Learning From Ancestors: A New Interpretation of an 11,100 year old San Patrice Double Burial from Horn Shelter, No. 2, Central Texas (2015)
- Learning from Disturbance: A Late Woodland-Early Mississippian Site in the Georgia Piedmont (2015)
- Learning from the past about the present and for the future (2015)
- Learning from the Past: Cinder Mulch Agriculture Past and Present (2015)
- Learning heritage while teaching archaeology at Tahcabo, Yucatán: archaeologists’ perspectives on the opportunities and risks of local community engagement (2015)
- Learning Landscapes within an Ancestral Wendat Village (2015)
- Learning to think: using experimental flintknapping to interpret prehistoric cognition (2015)
- Least Cost Analysis of Peopling Events on the Northwest Coast of North America (2015)
- "Left Behind": The Transition of a Farming Community Into Camp Atterbury (2015)