Phoenix, AZ (Geographic Keyword)
101-125 (286 Records)
Archaeological test excavations and the monitoring of environmental testing was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at the location of the proposed Phoenix Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona. The project area consists of historic blocks 72 and 73 of the Original Phoenix Townsite. Archival research had indicated that the area was originally settled between 1875 and 1885 and that the property had been the site of dozens of residential and commercial structures....
Archaeological Testing on the Western Boundary of Site AZ T:12:137(ASM), Las Canopas, for a Proposed Land Sale, Phoenix, Arizona (2013)
The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological testing be conducted at a 25 acre parcel near 28th Street and Southern Avenue in Phoenix. The parcel is within the boundaries of a large prehistoric site known as Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137[ASM]). The project is on private property. The City has agreed that the archaeological testing can be done under the existing City-approved Plan, entitled General Cultural Resources Testing Plan for the City of Phoenix Projects that Involve Prehistoric Canals...
Archaeological Testing Plan for the Eastern Boundary of AZ T:12:90 (ASM) [AZ T:12:55 (ASU)], Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
This document presents a testing plan for a development located in southwest Phoenix. The testing plan was developed at the request of Beazer Homes who was advised by the City of Phoenix Archaeology Section to have this work done. The project area is located at the eastern boundary of the previously recorded prehistoric Hohokam site of AZ T:12:90 (ASM) [AZ T:12:55 (ASU)]. In addition, a prehistoric canal was mapped to cross the project area in this same area. The City of Phoenix has a 250-ft...
Archaeological Testing Reports for the City of Phoenix 35th Avenue Paving and Storm Drain Projects, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
The COP conducted road improvement and storm drain upgrades along 35th in southwest Phoenix. These improvements include new road construction (that is, widening), the installation of new fire hydrants and catch basins, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bus bays, signs, trees, and trenching for new storm drains and connectors. Generally, such activities entail vertical excavations up to approximately 16 feet. Two prehistoric features, a pit house and a hearth, were uncovered and represent, along with...
Archaeology in the City: A Hohokam Village in Phoenix Arizona (1986)
During 1982, 1983, and 1984, archaeologists from the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona excavated parts of Las Colinas that were to be affected by the construction of Interstate 10. This research, sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highways Administration, was accomplished in accordance with the federal and state laws that govern and protect our nation's cultural resources. By sponsoring the research at Las Colinas, these agencies...
Arizona Department of Transportation Archaeological Testing Program: Part 2, East Papago Freeway (1988)
This document is a report upon cultural resources found in the western portion of the East Papago Freeway corridor. It represents the second phase of testing to be reported for the entire corridor, data recovery at three small sites suspected of being Hohokam fieldhouse loci (AZ T:12:48(ASM), AZ T:12:50(ASM), and AZ T:12:51(ASM)), and testing at El Caserío (AZ T:12:49 (ASM)) and La Lomita (AZ U:9:67(ASM)). The investigations reported herein were conducted by Soil Systems, Inc. of Phoenix for the...
Building a Village: Excavations at La Villa (2016)
The Hohokam village was one of the largest pre-Classic settlements in the Phoenix Basin. The recorded site boundary covers more than 80 acres, extending from the edge of the Salt River floodplain northward. Founded during the Vahki phase (A.D. 500-650), when settlement aggregated around two large plazas, the village thrived until the Santa Cruz phase (A.D. 850950), when people began to leave the village, possibly settling in villages further down the canal system. Final abandonment occurred...
A Class I Cultural Resource Literature Review of 11.97 Acres for the Arioso City Lofts Development in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2016)
AEI Consultants plans to develop an 11.97-acre parcel of privately owned land for a proposed U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development (HUD). New construction is planned in the northwest portion of the Area of Potential Effect. At the request of AEI Consultants, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a Class I literature review of the project area to provide an inventory and assessment of cultural resources that might be affected by the proposed undertaking. The parcel...
A Class I Cultural Resources Survey of a 2-Acre Parcel for the Proposed Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Complex Located in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
The proposed Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Complex is located within the historic Original Phoenix Townsite (OPT); three historic buildings constructed between 1908 and 1944 were once present. The proposed office building is within, or near, a 250 ft buffer around two known prehistoric archaeological sites: La Villa—AZ T:12:148(ASM), and AZ T:12:95(ASM). Both sites have ill-defined site boundaries because of urban development that obscures evidence of prehistoric archaeological sites. A...
A Class III Archaeological Survey for the Well 287 Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
This report presents the results of a Class III archaeological survey for the Well 287 Project. The project entails the installation of two 16-inch diameter reclaimed water and sewer transmission lines. The archaeological investigation was requested by COP to comply with ASLD Right-of-Way (ROW) application No. 16-116992. No significant cultural resources were found within the APE.
A Class III Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Proposed Echo Canyon Trail in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
The project consists of the demolition and reconstruction of the Echo Canyon Trailhead and Trail, and will include grading, parking lot revisions, trail revisions, underground utility work, and landscaping. The COP Archaeology Office reviewed this project in an October 31, 2012 Archaeological Assessment Form, and recommended that all undeveloped portions o f the APE undergo an archaeological survey. Archaeological survey of areas that will be impacted by proposed improvements. No significant...
A Class III Archaeological Survey of Little Canyon Park in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
Prior to the proposed sale of a portion of Little Canyon Park, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) recommended that it be subjected to a Class III archaeological survey. No prehistoric or historic sites or features were identified as a result of a literature review of site records and a field survey of the APE.
A Class III Cultural Resource Survey and Archaeological Monitoring of 12.3 Acres for the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department Property Clean-up Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
The City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department plans to begin property protection and safety measures at a 12.3-acre parcel in Phoenix. Before ground-disturbing activities could begin, the City of Phoenix Archaeology Office requested that a cultural resource survey be conducted to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that might be present within the project area. Based on the results of this survey, archaeological monitoring was recommended. ACS conducted that monitoring, as well...
A Class III Survey, Archival Research, and Historic Summary of Cementerio Lindo, AZ T:12:279 (ASM), in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
Cementerio Lindo is a historic cemetery that was used by Maricopa County as a burial location between 1890 and 1952. The survey and archival research project was conducted at the request of COP Archaeology Office to determine the nature and extent of cultural resources within Cementerio Lindo prior to proposed improvements to the grounds. The project area is considered a cultural resource, and was assigned the site designation AZ T:12:279 (ASM). Approximately 632 surface grave markers were...
Continued Archaeological Monitoring Within the Area Bounded by 7th Avenue (Phase B) for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
The COP Archaeology Office reviewed this project and provided recommendations in a January 10, 2007 Archaeological Assessment Form. The COP Archaeology Assessment notes that two prehistoric archaeological sites (P:2:8 [GP] and AZ T:12:148 [ASM] / La Villa) are partially located within the project area, a third site (AZ T:12:21 [PG]) is located within 250 ft. of the project area, and several prehistoric canals are also plotted within the project area. The COP Archaeology Office recommended that...
A Cultural Resource Inventory for the Southwest Loop Freeway Project (1987)
The Arizona Department of Transportation began plans in 1985 to construct a new highway (State Route 218) in the Phoenix metropolitan area which would extend around the western and southern sides of South Mountain. This is a report on the historic and prehistoric cultural resources of the area. The construction of State Route 218 will be funded by the State of Arizona, and this work has been conducted under the State Historic Preservation Act of 1982 (A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 4.2, Article 1). A...
A Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Pinnacle Peak Substation Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
Arizona Public Service Company (APS) retained Environmental Planning Group (EPG) to conduct a cultural resource study of their proposed Pinnacle Peak Substation project. These studies are intended to assist APS in compliance with the City of Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8, Section 802.
A Cultural Resource Survey of 8.85 Acres West of State Route 303L, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
At the request of Ritoch-Powell and FHWA and ADOT, EcoPlan conducted a Class III cultural resources survey along SR 303 in Surprise, Maricopa County, Arizona. Prior to conducting the field survey, a search of records at ASM, SHPO, and ADOT was undertaken. The field effort occurred on 18 November 2009, amounting to two days of effort. No cultural resources were encountered in the survey area. Additionally, no cultural resources were encountered by previous survey throughout the project area....
A Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Substation for the Salt River Project, Phoenix, Arizona (1993)
Northland Research, Inc. was contracted by Salt River Project to perform a Class III cultural resources survey of a proposed substation site as a prelude to providing archaeological clearance for its construction. The project site covered an area of 1.86 acres.
A Cultural Resource Survey of the 47th and Arizona Canal Purchase 8.6E/14.4N, Salt River Project, Phoenix, Arizona (1994)
Northland Research, Inc. was contracted by Salt River Project to perform a Class III cultural resource survey of a land acquisition as a prelude to providing archaeological clearance for future development. The project area measures approximately 2 acres in size.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Conovaloff, Glenn, Wasser, and Cashion Substations (1987)
This report describes the results of archaeological surveys conducted at four Salt River Project substation sites. These include the Cashion, Conovaloff, Wasser, and Glenn Substations, all located on the west side of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Descriptions of the project areas are initially presented below, followed by a discussion of survey methodology and results and recommendations.
Cultural Resource Survey Report for the Road Culvert Cleanout and Grading Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
The City of Phoenix (COP) is removing aggrading sediments and performing surface grading on approximately 0.5 acres of land administered by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) in and around a box culvert in Maricopa County, Arizona. Because these activities were believed to hold the potential to adversely affect a previously documented cultural resource site AZ T:8:89 (ASM) (Marshall 1998a), COP requested that EcoPlan Associates, Inc. (EcoPlan) conduct a cultural resources survey of terrain...
Cultural Resources Extent Testing for 6.9 Acres Within the Prehistoric Site of Pueblo Del Rio (AZ T:12:116[ASM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
Northland Research, Inc. conducted archaeological testing within a 6.9-acre parcel of private land that contains a portion of Pueblo del Rio (AZ T:12:116[ASM]), a large Hohokam habitation site that has been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D (information potential). The purpose of the testing was to determine the nature, extent, and integrity of subsurface cultural remains within the project area. The testing consisted of limited surface collection...
Cultural Resources Extent Testing of 1.1 Acres within the Prehistoric Site of La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1 [ASM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological extent testing for the Sojourner Center within approximately 1.1 acres of 3.6 acres planned for development of a women's center for victims of domestic abuse. This property falls within the boundary of La Ciudad, AZ T:12:1(ASM), a large Hohokam village determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in 2003. The City of Phoenix (COP) Archaeologist recommended...
Cultural Resources Extent Testing of 4.6 Acres Partially within the site of La Lomita (AZ U:9:67[ASM]), for the Mountain Park Health Center Gateway Site, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological testing within a 4.6-acre parcel in Phoenix. The project was conducted because the Hohokam site of La Lomita (AZ U:9:67[ASM]/AZ U:9:24[ASU]/P:3:4[GP]) and a prehistoric irrigation canal are plotted within the area of investigation. Roughly the northern 2.7 acres of the parcel fall within the recorded boundary of La Lomita. The remaining 1.9 acres fall within the 250-foot buffer around the recorded site boundaries that requires...