Pollen (Material Keyword)

Use for any microscopic plant remains

826-850 (2,995 Records)

Interactions with the Incorporeal in the Mississippian and Ancestral Puebloan Worlds
PROJECT Uploaded by: M Scott Thompson

This research explores how people’s relationships with the spirits of the dead are embedded in political histories. It addresses the ways in which certain spirits were integral “inhabitants” of two social environments with disparate political traditions. Using the prehistoric mortuary record, this study investigate the spirits and their involvement in socio-political affairs in the Prehispanic American Southeast and Southwest. Foremost, this research constructs a framework to characterize...

Interim Report: The Archaeology of Rich Neck Plantation (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Leslie McFaden. Philip Levy. David Muraca. Jennifer Jones.

This manuscript is presented as an interim report on the archaeological investigation of Rich Neck Plantation (state site 44WB52), in Williamsburg, Virginia. Chapter 1 provides a project background and a brief physical description, including the environs of the site and a list of those responsible for the excavation. Chapter 2 recounts the history of the property. Chapter 3 describes the excavation strategy and summarizes the results from 1993 through 1998. Chapters 4 and 5 present...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Previous pollen analysis at the Mill Iron site has yielded evidence of local vegetation at the time of the Goshen occupation, as well as throughout portions of the stratigraphic record between that time and the present (Scott 1985; Cummings 1987). The first study (Scott 1985) examined sediments that yielded radiocarbon ages between 1270 and 4570 BP and indicated that pollen preservation was sufficient to undertake a more thorough stratigraphic study of the pollen record. Consistency...

Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:91 (ASM) (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory.

The project discussed in this report is part of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Improvement Plan for the entire Interstate 10 corridor. A general plan for treatment of cultural resources potentially affected by the overall project has been developed by Desert Archaeology, including a project-wide research design (Mabry 1993a). Ultimately, ADOT plans to construct new frontage roads along both sides of the 1-10 freeway alignment. The current project includes the east side frontage...

Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:13:110 (ASM) and AZ BB:13:159 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy W. Jones. Masa Tani. Kathy Cisco. Wilson Hughes.

Two primarily historic period sites were tested within the 1-10 corridor improvement right-of- way. The Embankment site, AZ BB:13:159 (ASM), is literally eroding out of the 1-10 embankment on the east side of the interstate. It was found to contain a basalt foundation with a possible preserved basement, and it may be the remains of a historic habitation. The El Dumpé site, AZ BB:13:110 (ASM), is a large mounded trash deposit located on both sides of the interstate, dating from the 1930s through...

Inventory Sheet for Notes (redacted) (1966)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Irwin-Williams.

Inventory Sheet for Notes

PROJECT Rani T Alexander.

With the permission of the Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, intensive archaeological survey, instrument mapping, and test excavations were carried out at Isla Cilvituk from 1994 to 1996. Isla Cilvituk is a large aggregated site, 50 hectares in size, located on an island in Laguna Silvituc and situated in a lacustrine zone that runs to the south from Lake Mocu, Campeche, to the Peten Lakes, Guatemala. We completed a 100 percent full-coverage survey of the...

INVESTIGACIONES ARQUEOLÓGICAS EN LAS UNIDADES HABITACIONALES DE ISLA CILVITUK, CAMPECHE, MEXICO: Informe Técnico Final para las Investigaciones de 1994-1996, Presentado al Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, D.F. (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rani T Alexander. Elena Canché Manzanero. Richard Burleson. Hea Joo Chung. Juan Carlos Cruz. Michael Glascock. Sergio Hererra. Alejandra Gudino. John A. Hunter. Brian Fortunato. David Lentz. Amanda L. Martinez.

Con la autorización del Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, se llevó al cabo el trabajo de campo entre junio hasta agosto de los años 1994, 1995, y 1996. Los análisis del gabinete y del laboratorio se condujeron durante los meses en medio y los años subsecuentes. La primera fase del proyecto involucró el reconocimiento intensivo, el levantamiento y mapeo del sitio, y excavaciones de sondeo para determinar si era probable que las investigaciones de la...

Investigating the Heart of a Community: Archaeological Excavations at the African Meeting House Boston, Massachuesetts (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christa Beranek

In 2005, an extensive archaeological investigation occurred at the African American Meeting House in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts in anticipation of proposed renovations to the property for the 2006 bi-centennial celebration. Excavations were conducted by the University of Massachusetts Boston in collaboration with the Museum of African American History covering a 19 square meter area of potential impact. This area included the backlot of the historic Meeting House,...

An Investigation of Archaic Subsistence and Settlement in the Harquahala Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd W. Bostwick. Owen K. Davis. Pamela C. Hatch. Johna Hutira. Suzanne M. Lewenstein. Connie L. Stone. Michael R. Waters.

Eight archaeological sites were investigated within the new right-of-way for a distribution canal and flood control structure to serve the Harquahala Valley irrigation and Drainage District. The majority of the materials in these sites, all of which were mostly surface phenomena, appear to fate to the Archaic stage, a poorly understood time in the prehistoric record of the Southwest. Analysis of data recovered suggests that these sites were campsites used during seasonal exploitation of local...

An Investigation of New Philadelphia Using Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing (Last updated: Nov. 25, 2008), Bryan S. Haley, Center for Archaeological Research, University of Mississippi (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christopher Fennell

An Investigation of New Philadelphia Using Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing (Last updated: Nov. 25, 2008), Bryan S. Haley, Center for Archaeological Research, University of Mississippi

An Investigation of Turtle Use at Isla Cilvituk, Campeche, Mexico (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kristen L. Scudder.

Previous research in Mesoamerican fauna analysis has contributed insights into resource use, but Maya turtle use remains unexamined. Faunal analysis, zooarchaeology, vertebrate taphonomy, and behavioral archaeology provide a guideline into the past taphonomic and life histories of the turtle bones recovered from Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1525). The primary objective of my research is to establish an archaeology model of exploitation of the small and large turtles recovered from Isla...

Investigations at Milagro, A Late Preceramic Site in the Eastern Tucson Basin (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce B. Huckell. Lisa W. Huckell. Suzanne K. Fish.

This report presents the results of archaeological excavations undertaken as part of a land exchange between Pima County and Magna Investment and Development, Ltd. A portion of this right-of-way included a prehistoric archaeological site known as Milagro (AZ BB:10:46), parts of which had been investigated previously. Pima County indicated that prior to completion of the land exchange, archaeological investigations must be performed along the route of a proposed sewer line, and the cutting of a...

Investigations at Sunset Mesa Ruin: Archaeology at the Confluence of the Santa Cruz and Rillito Rivers, Tucson, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Grant Snitker

Data recovery at Sunset Mesa Ruin, AZ AA:12:10 (ASM), uncovered a segment of a single-component Rincon phase settlement dating between A.D. 1000 and 1100, as well as the remains of a turn-of-the-century adobe homestead. Excavations were confined to a 7,500-m2 area in the northwestern corner of the site, primarily within the proposed Corps of Engineers overbank protection area along the Rillito River. The prehistoric component consisted of a discrete residential cluster of five pit houses that...

Investigations at the Bog Hole Locality (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter.

Field observations and test pit results revealed the alluvial/paleoclimatic chronology of the locality and explained the presence of Cochise Era artifacts in gravel lenses.

Investigations at the Cake Ranch Site: A Classic Period Hohokam Village in the Lower Santa Cruz River Basin, Pinal County, Arizona (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carl D. Halbirt. T. Kathleen Henderson. JoAnn E. Kisselburg.

This report describes the results of archaeological investigations undertaken at the Cake Ranch site (AZ AA:7:3(ASM)). This work occurred prior to the construction of Lateral Segment 5 of the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District South Distribution System. The Cake Ranch site is located approximately four kilometers west of the town of Red Rock, Arizona in Pinal County, Section 10, T10S, R9E. The site is a large Classic period Hohokam village situated adjacent to the Santa Cruz River...

Investigations of the Baccharis Site and Extension Arizona Canal: Historic and Prehistoric Land Use Patterns in the Northern Salt River Valley (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Greenwald.

This report presents the results of intensive data recovery through excavation of an early pre-Classic Hohokam site and an in-depth archival study of historic features, including the Extension Arizona Canal. The project was sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) with the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) serving as consultants to ADOT for these archaeological and historical studies. Field work was conducted during May and June, 1987. Investigations of the Baccharis site, a...

Isla Cilvituk: Finding Primary Contexts Using GIS (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean T. Arata.

My main goal with this thesis was to create a sampling design, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which would allow me to determine the best datable contexts at Isla Cilvituk. Once this sampling design was created, I analyzed the spatial distribution of these datable contexts using the frequency of specimens divided by the total volume of each archaeological layer as a measurement of density (m3). This analysis was divided into two parts. The first analysis looked at the distribution...

An Isolated Storage Vessel at Site 42SA20779 in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Adaptive Storage and Caching Behavior In the Prehistoric Southwest (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Anne M. Wolley. Alan J. Osborn.

This report documents the excavation and analysis of a large, isolated ceramic vessel discovered in the spring of 1988 in the Hite Marina area of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah Project #89-NA-051N. Several college students from Western State College in Colorado (Dean Brian, Matt How, Cathy Arvey, and Mike Donaldson) were hiking in the area when Dean Brian discovered the pot. Aware of the possible significance of such a find, Matt How immediately contacted Park Archeologist Kris...

Isotope report (1) from Corina (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Corina Kellner.

First isotope data report from Corina

James Schoenwetter Pollen Research Papers
PROJECT Uploaded by: Mary Whelan

James Schoenwetter (Ph.D. Southern Illinois 1967) was a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University. His research interests included prehistoric cultural ecology, applications of pollen analysis in archaeology and research methodology. Before his retirement in 2000 he directed the ASU Anthropology Department’s palynology lab. Pollen research by Schoenwetter and his students involved a variety of sites in Mesoamerica, North America and Europe. He directed archaeological and botanical...

IMAGE Catherine Alston.

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IMAGE Catherine Alston.

no description provided

Jordan's Journey (44PG302)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Gregory Brown

The sites associated with the early 17th-century settlement known as Jordan’s Journey were located at Jordan’s Point near the confluence of the James and Appomatox rivers in Prince George’s County, Virginia. The property was initially occupied by Weyanoke Indians, one of the groups that formed the Powhatan chiefdom. About 1620, Samuel Jordan, his wife, Cecily, her two daughters, and their adult male servants took up residence at Jordan’s Point; this occupation is probably archaeological site...

Jordan's Journey: A Preliminary Report on Archaeology at Site 44Pg302, Prince George County, Virginia, 1990-1991 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text L. Daniel Mouer. Douglas C. McLearen. R. Taft Kiser. Christopher P. Egghart. Beverly Binns. Dane Magoon.

Archaeological site 44Pg302 comprises the remains of the household complex founded by Samuel Jordan, his wife Cicely, her daughters, and their adult male servants. For present purposes, we have estimated the dates of occupation of the site as encompassing the fifteen-year period between ca. 1620 and ca. 1635. In the 1620's, the new settlement of Jordan's Journey was one of the largest English enclaves in what was then referred to as "the upper parts" of James River, and was included within...