An Investigation of Turtle Use at Isla Cilvituk, Campeche, Mexico


Previous research in Mesoamerican fauna analysis has contributed insights

into resource use, but Maya turtle use remains unexamined. Faunal analysis,

zooarchaeology, vertebrate taphonomy, and behavioral archaeology provide a

guideline into the past taphonomic and life histories of the turtle bones recovered

from Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1525). The primary objective of my research is to

establish an archaeology model of exploitation of the small and large turtles

recovered from Isla Cilvituk.

Cite this Record

An Investigation of Turtle Use at Isla Cilvituk, Campeche, Mexico. Kristen L. Scudder. Masters Thesis. New Mexico State University (NMSU), Anthropology. 2010 ( tDAR id: 500220) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8500220

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

Radiocarbon Date: 1324 to 387 (14C Age BP, 9 radiocarbon dates from animal bone)

Calendar Date: 600 to 1500 (Architecture and Ceramics)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -90.312; min lat: 18.608 ; max long: -90.26; max lat: 18.655 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Principal Investigator(s): Rani T Alexander

Record Identifiers

Consejo de Arqueologia, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH)(s): Oficio #: C.A. 401-36/492, C.A. 401-36/188, C.A.401-36/427

New Mexico State University, Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Research(s): Permit 5711 (expedited) 2003


General Note: This archaeological project was not born digital.

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Kristen L. Scudder, An Investigation of Turtle Use at Isla Cilvituk, Campeche, Mexico, MA Thesis, NMSU 2010