Textile (Material Keyword)

Artifacts (e.g., clothing, bags, woven cloth, cordage, etc.) comprised of fibers and/or cord that are made from plant or animal material (e.g., animal hair, cotton, flax, hemp, other vegetal fibers, wool).

176-200 (1,480 Records)

Great House Formation: Agricultural Intensification, Balanced Duality, and Communal Enterprise at Mitchell Springs (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Dove.

Mitchell Springs provided the central Montezuma Valley of southwestern Colorado a rare and reliable water source that has been used by ancients for millennia. People began to settle near the springs in the middle of the AD seventh century and by the twelfth century a sprawling watershed-wide community with large-scale architectural and agricultural works had formed. Using a combination of data from surveys and recent excavations, this article explores the ties between the rise of elite...

Halbgeflecht aus Lindenbast (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anne Reichert.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Handbook for Basic Archaeological Specimen Processing (1959)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Smithsonian Institute Missouri Basin Project.

The Missouri Basin Project was established in 1946 as a large-scale archaeological and paleontological salvage operation. The laboratory of that project, located in Lincoln, Nebraska, processes large quantities of archaeological specimens each month. This laboratory is neither a museum nor a permanent repository for specimens. It is a research laboratory in which specimens brought in from the field are cleaned, prepared, cataloged and repaired preparatory to technical analysis and preparation...

Handbook for Basic Archeological Specimen Processing (1950)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Smithsonian Institution, Missouri Basin Project.

This handbook is designed to outline procedures for processing specimens brought into this laboratory. It is based upon more than a dozen years of experience with these specimens and is intended as a guide for processing of a maximum quantity of items within a minimum of time. It is specifically intended to provide the processors in this laboratory with a written guide to their duties and with written instructions as to how to perform each of the many specialized tasks that arise in processing...

Hawikku and Kechiba:wa Mortuary Data: Material Accompaniments Raw Data and Multidimensional Scaling Scores (2013)
DATASET Todd L. Howell. Keith Kintigh. Brenda Shears. M Scott Thompson.

In the dissertation titled "Interactions with the Incorporeal in the Mississippian and Ancestral Puebloan Worlds," the author analyzed the Hawikku and Kechiba:wa Mortuary Material Accompaniment data set in an examination of the performance of mortuary ritual at Protohistoric period Zuni villages. The analysis of mortuary accompaniments and the larger consideration of mortuary ritual were designed to understand the identities of the spirits of the dead in Mississippian period villages of the...

The Hazzard Collection (1963)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Floyd W. Sharrock.

This report examines the origins and presents a catalog of the artifacts that compose the Hazzard Collection. The Hazzard Collection consists of artifacts and human remains collected form Four Corners region during the late 19th century. The report consists of description, photographs, and provenience information that was compiled by the archaeologists at University of Utah. The Archives of Archaeology Series is a 29-volume set jointly published by the University of Wisconsin Press and...

Historic and Archaeological Reconnaissance/Inventory Survey: Cultural Resources Management Plan, New Boston Air Force Station, New Boston, Mont Vernon, Amherst, New Hampshire, Volume 1 (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc..

The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., under contract with ENSR Consulting and Engineering, recently completed an historic and archaeological reconnaissance/inventory survey of the New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS) located in New Boston, Mont Vernon, and Amherst, New Hampshire. A total of 2,826 acres are encompassed by the NBAFS, with approximately 2,620 under management for conservation. The existing operational facilities are located on approximately 40 acres. The purpose of the survey...

Historic and Archaeological Reconnaissance/Inventory Survey: Cultural Resources Management Plan, New Boston Air Force Station, New Boston, Mont Vernon, Amherst, New Hampshire, Volume 2 (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text The Public Archaeology Laboratory.

This is Volume 2 of Public Archaeology Laboratory Inc., under contract with ENSR Consulting and Engineering, historic and archaeological reconnaissance/inventory survey of the New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS) located in New Boston, Mont Vernon, and Amherst, New Hampshire. This volume includes appendices, representative soils profiles from prehistoric and historic sites, photograph logs, photographs of prehistoric sites within NBAFS, photographs of visible structures for HS #1-28 within...

The Historic Hualapai Occupation at Hackberry, Mohave County, Arizona: Archival, Ethnohistoric, and Archaeological Investigations (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David E. Purcell.

SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, conducted testing and data recovery at Site AZ G:10:8(ASM), the Hackberry Townsite, to mitigate potential impacts from construction of the Mead to Phoenix 500kV Transmission Line (the Mead to Phoenix Project). The Mead to Phoenix Project, currently under construction, is one link in a proposed regional power grid (Rogge and O’Brien 1990). SWCA conducted a program of testing and data recovery to clear construction at the Hackberry Townsite, the subject of...

Historic Logging in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Southern Wyoming: Investigations of a Historic Logging Landscape (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dave F. McKee.

The historic logging industry began operations in the Sierra Madre Mountains of southern Wyoming in the late 1800s. Logging companies supplied timbers for the booming copper and gold mines in the area, and hand hewn railroad ties for the Union Pacific Railroad Company (Bruce 1959; Grasso et al. 1981; Thybony et al. 1985). Today remains of historic logging camps can be found throughout the Sierra Madre Mountains in the Medicine Bow National Forest. These camps are remnants of historic landscapes...

Historical Archaeological Investigations at Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona: Second Annual Report (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A. E. Rogge. Cindy L. Myers.

In June 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation awarded a three year contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division, designated as Plan 6. This study focuses on reconstructing the social history of the workers and their families who lived in several temporary dam construction camps dating from the 1890s to 1940s. The first chapter discusses experience in managing the study during the second year of the...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona
PROJECT Cindy L. Myers. A. E. Rogge. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

In June 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation awarded a three-year contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division, designated as Plan 6. These studies involved investigations at approximately 50 archaeological sites in 7 localities. The sites were destroyed, damaged, or altered as a result of constructing Plan 6, which created a regulatory reservoir for the CAP as well as repaired or replaced other dams...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona, Volume 2A: Sites in the Roosevelt Dam Area (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Ayres. A. E. Rogge. Melissa Keane. Diane L. Douglas. Everett J. Bassett. Diane L. Fenicle. Cindy L. Myers. Bonnie J. Clark. Karen Turnmire.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract to conduct historical archaeology studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. Final reports on these studies are being issued in three volumes under the title The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona. Volume 1 is a synthesis of the entire project. Volume 3 details laboratory methods. Volume 2 contains descriptions and...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona, Volume 2B: Sites in the New Waddell Dam Area (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Diane L. Fenicle. James E. Ayres. Everett J. Bassett. Cindy L. Myers. A. E. Rogge. Melissa Keane. Diane L. Douglas.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract to conduct historical archaeology studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. Final reports of these studies are being issued in three volumes. Volume I is a synthesis of the entire project. Volume 3 details laboratory methods. Volume 2 contains descriptions and interpretations of each of the sites studied at the seven localities investigated. This...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona, Volume 2C: Sites at Other Dams Along the Salt and Verde Rivers (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Diane L. Douglas. A. E. Rogge. Karen Turnmire. Melissa Keane. James E. Ayres.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract for historical archaeology studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. Final reports on these studies are being issued in three volumes under the title, The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona. Volume 1: Synthesis (1994) summarizes the entire project, Volume 3 (1986) details laboratory methods, and Volume 2 (1994)...

The Historical Archaeology of Dam Construction Camps in Central Arizona, Volume 3: Laboratory Methods and Data Computerization (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah A. Hull-Walski. James E. Ayres.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. This study focused on reconstructing the social history of the workers and their families who lived in several temporary dam construction camps dating from the 1890s to the 1940s. This is the third (of three) volumes of the final technical report. This volume summarizes the...

An Historical Study of the Grand Portage, Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alan R. Woolworth.

The major objective of this report is to “Conduce Research to Describe the Historical Character and Use of the Grand Portage.” This information will become a portion of a comprehensive holistic Trail Management Plan for the Grand Portage. The Scope of Work for this project lists and discusses a series of ten areas of research that relate directly to the history and uses of the portaqe over a time period of about two centuries from late prehistoric times to the early 19th century (c. 1600-1825).

The Hohokam Expressway Project: A Study of Prehistoric Irrigation in the Salt River Valley, Arizona (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text W. Bruce Masse.

In 1970, and again in 1972, archaeologists from the Highway Salvage Program of the Arizona State Museum intensively surveyed the route of the proposed Hohokam Expressway in Phoenix, Arizona. This expressway was proposed in order to connect Interstate 10 with 44th Street and provide a north-south access route across the Salt River to relieve the traffic congestion caused by periodic flooding of the river (Fig. 1). Because a portion of the proposed right-of-way runs adjacent to Pueblo Grande and...

Humbug! The Historical Archaeology of Placer Mining on Humbug Creek in Central Arizona (1922)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Ayers. A. E. Rogge. Everett J. Bassett. Melissa Keane. Diane L. Douglas.

In June 1986 the Bureau of Reclamation awarded Dames & Moore a contract for historical archaeological studies as part of the mitigation program for the Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) of the Central Arizona Project. While investigating dam construction camps along the Agua Fria River near Lake Pleasant, we discovered remnants of a late nineteenth century hydraulic mining complex along Humbug Creek. The southern portion of this complex is within the flood pool of the New Waddell Dam. This...

Identification of the Pima Tribe No. 10, Improved Order of Red Men Plot Within the Court Street Cemetery, AZ BB:13:156 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Homer Thiel.

Archaeological testing was conducted at the Salvation Army property. Work identified 20 graves within the Improved Order of Red Men plot in the Court Street Cemetery, as well as eight prehistoric features. A portion of the property contained a single prehistoric pit and no Compliance Summary Page iii human burials. The pit was sampled. The area tested on the eastern side contained 20 graves from the Improved Order of Red Men plot, present in two separate clusters of 10 burials. Two pit houses...

Il mondo tessile nelle Ande e il potere trasformativo del tessuto (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Donatella Saviola.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Il patrimonio tessile di Verucchio. Spunti metodologici per la ricostruzione dell’uso degli utensili documentati nelle sepolture (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elena Rodriguez. Giulia Patrizi.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Il villaggio villanoviano del ‘Gran Carro’: gli apporti tecnologico-funzionali allo studio della produzione tessile nell’età del Ferro (sec. IX-VIII a.C.) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Antonia Sciancalepore. Sonia Tucci. Massimo Massusi.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerryll Moreno.

In the summers of 1979 and 1980, Arizona State University (ASU) conducted a cultural resources survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park (LPRP) (Rice and Bostwick 1986). The completion of New Waddell Dam in 1993, increasing recreational development, and new park boundaries spurred the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to survey the park. Reclamation performed the new survey on their land to fulfill their Section 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act. Upon completion of the...

Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

In the summers of 1979 and 1980, Arizona State University (ASU) conducted a cultural resources survey of Lake Pleasant Regional Park (LPRP) (Rice and Bostwick 1986). The completion of New Waddell Dam in 1993, increasing recreational development, and new park boundaries spurred the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to survey the park. Reclamation performed the new survey on their land to fulfill their Section 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act. Upon completion of the...