Highland Mesoamerica: Classic (Other Keyword)

1-25 (217 Records)

2023 Excavations at Early Classic (AD 200-500) Jalieza, Oaxaca, Mexico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph Wardle.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Jalieza is an important archaeological site in the Valley of Oaxaca that was founded during the Early Classic (AD 200-500). It is an especially useful case study for understanding how and why the Zapotec state fragmented. Previous excavations at the earliest sector of Jalieza, a hilltop called Cerro Danilín, suggested that the site may have resisted...

Acoustic Effects at Las Cuevas Cave (Western Belize): An Archaeoacoustic Analysis of a Maya Cave (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Margarita Diaz-Andreu. Tommaso Mattioli.

The site of Las Cuevas (western Belize) has been identified as a mid-sized, Late Classic ceremonial and administrative center. Interestingly, given the importance of caves in Maya religion, the underneath part of the site has a large cave system. Research so far on this cave has focused on aspects that are common in cave archaeology: 1/ structures - in this case on the one hand the series of platforms built around a central, sunk cenote and on the other the walls subdiving the narrow part of...

Activity Areas and Political Economy at Teotihuacan’s Plaza of the Columns: Investigations in Front E (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Carballo. Daniela Hernández Sariñana. Maria Codlin. Gina Buckley. Jorge Ortiz Hernández.

Front E of the Project Plaza of the Columns Complex comprises the southern sector of this large civic-administrative complex, located in the heart of Teotihuacan. In initial project planning, its surface topography suggested the presence of open spaces and low structures that could have been used for activities of economic significance and/or as residential spaces for individuals not of high elite rank. Excavations over two seasons in Front E prioritized horizontal exposures in order to assess...

Advances in World-Systems Analysis in Mesoamerica (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peter Jimenez.

This is an abstract from the "World-Systems and Globalization in Archaeology: Assessing Models of Intersocietal Connections 50 Years since Wallerstein’s “The Modern World-System”" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. With the refinement of world-systems analysis into the nested network model (i.e., bulk goods, political/military, prestige goods, and information), Chase-Dunn and Hall (1997) have proposed a research strategy that is applicable to ancient...

Agua dulce, Agua salada. Diferenciación de actividades pesqueras en el sistema portuario de la costa este de Los Tuxtlas (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauricio Cuevas. Lourdes Budar.

El corredor costero al este de Los Tuxtlas delimitado por las lagunas de Sontecomapan, y del Ostión, los volcanes de Santa Marta y San Martín Pajapan y el mar del Golfo de México, fue el escenario prehispánico de una alta densidad poblacional que entre su desarrollo contó con el emplazamiento de un complejo sistema portuario. Los recursos naturales que ofrecen los cuerpos de agua en esta zona sin duda fueron explotados para su consumo y comercio desde el Formativo Medio hasta el Clásico Tardío....

All Roads Lead to the Verapaz: The Northern Highlands as a Nexus of Classic Period Exchange (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arthur Demarest.

This is an abstract from the "Art, Archaeology, and Science: Investigations in the Guatemala Highlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Prior to the Vanderbilt projects the Alta Verapaz was one of the least explored regions of the highlands with previous research limited to some test pits and cave explorations. With few known impressive constructions or monuments, the Alta Verapaz was assumed to be peripheral to both highland polities and the...

Almenas and Architecture (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexa Rose. Michael E. Smith.

Almenas, roof ornaments comprised commonly of ceramic or stone in Teotihuacan that most archaeologists toss aside unknowing of their identity, have been a source of research in archaeology recently after Michael E. Smith and Clara Paz Bauista’s paper "Las almenas en la ciudad Antigua de Teotihuacan" in 2015. Continuing Dr. Smith’s original research, I have compiled a database of complete almenas from museums and published resources to make new categories for the artifacts. Although many whole...

Ancient Mesoamerican Rain Cloud Iconography and Early Rain Entities (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie Lozano.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cloud iconography has been present on Mesoamerican material culture since the Formative Period and often appears with iconography that is associated with water rituals and rain entities. This paper will present new perspectives on the relationships between ancient Mesoamerican rain deities through a study of rain cloud iconography. I trace the appearance...

Análisis arquitectónico del conjunto Patio Hundido y sus estructuras compuestas: Edificios A y B de Monte Albán (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nelly Robles García.

This is an abstract from the "Avances en los estudios de la arquitectura de Monte Albán" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Los recientes trabajos de restauración arquitectónica en Monte Albán, resultantes de los sismos de 2017, nos han hecho replantear las intervenciones realizadas por el Proyecto Especial 1992-1994. En particular, encontramos que los deterioros causados por los sismos en el Edificio A fueron exacerbados por intervenciones de esa...

Aportes de la prospección geofísica para entender los asentamientos en medios lacustres de la cuenca de Zacapu, Michoacán, México (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gregory Pereira. Jorge Blancas. Agustin Ortiz.

This is an abstract from the "2024 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Luis Barba" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Hace más de tres décadas, Luis Barba y su equipo del laboratorio de prospección arqueológica del IIA, UNAM iniciaron una colaboración fructífera con investigadores del CEMCA en la cuenca de Zacapu (Michoacán) que continúa hasta nuestros días con instituciones francesas como el CNRS y la Universidad Paris 1/Panthéon-Sorbonne. En...

Approaching the Iconography of Epiclassic Censer Ornaments, a Typology from Los Mogotes, Estado de México (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edgar Alarcón Tinajero. Christopher Morehart. Angela Huster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Censers are a subset of Mesoamerican ceramics interpreted as ritual vessels used to burn incense. In ancient central Mexico, censers tend to feature mold made or handmade clay ornaments that were possibly part of iconographically composite vessels. A challenge in their interpretation, however, is that these complex vessels are often found in isolated...

An Approximation Towards the Function of Candeleros in the Plaza of the Columns Complex, Teotihuacan (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yolanda Peláez Castellanos. Nawa Sugiyama. Agustín Ortíz.

Candeleros are ceramic artifacts that are almost exclusively found at Teotihuacan and appear in the archaeological record during the Late Tlamimilolpa, Xolalpan and Metepec phases. Their unconventional shape led scholars to propose different hypotheses regarding their specific function (i.e. "candle holders", incense burners, lighting devices, domestic ritual paraphernalia). This paper studies 368 candeleros (fragments and complete pieces) recovered from the 2015 and 2016 excavations carried out...

Archaeological Mollusks from Xalla (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrian Velazquez. Norma Valentín. Belem Zúñiga.

This is an abstract from the "The Palace of Xalla in Teotihuacan: A Possible Seat of Power in the Ancient Metropolis" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Project “Teotihuacan, élite y gobierno” (Teotihuacan elite and government) has excavated 420 artifacts made of mollusk shells. Ninety-one of them are objects and 166 are valves or fragments that present traces of human modification; 163 are fragments with no traces of human work. In this paper the...

Archaeological Prospection at Cerro Coyotepetl, Tepeticpac, Tlaxcallan: Preliminary Results from the 2017 Field Season of the Proyecto de Arqueología Cotidiana de Tepeticpac (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge Blancas. Lisa Overholtzer. Luis Barba. Agustín Ortíz. Eos Lopez.

In this paper we present the preliminary results of our field season this past summer in the Cerro Coyotepetl neighborhood of Tepeticpac, a señorío of Tlaxcallan. Archaeological prospection methods and remote sensing included magnetometry, electrical resistivity and photogrammetry by drone. Though our work is ongoing, and another geophysical survey season is planned, results were confirmed by excavations on one domestic terrace. These excavations revealed the remains of four rooms whose...

Archaeomagnetic Dating Results of PPC Project (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana Soler-Arechalde. Cecilia Caballero-Miranda. Ma Carmen Osorio. Itzayana Bernal.

Archaeomagnetism is a dating technique whose application has been rising. This technique originally required burned materials, but in certain Mexican archaeological sites, volcanic products with magnetic minerals were added to the stucco mix, enhancing the geomagnetic field record and allowing us to determine it in non-burned samples. Thanks to this the number of dating events increased, improving the detail of the chronologies; a clear example of this happened in Teopancazco's neighborhood. A...

Archaeomagnetic Studies in Xalla: Contributions to the Chronology of Teotihuacan (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana Soler-Arechalde. Laura Beramendi-Orosco. Galia González-Hernández.

This is an abstract from the "The Palace of Xalla in Teotihuacan: A Possible Seat of Power in the Ancient Metropolis" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The results of three sampling stages carried out in Xalla, a neighborhood with the Teotihuacan government offices under the direction of Dr. Manzanilla in 2001, 2003, and 2012 are presented. A total of 28 archaeomagnetic samples were taken and processed in the Laboratory of Paleomagnetism of the UNAM....

Archaeometric Characterization of the Lapidary Objects from Teopancazco and Xalla, Teotihuacan (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Reyna Solis. Emiliano Melgar.

This is an abstract from the "From Materials to Materiality: Analysis and Interpretation of Archaeological and Historical Artifacts Using Non-destructive and Micro/Nano-sampling Scientific Methods" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One of the main goals of the archaeological researches in Teotihuacan is the analysis and classification of the material culture in order to distinguish local and foreign goods among this multiethnic settlement. In this...

Archaeometry of the Lapidary of Xalla and the Identification of Teotihuacan Relics in Tenochtitlan (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emiliano Melgar. Reyna Solís.

This is an abstract from the "The Palace of Xalla in Teotihuacan: A Possible Seat of Power in the Ancient Metropolis" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The new archaeometrical characterization of the lapidary objects from Xalla allowed us to distinguish local and foreign goods among this palace compound inside the multiethnic settlement of Teotihuacan. In this paper, we will present different nondestructive techniques (UVF, IRR, OM, SEM-EDS, and...

Arqueología de la infancia en la Frontera Norte Mesoamericana durante el Epiclásico. El caso de El Ocote, Aguascalientes. (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudia Martínez Cadena.

El estudio enfocado en la arqueología de la infancia nace con la necesidad de conocer el papel desempeñado por los infantes en la sociedad. Es a partir de este enfoque que se han ido perfeccionando los diferentes métodos y técnicas para investigar la infancia en el pasado. Los niños pertenecen a uno de los sectores de población más vulnerable social y biológicamente, es por ello que en los trabajos arqueológicos se comienzan a considerar como objeto de estudio, sobre todo cuando se busca conocer...

Arqueología y geofísica en Chicoloapan, México: Estudios colaborativos de la vida cotidiana y la organización comunitaria después de Teotihuacan (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ricardo Leonel Cruz Jimenez. Sarah Clayton.

This is an abstract from the "2024 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Luis Barba" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Se presenta una investigación colaborativa que examina la organización espacial y dinámica sociopolítica de Chicoloapan, un asentamiento en la Cuenca de México, que creció durante el periodo Epiclásico (550-850 dC), después del declive de Teotihuacan. Este proyecto combina métodos arqueológicos y geofísicos para investigar una...

Aspectos de aprovisionamiento y uso de la obsidiana en Chicoloapan Viejo, un asentamiento Epiclásico en la Cuenca de México (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ricardo Leonel Cruz Jimenez. Jose Luis Ruvalcaba Sil. Edgar Casanova González. Mayra Manrique-Ortega. Luis Barba Pingarron.

This is an abstract from the "Central Mexico after Teotihuacan: Everyday Life and the (Re)Making of Epiclassic Communities" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En el marco del "Proyecto arqueológico Chicoloapan viejo" de la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison, se discuten aspectos de vida comunitaria y regional en el sitio de Chicoloapan Viejo durante su ocupación epiclásica (550-850 ec). A partir del estudio morfo-tecnológico de la obsidiana y del...

Atributos y función de las deidades del Clásico en el Centro de Veracruz: una propuesta metodológica (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ivonne Reyes Carlo.

Una constante en la Costa del Golfo es utilizar elementos de deidades del Altiplano (Tláloc por ejemplo) para interpretar las representaciones de seres con características sobrenaturales pertenecientes a esta área de estudio. Si bien, podrían existir rasgos iconográficos que justificaran esas semejanzas no podemos únicamente traslapar elementos similares entre unas imágenes y otras ya que sólo se obtiene una propuesta parcial sobre su interpretación y tal vez nos aleje de su significado...

Automated Detection of Gridded Canal Networks in Veracruz, Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kyle Urquhart. Wesley Stoner.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ancient peoples of Classic Period Veracruz employed a suite of strategies for agricultural intensification aimed at increasing agricultural yields and managing seasonal rainfall. One common strategy involved the construction of gridded canal networks with alternating raised field platforms which drained water in the wet season and retained it in the dry...

Avances del proyecto de salvamento arqueológico en el nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional Felipe Ángeles (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jesus Cantoral Herrera. Ruben Manzanilla Lopez.

This is an abstract from the "Aproximaciones arqueológicas y paleontológicas en Santa Lucía, México" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La Base Aérea militar de Santa Lucía, en el noroeste de la cuenca de México, tendrá dentro de sus límites al nuevo aeropuerto internacional de la ciudad de México, “General Felipe Ángeles”, en sus más de 4,000 hectáreas, se han encontrado evidencias arqueológicas que nos hablan de diversas aldeas de agricultores...

Basin of Mexico: Prehispanic Population History (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Deborah Nichols. L.G. Gorenflo. Ian Robertson.

This is an abstract from the "Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Demography, Social Complexity, and Change" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Basin of Mexico Survey and the Teotihuacan Mapping Project were landmark projects in the history of archaeology. One goal of both projects was reconstructing prehispanic population history to improve our understanding of cultural evolution in this region. The population histories and estimates...