Non-Domestic Structures (Site Type Keyword)

The locations and/or archaeological remains of a building or buildings used for purposes other than human habitation. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

1,201-1,225 (11,300 Records)

Architectural Assessment, Building 611A, Infantry Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joe C. Freeman.

This architectural assessment concerns observations made in May of 2005 at Building 611A, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc., and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 611A is one of a...

Architectural Assessment, Building 612A, Infantry Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joe C. Freeman.

Architectural Assessment concerning observations made in May of 2005 at Building 612A, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 612A is one of a...

Architectural Assessment: Fort Verde State Historic Park (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Munson. Nora Graf. Jeff Moore. Terri Leverton.

Fort Verde State Historic Park provides a vivid glimpse into post Civil War garrison life on the frontier. Though only four of the Fort buildings remain, staff have achieved a forceful interpretation of the history of the Fort, and, more importantly, a clear and present sense of the soldiers who served a portion of their lives there. The Park is unusual amongst historic site museums in the degree to which aggressive research and documentation is woven through exhibits. The results of this...

Architectural Building and Inventory Survey, Hanscom Air Force Base, Volume I (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joanna M. Doherty. Matthew A. Kierstead. Christine M. Longiaru. Jeffrey D. Emidy. Virginia H. Adams.

PAL, under an on-call services contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), New England District (NED), completed a historic inventory survey and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility evaluation of properties at Hanscom Air Force Base (AFB) in Bedford, Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln, Massachusetts, and at four off-base facilities in Hamilton, Ipswich, Stow, Sudbury, and Waltham, Massachusetts. Hanscom AFB occupies approximately 1,100 acres of land, approximately 400...

Architectural Building and Inventory Survey, Hanscom Air Force Base, Volume II (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joanna M. Doherty. Matthew A. Kierstead. Christine M. Longiaru. Jeffrey D. Emidy. Virginia H. Adams.

This is Volume II of the report which includes Appendix B. The rest of the report can be found in Volume I in tDAR at:

Architectural data from the Tarma and Upper Mantaro Drainages, Peru (2016)
DATASET Kaitlyn Davis. Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in Table 4 of "Settlement Scaling and Economic Change in the Central Andes," by Ortman, Davis, Lobo, Smith, Bettencourt and Trumbo.

Architectural Documentation: Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS No. CA-2669), AFSWP Q Area, Travis Air Force Base, Buildings No. 904, 906, 908, 909, 912, 925, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, and 942 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrea Urbas. John Snyder.

This document contains photographs, written historical and descriptive information for buildings in the AFSWP Q Area, Travis Air Force Base. HABS No. CA-2669. Contains records for buildings CA-2669-C (Building No. 904), CA-2669-C (Building No. 904), CA-2669-D (Building No. 906), CA-2669-E (Building No. 908), CA-2669-F (Building No. 909), CA-2669-G (Building No. 912), CA-2669-A (Building No. 925), CA-2669-H (Building No. 930), CA-2669-I (Building No. 931), CA-2669-J (Building No. 932), CA-2669-K...

Architectural Documentation: Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS No. CA-2669), B-36 Hangar, Travis Air Force Base, Building No. 810 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrea Urbas. John Snyder.

This document contains photographs, historical and descriptive information for the B-36 Hangar, Travis Air Force Base. HABS No. CA-2669-B (Building No. 810).

Architectural Inventory and Evaluation, U.S. Army Support Element, Charles E. Kelly Support Facility, Oakdale, Pennsylvania (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie J. Paonessa. Elizabeth B. O'Brien. Susan L. Bupp. Donald E. Bender.

This architectural inventory and evaluation for the Charles E. Kelly Support Facility in southwestern Pennsylvania was conducted in compliance with Army Regulation 200-4 and Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended. The buildings were inventoried in accordance with procedures currently in use by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Bureau of Historic Preservation. C. E. Kelly is composed of four discontiguous parcels in Allegheny County linked by...

An Architectural Investigation of Buildings 9001 and 9007, Fort Dix Military Installation, Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Grubb & Associates, Inc..

This project details an architectural investigation o f two buildings (Buildings 9001 and 9007) located on the Fort Dix Military Installation in Burlington County, New Jersey. Due to the need to close the wells under these two buildings in accordance with current New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulations and the lack of any foreseeable need for these presently unused structures, the U S. Army has proposed to demolish these buildings in order to access the wells. In accordance...

An Architectural Investigation of Pre-1960 Buildings, Fort Dix Military Installation, Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey, Volume 1 of 2 (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Katherine Larson Farnham. Douglas C. McVarish.

This project is an architectural investigation of all previously undocumented pre-1960 buildings at Fort Dix Military Installation in Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey. In accordance with regulations concerning the protection of cultural resources on the installation, the U.S. Army has contracted to document all of its remaining pre-1960 buildings prior to demolition, alteration, or reuse. John Milner Associates, Inc. (JMA) was subcontracted by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation,...

An Architectural Investigation of Pre-1960 Buildings, Fort Dix Military Installation, Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey, Volume 2 of 2 (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Katherine Larson Farnham. Douglas C. McVarish.

Volume 2 of the series hold the appendices which includes qualifications of the principal investigators, the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office Individual Structure Survey Forms, and Program comments. This project is an architectural investigation of all previously undocumented pre-1960 buildings at Fort Dix Military Installation in Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey. In accordance with regulations concerning the protection of cultural resources on the installation, the U.S. Army...

Architectural Investigation Proposed Demolition of Buildings 3270, 3502, 3503, 3504, and 3505, Fort Dix Military Installation, Burlington County, New Jersey (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas C. McVarish.

This project is an architectural investigation of five buildings (Buildings 3270, 3502, 3503, 3504, and 3505) located on the Fort Dix Military Installation in Burlington County, New Jersey. Due to lack of foreseeable need for these presently unused buildings, the U S. Army proposes to demolish them In accordance with regulations concerning the protection of cultural resources on the installation, the U S Army has contracted to document these buildings prior to their demolition John Milner...

Architectural Investigation Proposed Demolition of Seven World War II Era Structures, Fort Dix Military Installation, Burlington and Ocean Counties, New Jersey (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas C. McVarish.

This project is an architectural investigation of seven buildings (Buildings 5311, 5319, 5321, 6510, 6608, 6621, and 6622) located on the Fort Dix Military Installation in Burlington County, New Jersey. Due to the lack of any foreseeable need for these presently unused and partially used buildings, the U.S. Army has proposed to demolish them. In 1986, the Department of Defense entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the National...

Architectural Pottery, Flower Pot Information for Chapel One Building 102 Entrance, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Snapshot of online website for Architectural Pottery, including dimensions for the Allen House Vase and Heller House Vase to be considered for flower pots at the entrance of Randolph Air Force Base's Chapel One, Building 102.

Architectural Survey and Evaluation of Selected Facilities. New Jersey Army National Guard. Final. (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeanne Barnes. Paul Weishar.

In total, 61 buildings were surveyed and evaluated at 28 installations across the state. Surveyed resources were evaluated for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility on an individual basis and for their potential to contribute to one or more historic districts. The report included an evaluation of Hangar 307 on Lakehurst. Built in 1957, Hanagar 307 is a three-story rectangular steel hangar with a low pitched gable roof supported by a Howe truss system. Hangar 307 was determined...

Architecture and Dendrochronology of Chetro Ketl, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffery S. Dean. Peter J. McKenna. Richard L. Warren. Florence Hawley Ellis.

Chetro Ketl is one of the largest ruins in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico. The visible architecture of Chetro Ketl dates from the early eleventh to the early twelfth centuries A. D. The rear wall of the building is about 480' long. The ruins cover almost 3 acres, with almost half of that area consisting of enclosed plaza. Chetro Ketl, at its largest, had between 200 and 225 ground-floor rooms, and a total of 450 to 550 rooms on all stories. Twelve kivas are currently visible,...

Architecture and Material Culture of 29SJ1360 Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter J. McKenna. H. Wolcott Toll.

In the summer of 1974, the Chaco Center, now the Division of Cultural Research, National Park Service, began its second season of field excavations in Chaco Canyon. The inventory survey of the canyon was essentially complete, and research emphasis had shifted to the study of Pueblo I sites. Excavation of 29SJ1360 (hereafter called 1360) was undertaken as part of an effort to examine the full temporal range of the canyon's Anasazi occupation. As it happened, excavations at 1360 did not produce...

Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Architectural measurement and feature data associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities book

The Architecture of Casa Grande and Its Interpretations (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This document contains architectural documentation prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk for the National Park Service. These documents were prepared as a deliverable under P.O. no 810060035.

The Architecture of Randolph Field, 1928-1931 (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Victoria Green Clow. Lila Knight. Duane E. Peter. Sharlene N. Allday.

From the initial site search for the new field in 1927 to the construction of the housing area in 1931, Randolph Field grew from a concept to a completed facility in just four short years. The design of Randolph Field was revolutionary in its creative integration of all aspects of both an airfield and a military post. Its planners utilized the most advanced civilian planning principles of the time to create a training center that was aesthetically pleasing as well as efficient and safe for...

The Architecture of the Department of Defense - A Military Style Guide (Legacy 10-129)
PROJECT Michelle Michael.

This project chronicles the evolution of military architectural styles and provides guidance for their identification.

The Architecture of the Department of Defense - A Military Style Guide - Report (Legacy 10-129) (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michelle Michael. Adam Smith. Jennifer Sin.

This report chronicles the evolution of military architectural styles and provides guidance for their identification.

Architecture, Settlement Structure, and Labor Relations At Three Antebellum Plantations On Sapelo Island, Georgia (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Morgan Crook, Jr.. Nicholas Honerkamp.

Research at three antebellum plantations on Sapelo Island, Georgia indicates a wide variety in Geechee settlement forms, construction techniques and materials, and architectural artifacts associated with structures. Based on documentary and archaeological data, two contrasting forms of settlement patterning are described that correlate with distinct labor relations at individual plantations. Significant slave cabin construction changes over a 60 year period are presented that resulted from...

Architecture, Settlement Structure, and Labor Relations At Three Antebellum Plantations On Sapelo Island, Georgia (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp. Morgan Ray Crook, Jr..

Research at three antebellum plantations on Sapelo Island, Georgia indicates a wide variety in Geechee settlement forms, construction techniques and materials, and architectural artifacts associated with structures. Based on documentary and archaeological data, two contrasting forms of settlement patterning are described that correlate with distinct labor relations at individual plantations. Significant slave cabin construction changes over a 60 year period are presented that resulted from...