Plaza (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

An area which may be partially or completely enclosed by structural remains (standing or collapsed), used for community activities. May contain temporary structures (e.g. sun shades or ramadas) as well as special activity areas (e.g. milling bins, hearths).

51-75 (545 Records)

The Bartlett Reservoir Cultural Resources Survey (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Claudine Gravel-Miguel

At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an intensive Class III cultural resources survey of approximately 1,700 acres of the Lower Verde Area around the perimeter of Bartlett Reservoir on the Tonto National Forest. Approximately 150 acres of the project area were inaccessible due to either the elevated level of Bartlett Reservoir or steep terrain. This survey identified 108 sites, which far exceeded original...

The Beeline Archaeological Project (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland. Scott Fedick.

The Salt River Project (SRP) and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) constructed three transmission lines along a portion of the Beeline Highway on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). SRP proposed to build a new line that connects the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Buttes substations. At the same time, APS proposed to realign two existing transmission lines and move them out of the Salt River channel and onto the north terrace above the river. Prior to construction,...

Biosilicate analysis of residue in Maya dedicatory cache vessels from Blue Creek, Belize (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven Bozarth. Thomas Guderjan.

Residues from nine ancient Maya dedicatory vessels were analyzed for biosilicates. In all cases, the analysis was successful in identifying plant and sponge remains that had been placed in the vessels. This analysis sheds light on ancient Maya plant use as well as ritual and religious practices.

Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brandon McIntosh.

Through evolutionary ecology and niche construction theory, animal exploitation among the inhabitants of Postclassic Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1520) is explored in light of both subsistence and market strategy. An ecological approach is taken to understand how local ecosystems influenced animal exploitation in relation to hunting strategies and market trade at Isla Cilvituk and other sites across the Maya Lowlands. An ecological approach also contributes relevant data to aid in modern conservation...

Blue Creek
PROJECT Maya Research Program.

Background—The Maya City of Blue Creek Blue Creek is an ancient Maya city (900 BC–AD 1000) in northwestern Belize, just south of the southern Mexican border. Annual investigations of the site have been under way since 1990. Except for four years, these were, and continue to be, directed by Thomas Guderjan. Consequently, we have access to all records and archives of the project and have an excellent relationship with the government of Belize. The ancient city of Blue Creek covers more than 100...

Blue Creek Central Precinct
PROJECT Thomas Guderjan.

Multi-format digital data set that focuses on the central precinct of the Blue Creek site, which is composed of Plaza A and B complexes. These data consist of PDF documents of published and unpublished papers, reports, and manuscripts, Microsoft Excel databases of artifact collections, images of architectural features, artifacts and surrounding landscapes, scanned topographic and survey maps produced by the Blue Creek project, and aerial images. The information contained in BCAP reports and...

Blue Creek Central Precinct Images (2011)
IMAGE Thomas Guderjan.

Blue Creek Central Precinct Images consisting of aerials, site core plan map, and architectural reconstruction illustrations

Blue Creek Central Precinct Map (2011)
IMAGE Thomas Guderjan.

Map of the Central Precinct at the Blue Creek Site, Belize

Blue Creek Central Precinct Temporal Maps (2011)
IMAGE Thomas Guderjan.

Blue Creek Central Precinct Temporal Maps - Preclassic, Early Classic, and Late Classic

Blue Creek Regional Ecology Project: 2001, 2002, and 2003 Research Summaries (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon Lohse.

Over the past two seasons, the Blue Creek Regional Political Ecology Project, formerly the Blue Creek Archaeology Project (under the direction of Dr. Tom Guderjan) has shifted its research objectives away from earlier lines of inquiry to encompass both a broader scope of analysis and also embrace alternative though complementary questions regarding ancient Maya society. Important among the objectives that currently comprise our work in the Blue Creek area of northwestern Belize are: (1) better...

Botanical Resources: Corn (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The corn dataset was used in association with an intensive botanical study designed to identify different varieties of corn in the assemblage of corn cobs and plant fragments recovered in the course of DAP fieldwork. The variables in this dataset contain information and measurements pertaining to the number or rows of kernels on an ear, its shape and size, and various details about glumes, cupules, and kernels. Variables for the CORN10 dataset have been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999);...

Botanical Resources: Pollen (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The pollen dataset contains basic provenience data for each pollen sample collected. These data are accompanied by taxonomic classification and the grain count per taxon. Detailed locational information can be obtained by linking this dataset with the provenience dataset. Variables for the corn dataset have already been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999). In most cases, their descriptions are suitable for use as metadata and have been repeated almost verbatim here. Selected resources from the...

Building a Village: Excavations at La Villa (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

The Hohokam village was one of the largest pre-Classic settlements in the Phoenix Basin. The recorded site boundary covers more than 80 acres, extending from the edge of the Salt River floodplain northward. Founded during the Vahki phase (A.D. 500-650), when settlement aggregated around two large plazas, the village thrived until the Santa Cruz phase (A.D. 850950), when people began to leave the village, possibly settling in villages further down the canal system. Final abandonment occurred...

Burial Excavations in Plaza 1 of Los Pilarillos, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1997 Season (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Nelson. John Millhauser. Denise To.

Fieldwork from the 1997 season at Los Pilarillos.

Casa Grande Arizona (1913)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jesse Walter Fewkes.

This document is an extract from the 28th annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. It chronicles the excavations at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument between 1906 and 1907.

Casa Grande Ruins Compound A and Great House Excavations
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains excavation documents related to Compound A, a Hohokam Classic period compound with a Great House. Resources included in the project include historic and modern preservation and excavation documentation including; reports, memos, images, maps

Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, A Centennial History of the First Prehistoric Reserve, 1892-1992 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A. Berle Clemensen.

This report concerns the four time periods of the Hohokam Indians and the century of administrative history of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument from 1892 to 1992.

Ceramic bowl data - Chapter 8 (2019)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Ceramic bowl data from Chapter 8. This dataset includes vessel provenience, ware, type, treatment, heat exposure, rim form, and rim diameter information for all ceramic bowl sherds and reconstructable vessels.

Ceramic clusters resulting from corrugated ceramic technological analysis (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic technological clusters associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities books [Chapter 5]. See Coding guides and raw data for additional details. File ceramic_clust.csv contains the data formatted for analysis in R as output by the code in the associated document: "R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis, Chapter 5" These data pertain to Chapter 5 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola...

Ceramic ladle data (2019)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Ceramic ladle data. This dataset includes vessel provenience, ware, type, and rim diameter information for all ceramic ladle sherds and reconstructable vessels.

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples

Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Ceramics: Temporal-Spatial Dataset (1988)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The Additive Technologies Group (ATG) was responsible for supporting the broad research goals of the DAP through the implementation of mid-level research design governing the collection and analysis of data from “material culture that results from the technological combinations of a variety of raw materials” (Blinman 1986a:57). While these items include worked vegetal material (e.g., basketry and textiles), much of the work performed by the ATG relates to a large ceramic assemblage including...

Chert Biface Coding Sheets (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of chert bifacial artifacts, apparently all are projectile points.