Rock Alignment (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Archaeological Feature

Group of rocks which appear to have some cultural association. Use for possible walls, wall-like phenomena, human produced architectural oddities, rock piles, etc.

976-1,000 (1,025 Records)

Uplands Complex Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1997)
DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

The Uplands Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin.The Uplands Complex Data table Shell Taxa from All Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts recovered from all investigated contexts...

Uplands Complex Data: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1997)
DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

The Uplands Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin.The Uplands Complex Data table Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts recovered from all excavated, screened...

Uplands Complex Data: Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1997)
DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

The Uplands Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin. The Uplands Complex table Special Artifacts from All Contexts presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all...

Uplands Complex Data: Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1997)
DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

The Uplands Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) research at 52 sites located in four study areas in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone that surround and define the Tonto Basin. The Uplands Complex table Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from...

Upper Davidson Canyon Arizona Site Steward File (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bill Gillespie. Shereen Lerner. Deni J. Seymour. Catherine M. Cameron. M. M. E.. McClellan. Danziger.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Upper Davidson Canyon Archaeological District, located on Coronado National Forest land. The sites within the district contain Hohokam, Archaic, Historic, and possibly Paleo Indian cultural deposits. The sites are comprised of a wide variety of features and artifacts including village sites, pit houses, a corral, a historic house, agricultural features, resource extraction and production sites, hearths, and a roasting pit. The file consists of a...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: A Cultural Resources Survey Department of Energy (DOE) Madera and Lurance Canyon 12.47KV Line (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

A cultural resources survey was done on 36 acres for a proposed powerline on the Military Withdrawal for Sandia National Laboratories portion of Cibola National Forest. The area had been surveyed in previous years and this survey was done to ensure that known sites would not be damaged. Five areas were identified where caution should be applied in completing this project: The entire underground portion of the powerline should be monitored white being excavated. Area 2 should also be monitored...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Defense High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Powerline and Communication Line (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

A project to construct a powerline and communication line to serve the Department of Defense High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Site was found to be out of compliance viz, construction having been initiated prior to obtaining Cultural Clearance. A cultural resources survey was done on approximately 15 acres. Two prehistoric sites and one historic site were encountered for which project plans were changed to avoid. Cultural resources clearance is recommended.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Energy (DOE)/Central Technical Authority (CTA) Live Fire Range Expansion (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joan Wilkes.

The results and recommendations for the live fire range expansion project at Kirtland Air Force Base.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Jeanine A. Derby. Eric Petersen.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of a prescribed burn, the Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Report 1998-03-062 Archaeological Survey of 2,070 Acres for the Armijo and David Canyon Prescribed Burns Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey L. Fredine. Robert Wick.

Archaeologists with Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Inc. conducted a Class III Cultural Resource Survey on November 23 and 24, 1997, and April 20 through May 18, 1998 for the Cibola National Forest (NMCRIS # 60888). The survey was conducted as part of a proposed prescribed burn. This project area consists of two blocks within the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest and totals 2,070 acres. Twenty-seven sites and 82 isolated occurrences were recorded during the survey....

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Survey in the Vicinity of the Sandia National Laboratories Burn Site, Kirtland Air Force Base (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

Survey was conducted on 1,447 acres in the vicinity of the Burn Site on Kirtland Air Force Base. The survey was conducted for Sandia National Laboratories in Lurance and Sol se Mete Canyons and the surrounding hill slopes. The survey yielded 40 archaeological sites and 80 isolated occurrences. One previously recorded site in the area was also included in the survey results. Another site was not relocated. The archaeological remains document Archaic, Anasazi, and historic use of the area. With a...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Trails, Fuels, Habitat, Recreation, and Roads Project in Manzanita Mountains Phase 4 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia B. Benedict.

A total of 315 acres were surveyed for Phase 4 of a LA rge ecosystem management project. Of these 3156 acres, 2188 were newly surveyed, and 968 were previously surveyed. There are a total of 26 sites in the project area. 14 of the sites are new, 12 are previously recorded. Sites AR 05-50 (LA 13283), AR 05-67 (LA 77130), AR 05-220 (LA 78483), AR 05-340 (LA 107707), AR 05-349 (LA 108122), AR 05-361 (LA 114781) are considered eligible for the National Register under criterion D. Sites AR 05-337...

Using GIS to Describe and Understand Archaeological Site Distribution: Mapping Fort St. Joseph (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Benston.

Geography and geographic perspectives make important contributions to many other disciplines. This thesis project is designed to bring a geographic perspective to an ongoing archaeological investigation. The project is focused on Fort Saint Joseph, a French colonial mission, garrison and trading post built in 1691 and occupied for 90 years. The site has been excavated for six years and plans are in place for annual excavations until 2018. As the body of information about the site increases, a...

V-Bar-V-Ranch Arizona Site Steward File (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lisa Hanson.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the V-Bar-V-Ranch site, located on Coconino National Forest land. The site is comprised of a pit house village, petroglyphs, and rock alignments and clearing indicative of a prehistoric field. The file consists of four site data forms.

VAFB-2000-08: The Pu'ukaPele Rock Wall Complex, Supplemental Archaeological Inventory Survey, USAF Molokai Receiver Station, Island of Moloka'i, Maui County, Hawai'i (TMK: 5-2-06:63, 69) (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Leslie L. Hartzell.

This document is a report that describes an archaeological investigation of a rock feature at the Molokai Receiver Station in Moloka'i, Hawai'i. The report describes the inventory survey results, assesses the significance of the findings, and makes recommendations for the treatment of the newly identified historic property.

The Valencia Site Testing Project: Mapping, Intensive Surface Collecting, and Limited Trenching Of a Hohokam Ballcourt Village in the Southern Tucson Basin (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. William H. Doelle.

Mapping, surface collection, and testing at the Valencia site (AZ BB:13:15 [ASM]), a large prehistoric Hohokam village in the Tucson Basin, provided a wealth of new and significant information. More than 20,000 artifacts were recovered through controlled collection. These data allowed for a more precise reconstruction of the site chronology and structure, and indicated that the Valencia site was initially occupied during the Snaketown phase and continued through the Early Rincon subphase....

Van Cleave Land Exchange Cultural Resource Report (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael J. Reagan.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Vanishing River Appendices (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver. Barbara A. Murphy. Douglas M. Pease. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Keith B. Knoblock. Karen R. Adams. Steven Bozarth. Kellie M. Cairns. Steven D. Shelley. Barbara K.. Montgomery. Robert A. Heckman. Ronald H. Towner. Alex V. Benitez. Margaret Newman. Linda Scott Cummings. Kathryn Puseman. Richard Hughes. Arthur W. Vokes. Carla R. Van West.

The Vanishing Rivers Appendices document contains all of the LVAP Vanishing River appendices. First, it presents a table of contents list of all appendices and referenced figures and tables. The document then provides each of the appendices associated with Vanishing River Volumes 1 - 3 (the pdf electronic volumes) and those associated with Vanishing River Volume 4 (the companion book).

Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels and Figures (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: M Scott Thompson

The Vanishing River List of Figures, Plates, Vessels, and Tables contains a table-of-contents style list for all figures, photos, and tables referenced in the Vanishing River volumes.

Vanishing River Volume 1: Part 1, Scorpion Point Village: Chapters 1 - 4 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver.

The Scorpion Point site is located on a remnant of a Pleistocene terrace about 37 m above the Verde River. Researchers began the fieldwork expecting to find no more than a dozen pit houses representing a few small pre-Classic period farmsteads scattered along the terrace above the Verde River. Instead, they found the remains of a ball court village with at least 50, and perhaps as many as 300, pit houses. At the conclusion of fieldwork at Scorpion Point Village, archaeologists with the Lower...

Vanishing River Volume 1: Part 3, Classic Period and Multicomponent Sites in the LVAP Study Area (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert B. Neily. Richard Ciolek-Torello. Su Benaron. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Lee Lindsay. Steven D. Shelley.

Volume 1, Part 3 describes archaeological data recovery and summary results from work at several Classic period farmstead sites and a few multicomponent hamlet/village sites in the Horseshoe Basin area of the lower Verde River. The Lone Juniper site, Usedtobe Ruin, and the Little House site are farmstead sites located within 1 km of one another on Pleistocene terraces above the Verde River floodplain. Excavation at these sites uncovered small rectangular domestic rooms, masonry walls, remnants...

Vanishing River Volume 2: Agricultural, Subsistence, and Environmental Studies: Part 1: Chapters 1-3 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey A. Homburg. John R. Welch. Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Richard Ciolek-Torello. William C. Johnson. Alan F. Arbogast. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Karen R. Adams.

The environmental summary presented in Volume 2 forms a backdrop for examining the settlement and subsistence history and dynamics of the lower Verde region (see Volume 4). Because of its geographically and culturally transitional position between major culture areas, the Verde River valley has remained an archaeological and historical enigma. The same can be said with regard to environmental information, for the valley has been less intensively studied than other areas of central Arizona, and...

Vanishing River Volume 2: Agricultural, Subsistence, and Environmental Studies: Part 2: Chapters 4-7 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Jonathan Sandor.

Volume 2, Part 2 provides the results of detailed research on prehistoric agricultural systems and sites in the LVAP area. Chapter 4 presents the results of SRI’s field investigations at Classic period dry-farming agricultural fields and associated field houses in an almost-300-acre area west of Horseshoe Dam. This area encompasses the hilly and gently undulating to nearly flat terrain of basalt flows, terraces, and escarpments west of the Verde River floodplain. Within this large area, 23...

Vanishing River Volume 2: Agricultural, Subsistence, and Environmental Studies: Part 3: Chapters 8-11 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karen R. Adams. Steven Bozarth. Suzanne K Fish. Paul R. Fish. Steven D. Shelley. Kellie M. Cairns.

Chapter 8 discusses data from macrofossil and flotation samples from village, hamlet, farmstead, and field house settings along the lower Verde River. Chapter 9 treats the pollen and phytoliths that were isolated from sediment samples collected in a variety of agricultural features including rock piles and alignments, terraces, and field houses, in addition to habitation features such as hearths, living floors, middens, and roasting pits in the LVAP area. The overall goal of these analyses...

Vanishing River Volume 3: Material Culture and Physical Anthropology: Part 1: Chapters 1-6 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey. Barbara K. Montgomery. Robert A. Heckman.

Volume 3 of the Lower Verde Archaeological Project (LVAP) treats the material culture recovered during data recovery efforts at the Pre-Classic and Classic period sites in the project area. Volume 3, Part 1 describes the ceramic assemblages collected during LVAP field work, and provides results of stylistic and technological analysis performed on the colllections. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the analytic methods used for ceramics and the characteristics of LVAP ceramic collections. It...