Department of the Air Force Cultural Resources Archive


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is charged by federal law and statutes to identify, evaluate, and protect important cultural and historical properties on DAF land for the benefit of this and future generations of Americans. In executing these mandates, DAF has produced several thousand professional quality monographs, reports, and studies that record valuable data and insights on our Nation’s history and prehistory, as reflected on our installations and ranges. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) has partnered with Digital Antiquity and Argonne National Laboratory to curate these resources in the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR).

Since 2011, Digital Antiquity has worked with Air Force installations to establish a system for digitally curating DAF cultural resources documents and making those documents available to approved users. Installations have the ability to organize their file types in a way that is useful for their needs, while providing controlled levels of access to approved users.

This is the main collection for DAF. Here you can find collections of documents, data, images, and other digital information generated from and/or related to archaeological and other cultural resources and investigations on or nearby DAF facilities. The collection was created by the Center for Digital Antiquity in cooperation with US Air Force, US Space Force, and Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management personnel.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 601-700 of 7,124)

There are 7124 Documents within this Collection [remove this filter]

Bellows Air Force Station Resources
  1. letter: Identification of Remains at Bellows Air Force Station During Ordinance and Explosive Removal Action (Contract DACA83-95-D-0004, Delivery Order 038) (1998)
  2. Letter: Inventory of Boxes with Archaeological Materials (2006)
  3. Letter: Motor Pool Enclosure, Bellows AFS (1994)
  4. Letter: National Historic Preservation Act Review, Section 106 Compliance for 1989 and 1990 University of Hawaii Field Schools at Bellows Air Force Station TMK:4-1-15 (1995)
  5. Letter: National Historic Preservation Act Review: Environmental Assessment for Perimeter Fencing (1988)
  6. Letter: National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Compliance - Review of Draft Archaeological Monitoring Report for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks at Bellows Air Force Station (1998)
  7. Letter: National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Compliance Review - Emergency Flood Repairs and Replacement of Structures Archaeological Scope of Work (1988)
  8. Letter: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Notification for Inadvertent Discovery, 27 Jul 04 Bellows Air Force Station (2004)
  9. Letter: Notification of an Inadvertent Discovery of Human Remains at Bellows Air Force Station from 1985 Investigation (2001)
  10. Letter: Notification of an Inadvertent Discovery of Human Remains at Bellows Air Force Station from 2002 Investigation (2002)
  11. Letter: Notification of an Inadvertent Discovery of Human Remains at Bellows Air Force Station from 2004 Investigation (2004)
  12. Letter: Park Complex Project (1986)
  13. Letter: Pre-final Report for Project KNMD88-9912, Archaeological Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing of Proposed Project KNMD77-3133, Park Complex, BAFS, HI (1989)
  14. Letter: Recreation Library, December 12, 1985 (1985)
  15. Letter: Repair of the Support Structure for a Utility Crossing at Inhale Stream Bellows AFS (1986)
  16. Letter: Replace Bridge (1987)
  17. Letter: Review of Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) Task Product No 4a (2021)
  18. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Additional Work for Bellows Excess Land Underground Storage Tank (UST) Project, Phase 4, Bellows AFS (2000)
  19. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Additional Work for Bellows OU-7 Underground Storage Tank Project, Phase 2, Bellows Air Force (2000)
  20. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Comments on a Draft Report Documenting Archaeological Monitoring and Sampling During Construction of Housekeeping Facilities at Bellows AFS (2002)
  21. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Comments on a Report Documenting the Results of Archaeological Monitoring During the Installation of an 8-inch Waterline at Bellows AFS (2002)
  22. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Miniature Golf Course, Bellows AFS (1990)
  23. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Playground at Bellows AFS (1997)
  24. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Review Comments on a Report Documenting Archaeological Monitoring During the Construction of Replacement Cabins at Bellows AFS (2002)
  25. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Review of a Draft Report on the Results of Archaeological Subsurface Testing and Sampling at the Proposed Housekeeping Facilities Construction, Bellows AFS (2000)
  26. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Review of Archaeological Monitoring Report for Underground Storage Tank Removals on ST-11 Bellows Air Force Station (2000)
  27. Letter: Section 106 Compliance - Review of the University of Hawaii Proposal for Archaeological Research at Bellows AFS (1989)
  28. Letter: Section 106 Compliance, National Historic Preservation Act, Bellows Air Force Station Cell Site, GTE Mobilnet of Hawaii Incorporated (1987)
  29. Letter: Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Project KNMD 88-9912, Archeological Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing of Proposed Project KNMD 773133, Park Complex, Bellows AFS, Waimanalo, Koolaupoko, Oahu (1986)
  30. Letter: Section 106 Review - Alteration of Tennis Court to a Basketball Court at Bellows AFS, Hawaii (1996)
  31. Letter: Section 106 Review - Archaeological Monitoring Plan for Monitoring and Sampling Operations During Ordinance and Explosive Removal Action at Bellows Air Force Station (1993)
  32. Letter: Section 106 Review - Archaeological Monitoring Plan for Removal Activities at Pier Dump Site at Bellows AFS TMK:4-1-008:001 (2002)
  33. Letter: Section 106 Review - Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey, Monitoring and Subsurface Testing at the Proposed Mini-Putt Golf Course Site, Project KNMD 929122, Bellows Air Force Station (1990)
  34. Letter: Section 106 Review - Bellows Air Force Station Perimeter Fence Project (2001)
  35. Letter: Section 106 Review - Bellows Fitness Trail, Bellows (2003)
  36. Letter: Section 106 Review - Branch Exchange Expansion Project (1986)
  37. Letter: Section 106 Review - Buildings 531, 533, and 535 Renovations (2009)
  38. Letter: Section 106 Review - Civil Defense Warning Siren Installation at Bellows AFS (2000)
  39. Letter: Section 106 Review - Clarification of Revisions to Project: Construction of New Guard Gate and Installation of Associated Septic Tank at Bellows AFS (1996)
  40. Letter: Section 106 Review - Concrete Air Conditioner Pad, BAFS (1989)
  41. Letter: Section 106 Review - Concrete Storage Pad for Equipment Shelter, at Building T-515, Security Police, Bellows AFS (2021)
  42. Letter: Section 106 Review - Concurrence with Finding - Eliminate Large Capacity Cesspools, Phase V at Bellows AFS (2009)
  43. Letter: Section 106 Review - Construction of Unaccompanied Personnel Dormitory (UPD) at Bellows AFS (2003)
  44. Letter: Section 106 Review - Demolition of Building 520 (2003)
  45. Letter: Section 106 Review - Demolition of Buildings 124-129, Bellows Air Force Station, TMK 4-1-15:01, Waimanalo, Oahu (1997)
  46. Letter: Section 106 Review - Draft - Final Work Plan for Remedial Investigation and Removal/Disposal of Investigative Derived Waste, SS-21 Bellows AFS (1996)
  47. Letter: Section 106 Review - DRAFT Archaeological Monitoring Report in Support of the Engineering Evaluate/cost Analysis (EE/CA) Project at Bellows Air Force Station (1997)
  48. Letter: Section 106 Review - Emergency Activities in the Vicinity of Site 50-80-15-3709 (1988)
  49. Letter: Section 106 Review - Emergency Flood Repairs/Replacement of Structures, Bellows AFS (1988)
  50. Letter: Section 106 Review - Excavate Two Craters, Bellows AFS (1999)
  51. Letter: Section 106 Review - Excess Land Geophysical Survey for Underground Storage Tanks (UST) (1998)
  52. Letter: Section 106 Review - Fence Area of Concern (AOC) 18 and Landfill (LF) 01 at Bellows Air Force Station (2003)
  53. Letter: Section 106 review - Final EIS Proposed Land Use and Development Plan For Bellows Air Force Station TMK:4-1-15:1 (1997)
  54. Letter: Section 106 Review - FINAL Report Third Party Oversight for Archaeological Monitoring at the Medical Waste Dump and Communications Building Dump Site, Bellows Air Force Station TMK: 4-1-015:001 (2000)
  55. Letter: Section 106 Review - Firebreak between Waimanalo Community and Bellows AFS (1996)
  56. Letter: Section 106 Review - Further Revisions to Installation Restoration Program Multiple Drum Removal at Bellows Air Force Station (AFS) and Hickam Air Force Base (AFB) (1995)
  57. Letter: Section 106 Review - FY94 MCP/KNMD 94-3012, Underground Fuel Storage Tanks, Bellows AFS (1993)
  58. Letter: Section 106 Review - Install Affordable Rustic Cabins at Bellows AFS (2004)
  59. Letter: Section 106 Review - Install Anchor for Utility Pole at Bellows AFS (2000)
  60. Letter: Section 106 Review - Install New Sign and Sprinkler System, Building 220, Bellows AFS (1998)
  61. Letter: Section 106 Review - Install Pull Box 2" Diameter PVC Pipe, Bellows AFB (1997)
  62. Letter: Section 106 Review - Installation of Basketball Net on Menehune Tent Platform, Bellows Air Force Station (1996)
  63. Letter: Section 106 Review - Installation of Ground Rods at Bellows, AFS (1995)
  64. Letter: Section 106 Review - Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Underground Tank and Soil Removal, Site Restoration and Soil Remediation at Bellows AFS (1996)
  65. Letter: Section 106 Review - Installation Restoration Program Drum Removal at Bellows Air Force Station (AFS) and Hickam Air Force Base (AFB), Hawaii (1995)
  66. letter: Section 106 Review - Installation Restoration Program Limited Field Investigation at Bellows AFB (1996)
  67. Letter: Section 106 Review - Land Clearance at Bellows AFS (1998)
  68. Letter: Section 106 Review - Modification to Clear Excess Land at Bellows AFS (1999)
  69. Letter: Section 106 Review - National Historic Preservation Act, Perimeter Fencing Project Archaeological Scope of Work (1988)
  70. Letter: Section 106 Review - National Historic Preservation Act, Proposed Demolition of Buildings 841 and 849 (1988)
  71. Letter: Section 106 Review - New Recreational Beach Housing at Bellows (1998)
  72. Letter: Section 106 Review - OU-1, Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) Field Work, Bellows Air Force Station (1998)
  73. Letter: Section 106 Review - Phase I of Mangrove Clearance Project Near Oxbow at Bellows AFS (2004)
  74. Letter: Section 106 Review - Pier Dump Site Inspection, Bellows AFS (1998)
  75. Letter: Section 106 Review - Project Coordination (four projects) Upgrade Recreational Facilities, Construct; Privacy Screens, Landscape Cottages A & B and Improve Main Gate (1986)
  76. Letter: Section 106 Review - Project KNMD 863195, Cabin Replacement Bellows AFS (1988)
  77. Letter: Section 106 Review - Project KNMD024440 Replace Family Housing Phase I, Bellows AFS TMK: 4-1-015:001 (2001)
  78. Letter: Section 106 Review - Proposed Demolition of Buildings 820, 823, 825, 827, and 830, Bellows Air Force Station (1987)
  79. Letter: Section 106 Review - Remediation Activities at LF23 (Base Hardfill) Hot Spot Remedial Action (2009)
  80. Letter: Section 106 Review - Removal Evaluation for Pier Dump Site at Bellows AFS (2002)
  81. Letter: Section 106 Review - Removal of Generators & Underground Fuel Storage Tank, Bellows AFS (1987)
  82. Letter: Section 106 Review - Removal of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Transfer and Eventual Demolition of Nike Missile Site Bellows Air Force Station (1999)
  83. Letter: Section 106 Review - Repair Cabins Bellows AFS (1997)
  84. Letter: Section 106 Review - Replace Electrical Service (1999)
  85. Letter: Section 106 Review - Replace Power Pole Bellows AFS (1998)
  86. Letter: Section 106 Review - Replacement and Installation of Warning System Poles at Bellows AFS (2000)
  87. Letter: Section 106 Review - Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Sampling in Conjunction with Force Protection Fence Installation, Bellows AFS (2001)
  88. Letter: Section 106 Review - Review of Task Product 1: Approach and Methodology. Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) (1987)
  89. Letter: Section 106 review - Revised Archaeological Monitoring Plan for Monitoring and Sampling Operations during Removal of Underground Storage Tanks at Bellows Air Force Station (1996)
  90. Letter: Section 106 Review - SABER Project BFMV 97-1062 Repair Bathhouse Building 475, Bellows AFS TMK:4-1-15:01 (1997)
  91. Letter: Section 106 Review - Site Inspection Activities at Bellows AFS (1997)
  92. Letter: Section 106 Review - Site Inspection for Area of Concern (AOC) 128, 20 and 21, Bellows AFS (2001)
  93. Letter: Section 106 Review - Till Garden Next to Base Commander's Carport and Residence, Building 580, Bellows AFS TMK: 4-1-15 (1998)
  94. Letter: Section 106 Review - Trenching for New Industrial Washer, Bellows Air Force Station (1998)
  95. Letter: Section 106 Review - Two Rapid Runway Repair (Tripe R) Training Craters and Multiple Fox Holes at Bellows AFS (1997)
  96. Letter: Section 106 Review - Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal and Sampling, Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Activities at Bellows AFS (1997)
  97. Letter: Section 106 Review - Upgrade Utilities to Underground Conduit, Phase I Bellows AFS (2002)
  98. Letter: Section 106 Review and Concurrence on Proposed Additions to Buildings 480 and 482, Bellows AFS TMK 4-1-015:001 (2005)
  99. Letter: Section 106 Review, Honolulu Cellular Phone Transmission Station (1990)
  100. Letter: Section 106 Review- Bridge Replacement, Bellows Air Force Station Waimanalo, Koolaupoko, Oahu (1987)