Phase II Evaluation, Site 18ST792, Point Lookout State Park (2006.056)
Part of: US Navy Point Lookout, Maryland
This collection contains an artifact inventory and photographs for artifacts collected during phase II investigations at US Navy Point Lookout, Maryland. The MAC Lab accession number for these documents is 2006.056. This collection also includes the project page Phase II Evaluation of 18ST792, 3-Acre Exchange, Point Lookout (2006.056). The Phase II archaeological evaluation were conducted on site 18ST792 located on a 3-acre parcel in Point Lookout State Park, St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The investigation was conducted in advance of a land exchange to be executed between the U.S. Navy and the State of Maryland. The purpose of the exchange is to allow the Navy to relocate its existing Communications Tower from the southern point of the Point Lookout peninsula. The land exchange would result in the Navy transferring the historic Point Lookout Lighthouse located at the point to the State of Maryland.
Site Name Keywords
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Settlements •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Military Structure
Other Keywords
Phase II •
Navy •
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Civil War Era
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing
Material Types
Ceramic •
Glass •
Metal •
Temporal Keywords
Historical Period
Geographic Keywords
St. Mary's County (County) •
Maryland (State / Territory) •
St. Mary's (County) •
Chesapeake Bay •
Point Lookout •
USA (Country)