The dimensions of Rituality 2000 years ago and today

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Archaeological record has registered ceramic vessels containing remains of contents of food and beverage and other materials used in ceremonial and offering rites, instruments for its preparation, body preparation and paint as cinnabar, hematite, plaster and bitumen. Censers and braziers, designed for burning or heating different kinds of incense and copal, musical instruments, as ocarinas, whistles, and ceramic drums, fabrics, robes, headdresses, jewels fetishes and figurines, even bones. All these are vestiges of materials which are directly related to strongly appeal to sensitive perceptions, as sight, smell, taste, sound and touch experiences, thus suggesting that those ritual events were a feast for all senses which represent plenitude and sensuality, rhythm, dance and theater, an ode to live. This is particularly conspicuous when evident in funerary contexts, which translates funerary ritual in a feast of live, imbuing death with the power of giving birth to live, as a live bringer.This symposium pursues to present papers which can address and discuss some of these vestiges which provide the evidence of the dimensions of this ancestral rituality and its current manifestations.

Other Keywords
RitualTak'alik Ab'ajfigurinesMayaAbandonmentLanguageGuatemalaMonumentsBurialBallgame

Geographic Keywords
MesoamericaCentral America