Advances on the investigation of Chalchihuites culture
Part of: Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)
A century ago, Manuel Gamio put on the map to archeology of Chalchihuites area, however, across time the research has been very sporadic and slow. It was Charles Kelley and his group of researchers at Southern Illinois University, who develop the largest study on the limits of the current states of Durango and Zacatecas. They show the great potential that this area kept for archaeological research. Today has been made a wide range of studies, but the dissemination of the results has not been the best. The goal of this symposium is to show a balance of research and perspectives, giving an updated view of Chalchihuites Culture.
Other Keywords
chalchihuites •
Social Complexity •
Scraper •
Lithics •
Ethnobotany •
Archaeometry •
Bioarcheology •
Memory •
Cosmology •
Geographic Keywords
Mesoamerica •
North America - Southwest
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- Documents (10)
Between life and death. The burial systems at the Guadiana valley, Durango. (2015)
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During prehispanic times, La Ferrería were the most importat settlement at Guadiana valley, indeed it was a place were both men and nature were linked. In this paper I make a review of burials collected at the Guadiana valley, considering that its incidence reflects certain aspects of cosmology which were shared with coastal dwellers. SAA 2015 abstracts made available in tDAR courtesy of the Society for American Archaeology and Center for Digital Antiquity Collaborative Program to improve...
Bioarchaeological results of the Suchil River Valley project, Zacatecas and Durango, Mexico (2015)
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In this paper we present a synthesis of the osteological analysis of recovered individuals in this project, considering that social change can be studied on the basis of the biology of individuals in their social environment and lifestyle. Prehispanic social groups inhabited this region in northwest Mexico between 200 AD and 900 AD. The analyzed sample originates from funerary contexts excavated in two sites of a second order and one first order site. The samples are dissimilar, but correspond...
La minería en la Cultura Chalchihuites. (2015)
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La minería fue un recurso económico importante para el desarrollo de la Cultura Chalchihuites. En este trabajo se realizará una revision a la forma en que se pudo haber organizado esta tarea productiva desde una perspectiva económica política. SAA 2015 abstracts made available in tDAR courtesy of the Society for American Archaeology and Center for Digital Antiquity Collaborative Program to improve digital data in archaeology. If you are the author of this presentation you may upload your paper,...
La necesidad del ritual, el movimiento y la regeneración. Interpretaciones desde la información arqueológica en la región chalchihuiteña (2015)
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La concepción del mundo como susceptible de representación y reducción a nivel arquitectónico y del objeto dentro de la denominada cultura chalchihuites (microcosmos chalchihuiteño), permite suponer un entendimiento del mundo ligado a la vida material y ritual, de tal manera que esta concepción se ve reflejada en los objetos arqueológicos desde el trabajo de investigación. Así, esta concepción se ve reflejada en la plástica cerámica, en la iconografía, en la estructuras arquitectónicas y en el...
Llano Grande. ¿Un sitio chachihuiteño de explotación de la obsidiana? (2015)
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Durante los trabajos arqueológicos de salvamento con motivo de la construcción de la carretera Durango-Mazatlán se reconoció el valle de Llano Grande, en la parte alta de la Sierra Madre Occidental en el estado de Durango. Diseminados a lo largo y ancho del valle hay nódulos pequeños de obsidiana, desde algunos de escasos tres centímetros hasta los más grandes que apenas rebasan los 10 centímetros; de hecho, por lo general los nódulos no sobrepasan el tamaño de un puño. En los cerros que rodean...
Paleogenomic perspectives of archaeological human samples from Durango, Mexico. (2015)
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Despite the great number of methodological obstacles, the molecular biology applied to the field of Archaeology has proven to be an important complementary tool to interpret the population dynamics of ancient populations. The mitochondrial DNA, as it is inherited in a matrilineal way, has information about the relationships of the human groups under a population context. In collaboration with LANGEBIO, several archaeological human samples from Durango Mexico have been subjected to ancient DNA...
Petrographic analysis of ceramics and construction materials: The dwellers of Cueva del Maguey in the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Ferreria site of the Guadiana valley in Durango, Mexico. (2015)
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The archaeological site of the Ferrería (550-1350d.C), is undoubtedly the most important prehispanic settlement of Chalchihuites Culture in the Guadiana valley in Durango. The work done was based on a chronology made for Charles Kelley who divides into two main branches (Súchil and Guadiana). The presence of archaeological materials allowed reconsider the provenance of ceramics Madero Fluted type in the Guadiana valley and the Sierra Madre Occidental, activities and tasks has been important in...
The River Suchil Valley project, Zacatecas and Durango 10 years of its inception (2015)
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This project pretends to understand the process of social complexity by studying the strategies of landscape use and prehispanic resource management throughout the first millennium AD in a territory occupied today by the municipalities of Sombrerete and Chalchihuites, in the state of Zacatecas and Suchil, in the state of Durango. In our presentation we are going to evaluate and define the results of our research on topics as bioarchaeology of the ancient inhabitants, hierarchy and complexity of...
Seeds of Memory: A long-term study of life and plant use in the Sextin river valley of Durango, Mexico (2015)
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The relationship between people and plants is basic to all of human existence. Many archaeologists have considered this relationship as primarily economic, yet ethnographic accounts reveal important social aspects of human-plant interactions. In this paper we consider the long-term relationship between certain plant species (both wild and domesticated- beyond the triad of corn, beans and squash), botanic knowledge and memory in the Sextin valley. Here we present macrobotanical, phytolith and...
spike scraper an approach to lithics from Durango (2015)
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This paper introduces us to one of the most important lithic artifacts used by the chalchihuiteños in Guadiana valley, the spike scraper. This tool could be the only representative lithic piece for this cultural group on the area. This work presents an analysis and a typology, an approach about the source of the materials used to its elaboration and the possible uses of this tool for the prehispanic inhabitants in Durango. SAA 2015 abstracts made available in tDAR courtesy of the Society for...