Sensitive, Non-Series Archaeological Reports, MWAC 2014
Site Name Keywords
King Site •
25DW166 •
Plum Creek Massacre Site •
25PP24 •
Wright Island Site •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Fish Trap / Weir •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Isolated Feature
Other Keywords
Medicine Wheel Site •
Fishery •
Ceramic Site •
Cheyenne •
Parker-Hickman Farmstead •
Burn Unit •
Settlement Attack
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Woodland •
Plains Village •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American •
Investigation Types
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Geophysical Survey •
Archaeological Overview •
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone
Geographic Keywords
US (ISO Country Code) •
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Missouri (State / Territory) •
Nebraska (State / Territory) •
Missouri •
Newton County (County) •
Michigan (State / Territory) •
Dawes County (County) •
Shannon County (County)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-7 of 7)
- Documents (7)
Archeological Testing for Proposed Campground Expansion, Wright Island, Isle Royale National Park (2003)
The Wright Island investigation location has been identified as a good location for a new campground. Development will involve some ground disturbance and is near the ruins of a 20th century fishery and on or near the Wright Island site (20IR181). This National Register eligible site incorporates a 19th-20th century fishery and a Terminal Woodland component dating to circa 1300 (Clark 1995: 149-152). In 1990, MWAC Archeologist Caven Clark shovel tested the flat beach area west of the ruins and...
A Brief Survey of Medicine Wheels (1973)
This resource contains a brief comparison and survey of medicine wheels in Northern Wyoming and Southern Montana. Conducted by Virgil J. Olson, during his association with Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, the survey includes a brief historical background, as well as comparative field sketches and tables of multiple medicine wheels. Field study occurred in the years 1972 and 1973.
Geophysical Investigations at the King Site, 25DW166, Dawes County, Nebraska (2011)
The geophysical survey of the King Site, 25DW 166, was conducted between June 13 and June 17, 2011 as part of the Midwest Archeological Center's technical assistance to the University of Colorado's archeological field school. The Midwest Archeological Center staff and student volunteers from the University of Colorado's archeological field school conducted the geophysical investigations of two locations within Site 25DW166 in Dawes County, Nebraska, as part of the archeological investigations of...
Geophysical Investigations o f the Plum Creek Massacre Site (25PP24) along the Oregon National Historic Trail in Phelps County, Nebraska (2010)
The geophysical survey of the native pasture on the Holen family farm was conducted as part of the National Park Service's technical support of the National Historic Trails Office's investigation of the Plum Creek Massacre Site's archeological potential between August II and August 17, 2009. The geophysical inventory of the project area consisted of a magnetic survey with a dual fluxgate gradiometer across the entire field, a limited resistance survey with resistance meter and twin probe array,...
Geophysical Investigations of Three Areas Along the Santa Fe National Historic Trail in the Kansas City Metro Area, Jackson County, Missouri (2005)
The geophysical survey of three selected areas along the Santa Fe National Historic Trail in the greater Kansas City metro area was conducted between July 11 and July 14, 2005, by Midwest Archeological Center archeologist Steven DeVore with support from the National Trails System Office staff in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and volunteers from the local area. The present geophysical and archeological inventory project is associated with the regional development of the Kansas City MetroGreen greenway...
Management Summary for Pre-Burn Cultural Resource Inventory of the Stewart Hickman Prescribed Burn Units, Buffalo National River, Newton County, Arkansas (2003)
On June 26, 2003, National Park Service (NPS) Archeologist William Hunt and Archeological Technician Scott Lockhorn from the Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) conducted a reconnaissance inventory of the Stewart Hickman prescribed burn unit in Buffalo National River (BUFF), Arkansas. This unit is scheduled for a prescribed burn the purpose of which is to reduce its wildfire potential by reducing hazardous fuel loads. The burns also keep fields open by removing young trees and brush and...
Report on Field Investigations on the Location of a Proposed Horse Trail Staging Area Broadfoot Tract, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Shannon County, Missouri (2001)
James E. Price was requested to conduct a Phase I cultural resources assessment of the area to be impacted by a planned horse trail staging area to be constructed at the Broadfoot Tract northeast of Eminence, Missouri within Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Shannon County. The project area is located between the Current River to the north and the Jacks Fork to the south. On May 16, 2001, James E. Price, OZAR Archeologist, assisted by Renata Coleman, Archeological Technician, visited the project...