Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964

Part of: US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District VCP

The USACE, Louisville District obtained this collection through an archaeological test excavation at the Huntington Reservoir Project in 1964. Indiana University’s GBL was contracted to perform the fieldwork. Three mounds were excavated in the Huntington Reservoir on the Upper Wabash River, Huntington, Indiana. One was a small remnant of a mound (12HU27); the other two were semi-conical mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) which did not contain burials. Of the three mounds located in the initial survey, only two (12HU25 and 12HU26) were of archaeological significance and excavated during the Phase II. The third and smallest mound (12HU27) had evidently been removed almost entirely at an earlier date (Gerald 1964). The county symbol employed is HU for Huntington County. All artifacts were obtained from the Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds investigation, Indiana sites 12HU25 and 12HU26.

The digital materials in this collection were processed by the Veterans Curation Program (VCP), and include the artifact database, select artifact photographs, artifact report, finding aid, investigation report, and scanned asset key. Additional digital materials held by the VCP include additional artifact photographs, box inventories, card stock inserts, document folder listing, GBL artifact catalog, and a GBL artifact inventory. For additional information on these materials please refer to the finding aid.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-7 of 7)

  • Artifact Report, Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964 (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerry Watt.

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District archaeological collections were sent to the Veterans Curation Project’s (VCP) St. Louis laboratory in the fall of 2009. The VCP St. Louis laboratory was established by USACE, St. Louis District’s Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds and staffed through Brockington and Associates, Inc. The procedures employed to re-house the...

  • Excavation of Big Bangs and Little Bags Mounds, 1964 Huntington Reservoir Project, Huntington, Indiana (1964)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Virginia Gould Gerald.

    The excavation of three mounds in Huntington County, Indiana, on the Upper Wabash River was accomplished in 1964 under auspices of the National Park Service through a grant administered by Indiana University. The mounds, three of the twenty-four sites located in 1963 by John Dorwin during the preliminary archaeological survey of the Huntington Reservoir, were located on the property of Mrs. C.W.H. Bangs, resident of Huntington, Indiana. Permission was obtained for the necessary excavation from...

  • Finding Aid, Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964 (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Printice Petty.

    This collection is referred to as "Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folders, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is a quarter of a linear inch. The associated documentation for Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964 was stored in one acidic folder and in one acidic cardboard box with several other document collections. The archivist did not find it difficult to assign...

Images Datasets Projects
  • Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964
    PROJECT Virginia Gould Gerald. National Park Service. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District.

    The USACE, Louisville District obtained this collection through an archaeological test excavation at the Huntington Reservoir Project in 1964. Indiana University’s GBL was contracted to perform the fieldwork. Three mounds were excavated in the Huntington Reservoir on the Upper Wabash River, Huntington, Indiana. One was a small remnant of a mound (12HU27); the other two were semi-conical mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) which did not contain burials. Of the three mounds located in the initial survey,...