NAGPRA and Beyond: successes and shared benefits of collaboration
Part of: Society for American Archaeology 81st Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL (2016)
This invited poster symposium will serve as a venue to continue building on the dialogue concerning the implementation of NAGPRA, collaboration and its many shared benefits, and the history of NAGPRA and laws leading up to its passage. Participants will present a wide variety of case studies from across the U.S. and represent the successes that have come from collaboration among Native American communities, museums, colleges/universities, archaeologists, and other stakeholders. Presentations will focus on the relationships that were built as a result of required consultations and repatriation events, but will also focus on collaborations and relationships that existed before the passage of NAGPRA and the laws that set precedence for national legislation. Poster topics will also extend beyond the scope of NAGPRA to highlight the successes of public education and outreach events and instances where upcoming generations have been educated about the importance of maintaining the ties that have been made or strengthened in the process.
Other Keywords
Repatriation •
bioarchaeology •
Native American •
Ethnohistory •
Osteology •
Public Archaeology •
collaboration •
3D •
Indigenous Archaeology
Geographic Keywords
North America - Midwest •
North America - NW Coast/Alaska •
North American - Basin Plateau •
North America - Plains •
North America - Southwest
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-10 of 10)
- Documents (10)
- Attimoni (ah-jee-MOOUHN) – The Stories We Have to Tell: relationships among the Meskwaki Nation, tribes with historic ties to Iowa, and the Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist (2016)
- Collaboration and Partnership: The Columbia Plateau Inter-Tribal Repatriation Group (2016)
- Context and Collaboration: The Maxwell's Repatriation to Jemez Pueblo (2016)
- Creating Collaborative Learning Opportunities for Indigenous Youth with Archaeology-based Environmental Education (2016)
- Field Methods in Indigenous Archaeology: Building Capacity through Community-Based Research and Education (2016)
- NAGPRA Human Remains Inventory: Making Our Work More Vsible (2016)
- Repatriation Collaborations Using 3D Technology: The Smithsonian-Tlingit Experience (2016)
- Repatriation to Lineal Descendants of Sitting Bull (2016)
- Stewarding Past Places into the Future – Cultural Landscapes, Byways, and Heritage Studies in Archaeological Practice (2016)
- Tribal History Partnerships and the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Collection at Indiana University (2016)