Arnold AFB - Architecture
Site Name Keywords
Building 526 •
Building 530 •
Building 532 •
Building 534 •
Building 541 •
Building 521 •
Building 522 •
Building 527 •
Building 528 •
Building 540
Site Type Keywords
Non-Domestic Structures •
Governmental Structure •
Historic Governmental Structure •
Military Structure •
Arnold Engineering and Development Complex •
Elk River Dam and Woods Reservoir Historic Landscape •
Woods Reservoir Historic Landscape •
Test Utilities Historic Landscape •
Arnold Air Force Base Test Facilities Historic District •
Aeropropulsion Systems Test Facility
Other Keywords
Historic District •
Historic District Proposal •
Tennessee Historical Commission •
Negative Result •
National Register of Historic Places •
Historic Building Inventory •
Renovation Project •
Appendices •
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan •
Culture Keywords
Historic •
African American •
Undetermined Prehistoric •
African American Troops •
African American Soldiers
Investigation Types
Architectural Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Ethnohistoric Research •
Historic Background Research •
Ground Disturbance Monitoring •
Heritage Management
Material Types
Building Materials •
Ceramic •
Glass •
Human Remains •
Mineral •
Bottles •
Grave markers
Temporal Keywords
Historic •
Cold War Era •
Cold War •
20th Century •
Prehistoric •
1940s •
World War II
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Tennessee (State / Territory) •
Coffee County (County) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Arnold Air Force Base •
Coffee (County) •
Franklin (County) •
Camp Forrest •
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-14 of 14)
- Documents (14)
Building Demolition and Soil Removal at 40CF241, the Incinerator for Camp Forrest Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2009)
The purpose of this document is to outline the background for site 40CF241, the Camp Forrest incinerator, and present a summary of building demolition and soil removal.
A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume I: Project Results - Final (2014)
Inventory and evaluation of 563 Cold War era resources including review of the 2005 and 2008 historic facility results and recommendations. Results of this project include recommendation of 86 historic facilities as eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and a proposed Arnold Air Force Base Test Facilities Historic District. This district is to be made up of three components; the Arnold Engineering and Development Complex, the Elk River Dam and Woods Reservoir...
A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume II: Building Descriptions - Final (2014)
Inventory and evaluation of 563 Cold War era resources including review of the 2005 and 2008 historic facility results and recommendations. Results of this project include recommendation of 86 historic facilities as eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and a proposed Arnold Air Force Base Test Facilities Historic District. This district is to be made up of three components; the Arnold Engineering and Development Complex, the Elk River Dam and Woods Reservoir...
A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume III: Appendices - Final (2014)
Inventory and evaluation of 563 Cold War era resources including review of the 2005 and 2008 historic facility results and recommendations. Results of this project include recommendation of 86 historic facilities as eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and a proposed Arnold Air Force Base Test Facilities Historic District. This district is to be made up of three components; the Arnold Engineering and Development Complex, the Elk River Dam and Woods Reservoir...
Evaluation of Historic Buildings Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2008)
This project was designed to address deficiencies in the 2006 GeoMarine report on the historic facilities at Arnold Air Force Base, specifically those associated with the Cold War. Additional background and archival research was undertaken to more fully develop the Cold War context within which Arnold Air Force Base should be evaluated. The result of this research and evaluation of Arnold Air Force Base is that the area containing the testing complexes meets the criteria for listing on the...
Facility 2328, Shipley/Rutherford Cemetery, Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form (2018)
Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form for Facility 2328, the Shipley/Rutherford Cemetery at Arnold Air Force Base.
Facility 516, Water Storage Tank, Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form (2018)
Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form for Facility 516 at Arnold Air Force Base.
Final Report: A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume IV: Addendum (2017)
Review of the 2005 and 2008 survey results and recommendations and to update the significance of 563 Cold War Era resources at Arnold Air Force Base. The Cold War era buildings documented as a part of the 2012 survey was completed in 2014 and date between 1946 and 1989. After the contract for the 2012 survey was executed, the Department of Defense officially defined the Cold War era as dating to the period of 1946-1991. As such, this report represents an investigation of 119 buildings and...
Final Report: Historic Building Survey and Evaluation Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2002)
TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. conducted an initial assessment of 509 facilities on the Arnold Air Force Base that date prior to 1989, the end of the Cold War. This report has been structured to present the results of the background research and inventory using this revised approach. Includes recommendations for properties which may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Final: Decision Full Report Facility 607 Von Karman Facility Intermittent Test Building Renovations Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
The purpose of this report is to record modifications to Facility 607, the Von Karman Facility (VKF) Intermittent Test Building, and Tunnel D, pursuant to the programmatic agreement for management of historic properties at Arnold Air Force Base (Programmatic Agreement; United States Air Force, 2014). This project consists of renovations to this mothballed facility to prepare it for bringing Tunnel D back on-line for new testing projects. These renovations will be to the interior and exterior of...
Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2005)
This report encompasses all 722 individual buildings, structures, and objects listed in the Arnold Air Force Base Real Property List. Of the 722, this report specifically focuses on 563 resources within the boundary of the base that were built in or before 1989 (the accepted date for the end of the Cold War). The report completes and expands previous efforts to inventory historic properties at Arnold Air Force Base, which assessed seven large technical complexes within the Arnold Engineering...
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee: Final Version 2016-2020 (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
The Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) is a planning document used to manage an installation's cultural resources management program. The document identifies cultural resource activities such as surveys and building inventories, that have taken place on an installation. It also identifies and describes historic resources within installation boundaries, identifies Native American groups affiliated with an installation, and provides a plan for staying in compliance with...
National Register of Historic Places Significance Evaluation of the African-American Barracks Locale (8.3 Acres) at Camp Forrest (40CF310) Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (Draft Final Report) (2010)
From January to May 2010, AMEC Earth & Environmental conducted archival research for the African-American barracks locale (8.3 acres) at Camp Forrest (40CF310). The research was conducted to gather information toward a historic context to assess the significance of the locale with regard to its National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility status. Several local, state, and federal repositories were visited and researched for the project in an effort to gather as much information as...
Recordation For Facility 1077 Mark I Engineering Lab 12V High Bay Interior Lighting Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee - Final Archival Copy (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez
The purpose of this report is to record lighting modifications to the interior of the Mark I Engineering Lab 12V High Bay (Facility 1077), pursuant to the programmatic agreement for management of historic properties at Arnold Air Force Base.