Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Borders and boundaries—political, temporal, environmental, stylistic—have shaped the trajectory of Andean archaeology. While archaeologists seek to communicate beyond such boundaries, the late Early Horizon/Final Formative (ca. 500/400–200/50 BCE) remains a period in Andean history in which geographic boundaries continue to shape dialogue. This session moves beyond the invisible boundaries and opens dialogue across western South America. The only boundary suggested for this session is to address contexts dating to part of the ca. 500/400–200/50 BCE date range. Generally, findings on this time range have identified intensification of trade, exchange, and migration; marked differences in food patterns, metallurgy, and craft work (beyond gold); increased fortifications; and the emergence of social inequality. This session seeks to move beyond relationships with / events following the collapse of Chavín. It is productive to identify what groups shared across the Andes to truly appreciate their local differences and what those differences mean for the trajectory of Andean history. This session brings archaeologists of various regions, specialties, and countries together to explore the commonalities and differences beyond temporal, political, environmental, and stylistic boundaries to have regionally robust dialogue.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-12 of 12)

  • Documents (12)

  • After Monumentality: The Late Paracas Component at the Site of Campanayuq Rumi in the Peruvian South-Central Highlands (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Yuichi Matsumoto. Yuri Cavero Palomino.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Campanayuq Rumi, located in the Peruvian south-central highlands, flourished as a major ceremonial center during the late Initial period and early Early Horizon (ca. 1000–500 BCE). While it ceased to function as a Chavín-related center and an important node of interregional interaction around 500 BCE,...

  • Agricultural Life and Socioeconomic Dependencies in the Western Andes of Southern Peru during the Second Half of the First Millennium BCE (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Christian Mader. Markus Reindel. Johny Isla. Julia Meister.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Formative Paracas archaeological culture has long been considered a coastal phenomenon in the southern Peruvian Andes. In this paper, we change this perspective and examine two Late Paracas and Initial Nasca (370 BCE–CE 90) highland settlements: Collanco (1,630 m asl) and Cutamalla (3,300 m asl) in...

  • Boundaries and Crossroads, Immigrants and Ancestors: Comparing the Post-Chavín Landscapes of the Moche and Virú Chaupiyungas (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Amedeo Sghinolfi. Patrick Mullins.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The centuries following the disintegration of the Chavín interaction sphere (~500/400–200/50 BCE) were experienced in myriad ways throughout the ancient Andes. In the Moche and Virú Valleys in northern Peru, the late Early Horizon (~500–200 BCE) generally saw earlier traditions of large ceremonial...

  • Cerro Malabrigo y el Resurgimiento de la Monumentalidad Prehispánica en Chicama, Costa Norte del Perú (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Henry Tantaleán. Carito Tavera Medina. Mauricio Gastello. Ines Uribe. José Roman.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Desde el año 2020, el Programa Arqueológico Chicama (PRACH) ha realizado prospecciones sistemáticas y excavaciones en el valle de Chicama y área relacionadas. El objetivo principal es explicar la historia de la ocupación humana y los fenómenos sociales vinculados a tales poblaciones. Nuestras...

  • Conociendo a los Paracas del Valle de Chincha a Partir de la Cerámica Doméstica: El Caso de Pozuelo (Costa Sur del Perú), durante el Horizonte Temprano (500-200 aC) (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only José Roman Vargas. Henry Tantaleán. Charles Stanish. Carito Tavera.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Nuestro trabajo investiga la función social de la cerámica paracas del sitio arqueológico de Pozuelo. Todo lo que se conocía de este asentamiento es que contuvo la cerámica más antigua del valle de Chincha denominado como «estilo Pozuelo». No obstante, nuestras investigaciones han demostrado una fuerte...

  • Entre dos frentes: Cerro Narrio y Loma de Pinzhul durante el Periodo Formativo del Cañar, Ecuador (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Oscar Arias Espinoza. Atsushi Yamamoto. Juan Pablo Vargas Díaz.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Nuestra exposición abordará la relación existente entre los sitios arqueológicos Cerro Narrio y Loma de Pinzhul durante el Periodo Formativo Final (500 aC-50 aC) de Ecuador. Proponemos que en esta sección del Cañar coexistieron ambos sitios como lugares ceremoniales que tenían relaciones de intercambio...

  • Home is Where Your Boat Is: Movements within and around the Titicaca Basin (800 BC–AD 200) (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara Juengst. Sergio Chavez. Stanislava Chavez.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Titicaca Basin has long been home to communities of people who navigated their highland landscape effectively. Much research has been devoted to early developments in the southern lake basin (in modern-day Bolivia) as well as later communities on the northwestern side of the lake (in modern-day...

  • Inspiration from Beyond the Border or Innovation from Within? Reconsidering the Paracas-Nasca Transition on the Peruvian South Coast (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Espino Huaman. Jo Osborn.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During the final centuries of the Early Horizon (~300–100 BCE), independent Paracas communities across multiple valleys on the Peruvian south coast began an extended process of social, cultural, political, and religious transformation. These changes ultimately culminated with the development of the...

  • Life and Death after Chavín: A Comparative Mortuary and Bioarchaeological Analysis of Salinar from the Perspective of José Olaya–La Iglesia (Huanchaco, Moche Valley) (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Jordi Rivera Prince.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. On the north coast of Perú, the collapse of the Chavín Sphere of Influence ca. 500/400 cal BC had a marked impact that brought about sociopolitical changes within the Moche Valley. For many years, archaeologists have investigated structural changes (e.g., settlement patterns and architectural shifts),...

  • Paracas Medio en el valle bajo de Ica, una perspectiva desde el sitio arqueológico Ánimas Bajas (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Aïcha Bachir Bacha Llanos.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Poco sabemos sobre la vida de las entidades sociopolíticas que ocuparon el valle de Ica durante el Horizonte Temprano, en la época conocida como Paracas Medio (500-300 aC). Por ello, en esta conferencia se presentan y discuten los resultados del análisis de la cultura material hallada en Ánimas Bajas,...

  • The Salinar of the Middle Valley: An Overview of the Post-Initial Period Salinar Occupation at the Archaeological Site of Menocucho, North Coast of Peru (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Aldo Watanave. Michelle Watanave.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Salinar phenomenon began after the collapse of the Chavín culture in part of the north coast of Peru around 500 BC. According to several studies, the Salinar period was a time of significant changes in the area. The inhabitants intensified agricultural production, connected with other regions, and...

  • Unraveling the Political and Economic Complexities of Late Formative (600 BCE–CE 200) Cusco: A View from Muyumoqo (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Brown. Hubert Quispe-Bustamante.

    This is an abstract from the "Beyond Borders at the End of a Millennium: Life in the Western Andes circa 500–50 BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite the archaeological significance of the Cusco region, research on societies that preceded the Inka in their heartland have lagged behind other areas. In particular the Late Formative (600 BCE–CE 200) presents a time of increasing social complexity, increased participation in interregional trade...