Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Building on the success of last year’s symposium, Diálogos en Oaxaca Archaeology once again welcomes Mexican and American archaeologists to discuss ongoing research, upcoming projects, or any other questions and inquires they may have in mind. By checking in with each other as often as possible, we can continue building this collaborative dialogue among archaeologists with a common goal—recording and preserving Oaxaca’s ancient history for future generations. Presenters will discuss research projects from different regions and time periods of Oaxaca, expanding our knowledge about this important but understudied area of Mesoamerica.

Basados en el éxito del simposio del año pasado, Diálogos en Oaxaca una vez más da la bienvenida a arqueólogas y arquelógos mexicanos y estadounidenses y canadienses para discutir investigaciones en curso, próximos proyectos o cualquier otra pregunta o consulta que puedan tener en mente. Al comunicarnos entre nosotros con la mayor frecuencia posible, podemos continuar construyendo este diálogo colaborativo entre arqueólogos con un objetivo común: registrar y preservar la historia antigua de Oaxaca para las generaciones futuras. Los presentadores discutirán proyectos de investigación de diferentes regiones y períodos de tiempo de Oaxaca, ampliando nuestro conocimiento sobre esta importante pero poco estudiada área de Mesoamérica.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-9 of 9)

  • Documents (9)

  • Double Headed: Becoming/Transforming in Early Formative Oaxaca (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Blomster.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Figurines, as small, portable anthropomorphic and zoomorphic ceramic images, provide insights into a range of representational and symbolic concepts of the ancient Mesoamericans who created and interacted with them. Figurines have been interpreted as actively deployed in household rituals and social negotiations, as well as...

  • The Evolution of the Two-Room Temple during the Middle Formative in an Interregional Perspective between the Mixteca Alta and the Valley of Oaxaca (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Palomares.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The study of the Zapotec temple, its origins and evolution, has significant implications to understanding the social complexity in early societies. This paper follows the proposal of the one-room temple as the origin of the two-room temple, also called Zapotec temple, and exposes its evolution showing the characteristics of those...

  • An Integrated Approach to Urban and Artifact Analysis of Residential Buildings in Late Postclassic Guiengola, Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Pedro Ramon Celis.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper explores ethnogenesis and cultural hybridity by analyzing survey and lidar data in 72 buildings from the Guiengola archaeological site in Oaxaca, Mexico. Specifically, it examines the Zapotec people's domestic construction and pottery assemblages in four areas of this fortified site during the Late Postclassic period...

  • Los vehe ñuhu o santuarios en los códices mixtecos (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Liana Jiménez Osorio.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Una manera de conocer los santuarios de la época precolonial es a partir de la evidencia arqueológica, sin embargo, debido al tiempo que ha transcurrido y, principalmente, a su destrucción durante la colonización en 1521, la evidencia material con que se cuenta es escasa y fragmentaria, siendo necesario recurrir a otras fuentes....

  • Mapping the Mayordomo's Procession: A Study of Ritualized Movement in Oaxaca (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Sami Savateri.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Ritualized movement such as processions are one way in which people in Oaxaca, both past and present, interact with and shape the landscape. To better understand the sacred landscapes of Postclassic communities in Oaxaca, this project examines ritualized movement through the analysis of a modern procession as described in James...

  • Movimientos rituales en el sitio de Yucu Ñuu Dahui durante el Clásico en la Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La conferencia pasada presenté algunas ideas sobre el estudio del movimiento en los sitios arqueológicos a partir del propio movimiento. Continuando con esta temática, en esta ocasión me enfocaré en la movilidad ritual al interior del sitio de Yucu Ñuu Dahui. Este asentamiento es emblemático de la Mixteca Alta debido a que se...

  • Persistence in Clay: A Thousand Years of Ceramic Traditions at Etlatongo in the Ñuu Savi Region (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Cuauhtémoc Vidal Guzmán.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological research in the Nochixtlan Valley of the Ñuu Savi region has been stymied by the lack of useful ceramic chronologies when compared to other parts of Mesoamerica. Presently, only three phases cover the last 1,800 years of precontact occupation, which makes it difficult to make meaningful comparisons with neighboring...

  • Ritual Transformation in Formative Period Oaxaca: A Comparative Analysis of Deity Impersonation, Nagualism, and Hybrid Beings (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Brzezinski. Guy Hepp.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A hallmark of ancient Mesoamerican art and religion is the ability of powerful ritual practitioners, sometimes referred to as “shamans,” to transform themselves. The Olmec were-jaguar is probably the best-known example of the phenomenon. However, artifacts from different regions of Mesoamerica demonstrate that this was a diverse...

  • The Storied Landscape of Macuilxóchitl (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Ronald Faulseit.

    This is an abstract from the "Checking the Pulse II: Current Research in Oaxaca Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. During archaeological excavations I directed on the lands of San Mateo Macuilxóchitl in Oaxaca México, members of the community shared several narratives with me about the mountains surrounding their village. These stories intertwined myth and history to convey the special connection between the people and place. In this paper, I...