Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Pollen Data
Creator(s): Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.
Year: 2012
As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam and its associated headworks, which diverts water from the Gila River for SCIP; the armoring of a segment of the south bank of the Gila River, and the construction of a sediment removal pond and storage area downstream of Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam. Following consultation with project stakeholders on the results of Phase 1 data testing at AZ U:15:1(REC) (later AZ U:15:676[ASM]), a prehistoric site, and additional recording of historic features at two other sites, AZ U:16:303(ASM), the Dam Tender’s Complex, and AZ AA:3:215(ASM), the Florence-Casa Grande Canal, Reclamation directed Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) to conduct Phase 2 data recovery at AZ U:15:1(REC) to excavate the known features and expose the prehistoric canal.
ACS excavated 13 features and subfeatures at AZ U:15:1(REC) and two additional exposures of the canal were located northeast of AZ U:15:1(REC). The excavation and subsequent artifact analysis reveal that AZ U:15:1(REC) was a Late Sedentary (Sacaton phase) short-term, seasonal farmstead. The additional canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) exposures to the northeast of AZ U:15:1(REC) reflect a depositional environment that suggests they were very near the canal’s intake point along the river. Samples processed from the canal produced a weak ostracode result, but succeeded in providing a good radiocarbon date of A.D. 990 to 1150, which overlaps with the dates from AZ U:15:1(REC). The size of the canal, and the lack of laterals or parallel canals, strongly suggests that this was the uppermost extent of the Grewe-Casa Grande Canal system.
The project provides important new data for understanding Hohokam movement into the upper portion of the Middle Gila River Valley, its timing, and the resources that they focused on, wild and domesticated. Based on the results of the Phase 2 data recovery, Reclamation determined that these efforts had mitigated the adverse effects to both AZ U:15:1(REC) and AZ U:15:8(REC) that would result from the proposed project.
This is the pollen data.
The final report can be found at tDAR ID: 377904.
Redacted pages can be requested at tDAR ID:377905.
Photos taken during Phase 2 data recovery can be found at tDAR ID: 378156.
The photo log can be found at tDAR ID: 378175.
Ceramic data can be found at tDAR ID: 377912.
Lithic data can be found at tDAR ID: 377913.
Shell data can be found at tDAR ID: 377921.
Flotation data can be found at tDAR ID: 377922.
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Final Report For Phased Data Recovery At AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona: Pollen Data. Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.. 2012 ( tDAR id: 377914) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8251K0B
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Data Set Structure
Table Information: pollen-count-values-from-az-u15_1-rec-and-az-u15_8-rec
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
Stratum | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Stratum | none | none | true |
Cultural Context | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Context | none | none | true |
No. of taxa | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Count | none | none | true |
Site No. | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Site | none | none | true |
Sample no. | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true |
Feature No. | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number | none | none | true |
Feature Type | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Feature Type | none | none | true |
Pollen sum | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Count | none | none | true |
Pollen Concentration (grains/gram) | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Count | none | none | true |
Tracer (Lycopodium) | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Other | none | none | true |
Tree | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Acacia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Celtis sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Juniperus sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Morus microphylla | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Picea sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Onagraceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Onagraceae (30 mu) | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Sphaeralcea sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Tidestromia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Tidestromia sp. Aggregate | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Domesticates | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Zea mays | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Native Cultivars | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Agave sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cylindropuntia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Opuntia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Spores | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Unknown spore | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Sphagnum | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
NID | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Count | none | none | true |
Pinus sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Prosopis sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Riparian | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Alnus sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Populus sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Salix sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cyperaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Typha sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cacti and Succulents | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cereus-type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Shrubs and Herbs | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Poaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Poaceae 40μ<x<60μ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Ambrosia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Apiaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
High-spine Asteraceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Low-spine Asteraceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Brassicaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cheno-Am | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cheno-Am Aggregate | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Ephedra sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Equisetum sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Eriogonum sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
cf. Fabaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Humulus/Cannabis type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Larrea tridentata | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Larrea tridentata Aggregate | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Liguliflorae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Myrtaceae (unknown season) | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Plantago sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Polygonaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Portulaca sp. (unknown season) | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Ribes sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Sarcobatus vermiculatus | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Solanaceae | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Solanum sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Urtica sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Cultivation and Disturbance Weeds | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Boerhavia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Kallstroemia sp. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Pollen : Taxon | none | none | true |
Chipped Stone
Dating Sample
Ground Stone
Site Name
AZ U:15:1(REC)
AZ U:15:676(ASM)
AZ U:15:8(REC)
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Environment Research
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis
Agricultural Site
Hohokam Canal
Prehistoric Hohokam
Geographic Keywords
Central Arizona
Middle Gila River Valley
Pinal County, AZ
Temporal Keywords
Preclassic Hohokam period
Sacaton Phase
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: 950 to 1150 (Site occupation date range)
Spatial Coverage
min long: -112.022; min lat: 32.686 ; max long: -110.731; max lat: 33.441 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Principal Investigator(s): Robert Stokes
Project Director(s): E. Melanie Ryan
Landowner(s): San Carlos Irrigation Project; San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District
Sponsor(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Permitting Agency(s): Bureau of Indian Affairs
Prepared By(s): Archaeological Consulting Sevices, Ltd.
Submitted To(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Record Identifiers
BIA ARPA Permit No. (s): 2011/SCIP/ACS/WRO/001a
Pinal County Dust Permit No.(s): 10805
ASM Burial Agreement Case No.(s): 2010-038
Bureau of Reclamation Contract No.(s): R10PB32083
Arizona Blue Stake Case No.(s): 2012-011100817
General Note: AZ U:15:1(REC) (later AZ U:15:676[ASM]) is a late Sacaton phase Hohokam farmstead, and AZ U:15:8(REC) is a Hohokam canal that passes through the site. Both are the same age.
Redaction Note: Maps and other specific site locational information have been redacted from the publicly available documents. The redacted information is available as a restricted document; please contact the Bureau of Reclamation for permission to access it.
Source Collections
During this archaeological investigation, artifacts collected from private land within the boundaries of AZ U:15:1(REC) were donated to the Bureau of Reclamation by the landowner. These artifacts are curated in Accession No. PXAO.2022.0002 at the Reclamation repository at the Lower Colorado Basin Regional Office, Date Street Campus, Building 1400, Room 230.
Related Comparative Collections
AZ U:15:1(REC) was later assigned site number AZ U:15:676(ASM). Artifacts collected from AZ U:15:676(ASM) on BIA and private land during later archaeological investigations were not donated to the Bureau of Reclamation. The artifacts collected during these subsequent investigations are curated in Accession 2016.007 at the Arizona State University Repository, in the Alameda Building.
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
pollen-count-values-from-az-u15_1-rec-and-az-u15_8-rec.xls | 27.00kb | Sep 20, 2012 9:09:05 AM | Public | ||
Translated version
Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: