Archeological Progress Report No. 8, Field Season of 1963


This is the eighth in a series of reports presented to provide a resume of current archeological work within the Missouri River Basin. During the summer of 1963 there were twenty-one field parties, representing one Federal and six State agencies, working in the Missouri Basin under the aegis of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. A further breakdown shows that the Missouri Basin Project of the Smithsonian Institution, had twelve field parties working in reservoirs and proposed canal areas of Kansa, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. State universities, museums and historical societies, functioning as co-operators with the National Park Service, conducted extensive excavations and surveys at reservoirs in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Montana. State universities, museums and historical societies, functioning as co-operators with the National Park Service, conducted extensive excavations and surveys at reservoirs in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Montana. In addition to these activities, the Montana State University carried out a site survey of Glacier National Park and the Nebraska State Historical Society, with funds from the National Science Foundation, spent a fourth season at a stratified, early Lithic Period site in northeastern Nebraska.

Cite this Record

Archeological Progress Report No. 8, Field Season of 1963. Smithsonian Institution, Missouri Basin Project. Lincoln, Nebraska: Smithsonian Institution, River Basin Surveys. 1963 ( tDAR id: 391108) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8H132X7

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