3D Scanning of Bronze: Repeatability and Reliability across scanners.
Author(s): Kristina Golubiewski-Davis
Year: 2015
As 3D scanning is integrated into the archaeological tool kit, more objects are being captured using a variety of scanning methods and specific scanners. This poster explores how laser scanning, white light scanning, and photogrammetry compare across the Next Engine, Breukmann (300mm and 90mm lenses), David SLS-2 (30mm and 60mm pattern sizes), and photogrammetry (compiled with Agisoft Photoscan) using a Gauge Repeatability and Reliabity test. Five objects were scanned five times using each of the methods and compared to measurements taken with a micrometer accurate to +/- .004mm. These tests provide a way to measure the variability of the scan, and thus at what level differences between scanners may be important to the user. Bronze casts were chosen for this test in particular to examine how the glare of the material reacts with the different lighting mechanisms of the scanners. Discussion of the scanners and techniques are included alongside the results of the project and implications for analysis of scans taken with different scanners.
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3D Scanning of Bronze: Repeatability and Reliability across scanners.. Kristina Golubiewski-Davis. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 398167)
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