Results of Archaeological Monitoring within the Boundaries of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73(ASM), during Ground-Disturbing Activities, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona

Author(s): Rebecca Hill; Leigh Davidson

Year: 2014


This report presents the results of archaeological monitoring during grounddisturbing activities for the installation of a sanitary sewer line, including the excavation to install a new line from the residenceto the COP sanitary sewer tap located in the alley. The project involved excavation, with a backhoe, of a 45-cm-wide by 80-cm-deep by 23-m-long trench, positioned directly above the existing septic tank system. In addition, monitoring was conducted inside the house where a 20-cm-wide by 25-cmdeep by 2.5-m-long hand trench was also excavated. This hand trench connects the exterior sewer line with the interior bathroom plumbing. As the property is located within the boundaries of the prehistoric village site of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73(ASM), LSD was requested to monitor ground disturbing activities.

Archaeological monitoring resulted in the identification of 13 artifacts (12 ceramic sherds and 1 unidentifiable shell fragment) from the backdirt spoils. No features were observed within the walls of the trenches. LSD recommends that additional non-ground disturbing work activities within the APE will not impact archaeological resources and recommends that the project resulted in no adverse effects to Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73(ASM).

Cite this Record

Results of Archaeological Monitoring within the Boundaries of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73(ASM), during Ground-Disturbing Activities, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. Rebecca Hill, Leigh Davidson. 2014 ( tDAR id: 445710) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8445710

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.087; min lat: 33.374 ; max long: -112.061; max lat: 33.418 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Mark Hackbarth

Prepared By(s): Logan Simpson Design Inc.

Submitted To(s): City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department

Record Identifiers

LSD Technical Report No. (s): 135560

Pueblo Grande Museum Project No. (s): 2013-024

Cost Center Number(s): 8850200000

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Final-Report--2-_OCR_PDFA.pdf 6.79mb Jan 16, 2014 May 16, 2018 10:12:53 AM Confidential
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