A Plan for Archaeological Testing along the A-Mountain Drainage System

Author(s): J. Homer Thiel

Year: 1995


The A-Mountain drainage system is being designed by Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc., for the City of Tucson to alleviate flooding in the residential neighborhood between A-Mountain and the Santa Cruz River. As part of the planning process, Desert Archaeology, Inc., performed an archaeological survey and archival study of the parcel of land on which the drainage system will be placed (Thiel 1993a). On the basis of this preliminary work, Desert Archaeology recommended that an archaeological testing program be initiated to determine if significant cultural resources are present beneath the surface of the project area.

The area around A-Mountain has seen intensive usage during the Late Archaic (ca. 1500 B.C. to A.D. 50), Hohokam (A.D. 750 to 1450), Protohistoric (A.D. 1450 to 1694), and Historic periods (A.D. 1694 to 1945). There is a high probability that significant resources are present on the property. Based on subsequent bore-hole tests, it has been possible to narrow down the area that is most likely to contain these resources (Thiel 1993b). It is recommended that intensive testing take place within this zone, with limited testing in the areas thought to be less likely to contain undisturbed cultural remains.

This testing plan provides the project area location and description, a discussion of historical use of the project area, a summary of archaeological work conducted on or in the vicinity of the drainage system, research questions that will guide testing, and a plan for archaeological testing.

Cite this Record

A Plan for Archaeological Testing along the A-Mountain Drainage System. J. Homer Thiel. 1995 ( tDAR id: 448757) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8448757

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.038; min lat: 32.182 ; max long: -110.971; max lat: 32.249 ;

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Contact(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

Prepared By(s): Desert Archaeology, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc.

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