The COREX Project: Explaining Patterns of Genetic and Cultural Diversity in Prehistoric Europe

Author(s): Stephen Shennan

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Big Ideas to Match Our Future: Big Data and Macroarchaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

This six-year international interdisciplinary project funded by the European Research Council (2021–2027) is bringing together the increasing quantity of genomic data available for prehistoric Europe and related macroscale archaeological data with the aim of exploring how small-scale processes generate large-scale patterns in genetic and cultural data, and how the two interact. The archaeological core of the project is the BIAD relational database. It currently includes space-time referenced data sets of radiocarbon dates with contextual information, strontium isotope analyses, archaeobotanical and archaeofaunal data, and descriptions of the archaeological context and associations of ancient DNA results, providing links to the genomic data. The space-time referencing also enables links to pollen data in the European Pollen Database. BIAD provides a curated dataset with source references, not a data repository, which can be accessed directly in R to carry out analysis. The talk will outline BIAD and some of the challenges it has had to overcome and present some results of initial analyses.

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The COREX Project: Explaining Patterns of Genetic and Cultural Diversity in Prehistoric Europe. Stephen Shennan. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 498451)

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Abstract Id(s): 38244.0