Living Data: A Digital Data Collection and Management System for Landscape Archaeology

Author(s): Michael Heilen; Shelby Manney

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

As more and more data are born digital, archaeologists increasingly focus on operationalizing and refining data models, workflows, and practices. Important considerations include not only whether data will be useable for their intended purpose but also whether data generated by archaeological projects will be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable for future research and management efforts. Additional concerns include whether and how primary data, paradata, and metadata are preserved, who controls them, and how they are governed. Studies have shown that the earliest stages of the data lifecycle—i.e., how data are modeled and collected—strongly influence the outcome of later stages of the lifecycle. As such, data collection methods should seek to maximize the suitability of data to fulfill all subsequent lifecycle stages. This poster presents a cloud-based, digital data collection and management system developed for landscape surveys. We show how the data are modeled, collected, and stored; how the primary data can be visualized, analyzed, and integrated using semi-automated workflows; and discuss the implications of the approach to the interpretation and management of archaeological landscapes.

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Living Data: A Digital Data Collection and Management System for Landscape Archaeology. Michael Heilen, Shelby Manney. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499544)

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 39205.0