La Arqueología Histórica en los Pueblos de Ebtun, Cuncunul, Kaua, Tekom, y Tixcacalcupul, Yucatán, México


With the authorization of the Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), we conducated investigations in historical archaeology of the towns of Ebtun, Kaua, Cuncunul, Tekom, and Tixcacalcupul and their related settlements situated in north-central Yucatan, Mexico. The purpose of the investigation is to document and explain changes in cultural practices and agrarian ecology in Maya-speaking communities from AD 1545 to 2000, comparing archaeological settlement patterns to written sources in both Spanish and Yucatec Maya. Fieldwork was completed from May 15 to August 15, 2006, and included extensive and intensive archaeological survey and instrument mapping with surface collection.

In the towns of Ebtun, Cuncunul, Kaua, Tekom, Tixcacalcupul, and Chichimila, we observed midden deposits that had accumulated along the exterior of the churches and municipal buildings that formed the central plaza, which offered opportunities to sample and recover archaeological materials from stratigraphic contexts. For this reason INAH authorized the excavation of 1x1m test pits along the exterior of the churches to characterize the ceramic sequence of the rural towns in this region. All artifacts from this project are curated by the Centro INAH Yucatán.

Results of the investigation and analysis have been published as peer reviewed journals and book chapters, technical reports, New Mexico State University Master's theses and research reports, and as presentations and posters at professional archaeological conferences in Mexico and the US.

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La Arqueología Histórica en los Pueblos de Ebtun, Cuncunul, Kaua, Tekom, y Tixcacalcupul, Yucatán, México. ( tDAR id: 500213) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8500213

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1545 to 2024

Spatial Coverage

min long: -88.532; min lat: 20.532 ; max long: -88.167; max lat: 20.724 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Principal Investigator(s): Rani T Alexander

Record Identifiers

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Soil Permit, 2012(s): P330-12-00183

NMSU Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Research, 2012(s): 7512 (Expedited)

Consejo de Arqueologia, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH)(s): Oficio Num. C.A. 401-36/1479

Source Collections

Laboratory/ceramoteca of the Centro INAH Yucatan, historic ceramic type collections. All artifacts recovered from test excavations are curated at the Centro INAH Yucatan.

Related Comparative Collections

University of Washington Library and Special Collections, Ralph L. Roys Papers.

Archivo General del Estado de Yucatan, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: Ramos/Fondos Censos y Padrones, Poder Ejecutivo, Colonial, Justicia, Municipios, Libros Complementarios, selected documents.

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-4 of 4)

  • Documents (4)


  1. An Examination of Capitalism on Nineteenth-Century Haciendas in Yucatán, Mexico, (2013)
  2. Honey Production in Modern and Ancient Yucatán: Going from the Known to the Unknown (2014)
  3. La Arqueología Histórica en los Pueblos de Ebtún, Cuncunul, Kaua, Tekom, y Tixcacalcupul, Yucatán, México: Informe técnico de campo para la temporada de 2006 (2008)
  4. La Noria: A Hydrologic Technology of Yucatan (2013)