Historic (Culture Keyword)

2,976-3,000 (12,191 Records)

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 10.15 Acres for an SRP Pole Replacement and Distribution Lines, near Roosevelt Resort Park/Roosevelt Estates, Gila County, Arizona (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Zimmerman.

North Wind conducted a Class III cultural resources survey of 10.15 acres for a Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) pole replacement, and for previously unsurveyed SRP distribution lines in the vicinity of Roosevelt Resort Park/Roosevelt Estates, Gila County, Arizona. The project is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF) Tonto Basin Ranger District. SRP has identified one pole (Number 104404) that requires replacement. Since distribution lines associated...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 12.49 Acres for Two SRP Distribution Lines in the Mesa and Globe Ranger Districts, Tonto National Forest, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Zimmerman.

At the request of SRP, North Wind Resource Consulting, LLC (North Wind) conducted a Class III cultural resources survey of 12.49 acres for two distribution lines and access routes on land managed by TNF the in the Mesa and Globe Ranger Districts in Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona. The surveys were requested to address areas where SRP lacks surveys of its facilities and access routes. As a result of routine line inspections, SRP has identified three poles (Numbers 11879, near Apache...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 133 Acres Along the Apache Trail, State Route 88, Between Mileposts 203.40 and 220.20, near Apache Junction, Tonto National Forest, Mesa Ranger District, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erick Laurila. Lesley Rodriguez.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) are planning a spot improvement and pavement preservation project along State Route (SR) 88, also known as the Apache Trail between Milepost (MP) 203.40 and MP 220.20, northeast of the town of Apache Junction, Maricopa County, Arizona. The construction project would involve milling the existing pavement and replacing it with new pavement; stabilizing shoulders, paving existing and new turnouts and...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 7.58 Acres for Campground Improvements at the Lost Dutchman State Park, Apache Junction, Pinal County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sophia Kelly.

Arizona State Parks Development plans to install a new camping area at Lost Dutchman State Park north of Apache Junction in Pinal County, Arizona. The proposed camping area is located in the southeastern section of the park off an existing paved road. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the camping area construction project is approximately 7.58 acres. Because the parcel is on state land, a cultural resources inventory must be completed before construction can proceed pursuant to Arizona...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 750 Acres West of the Tortolita Mountains, Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text S. Jerome Hesse.

Between April 15 and April 22, 2004, archaeologists from SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted a Class III cultural resources survey of six separate parcels encompassing 750 acres on privately owned land in undeveloped portions of the Town of Maraña. Morrison Maierle, Inc. of Phoenix sponsored the survey of the six parcels, known as the Reilly-Holsclaw properties. The survey was conducted as a requirement of anticipated Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act and Town of Maraña grading...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 8.364 Acres for the Proposed Huckleberry Mesa Transmission Line Project, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Peters.

The project is being done in anticipation of the construction and maintenance of two parallel transmission lines by SRP. As proposed, one is a double circuit 230 kV line with two circuits of 69kV lines underbuilt on the same pole and optical ground wire (OPGW) line running on top of the poles and the second is a double circuit 69kV line with an OPGW running across the top (Grew 2021). In total, the lines will span 8.364 acres of Arizona State Trust lands, near the City of Mesa, Maricopa County,...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 9.3 Acres for SRP Distribution Lines in the Nammo Talley, Inc. Facility, Maricopa County, Arizona (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Zimmerman.

North Wind conducted a Class III cultural resources survey of 9.3 acres SRP distribution lines within an ASLD parcel leased to Nammo Talley Defense Systems in Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was requested to address the replacement of 15 distribution line poles and to provide a cultural resource inventory for ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the lines by SRP. The survey resulted in re-locating one previously recorded site (AZ U:10:313[ASM]) within the survey area. Of the 9.3 acres...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 988 Acres of Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Lower Verde River near Verde River Sheep Bridge, Yavapai County, Arizona (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Teeter. Chris North. Justin Rego. Gary Huckleberry.

As required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office (PXAO) requested Logan Simpson Design (LSD) conduct a Class III survey of 988 acres of withdrawn lands along the lower Verde River near the Verde River Sheep Bridge. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is administered by the Cave Creek Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest (TNF). The goal of the survey is to provide an...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of an 8-Mile Long Transmission Right-of-Way for the Evergreen-McMullin 69kV Project, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allison Carlton. Greta Rayle.

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) requested North Wind Resource Consulting, LLC (North Wind) conduct a Class III cultural resources resurvey of an approximately 8-mile-long transmission right-of-way along State Route (SR) 87 on Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRP-MIC) land in Maricopa County, Arizona (Figure 1). Emergency repairs and replacements were made to transmission poles within the survey area following a severe monsoon storm, which caused...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 4.3 Miles of the Horse Mesa Dam Road (FR 80), from the Apache Trail to Horse Mesa, Tonto National Forest, Mesa and Tonto Basin Ranger Districts, Maricopa County, Arizona (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Branden R. Fjerstad. Annie Lutes. Jerome Hesse.

SRP uses FR 80 to access Horse Mesa Dam and associated facilities in eastern Maricopa County, Arizona. Also known as Horse Mesa Dam Road, FR 80 traverses rugged terrain between its point of origin at SR 88 and its terminus at the dam on the Salt River. The road requires periodic maintenance for its sustainable and safe use, and SRP intends to implement future road improvement projects in coordination with TNF. SRP contracted SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to conduct a Class III cultural...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 64 Acres for a Proposed Salt River Project Well and Pipeline, St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mary-Ellen Walsh.

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) perform a Class III cultural resources survey related to a proposed well and pipeline construction project associated with the SRP Coronado Generating Station in St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The project area is located east of US 191 and southwest of the SRP Coronado Generating Station. Most of the pipeline corridor is on SRP-owned land; however, it also includes a small...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 84 Acres of Existing Fenceline, Undeveloped Roads, and a Block Parcel within the Salado Preserve, South of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mary-Ellen Walsh.

LSD surveyed approximately 84 acres of SRP-owned land to identify, document, and evaluate cultural resources for their National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility; however, this project is not a Federal undertaking and no consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act is required at this time. Recommendations for the treatment or avoidance of sites are offered for future management considerations. The survey resulted in the discovery of 1 previously recorded...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community. At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photo Log (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sara K. Hanan.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community. At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photos (2000)
IMAGE M. McCurdy. S. Reichardt.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community. At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Report (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Claudine Gravel-Miguel

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community. At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey...

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project 230-kV and 500-kV Transmission Line Rights-of-Way from Silver King to the Western Forest Boundary, Tonto National Forest, Mesa and Globe Districts, and Private Lands near Superior, Pinal County, Arizona (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Branden R. Fjerstad. Paul Rawson. Jerome Hesse. Christopher Papalas. Eric Petersen. Caitlin Hayden.

SRP contracted SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to conduct a Class III cultural resources survey along a 15.1-mile-long stretch of the Goldfield-Silver King 230-kilovolt (kV) and Browning to Silver King 500-kV electrical transmission line right-of-way (ROW) in Pinal County, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to identify cultural resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) so that SRP can take the necessary measures to avoid or...

Class III Cultural Resources Survey Report: Carrel Interconnection Project, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beau J. Goldstein.

On October 20, 2004, Transcon Infrastructure, Inc. (Transcon) conducted a Class III (Intensive Field Inventory) cultural resources survey of approximately 28 acres for the proposed construction of an electrical distribution substation and transmission line interconnection in the vicinity of Apache Junction, Pinal County, Arizona. Four transmission line alternatives, each with a 200 foot wide right-of-way (ROW), are being considered for interconnection with an existing 115kV transmission line....

Class III Intensive Cultural Resource Inventory of 3,116 Acres on Schriever Air Force Base (SAFB) Lands, El Paso County, Colorado (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Clive Briggs. Dante Knapp. Paul Matchen. Natasha Krasnow. Melissa Elkins. Jodi Jacobson. James Ramsey.

Texas State University’s Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS) and Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. (Metcalf) completed a Class III cultural resource inventory of the United States Schriever Air Force Base (SAFB), a United States Air Force (USAF) installation in El Paso County, Colorado. The inventory provides information on the presence of cultural resources in the inventory area, recommendations for resource eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP),...

Class III Inventory of Northwestern California Timber Tracts within Sustained Yield Unit 13 Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino Counties (BLM) (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Valerie A. Levulett. T. B. Ruhstaller. L. A. Bell.

An intensive archaeological field inventory initiated to identify and locate all prehistoric and historic cultural resources within a timber unit in Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino Counties, California. One historic site, two historic/prehistoric sites, and sixteen prehistoric sites were identified over the course of the 3774 acre survey, along with multiple isolated artifacts.

Class III Pedestrian Survey, Shovel Probe Testing, Limited Nonsite Backhoe Trenching, and Magnetometer Sampling for the San Xavier District Farm Rehabilitation Project, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

This project is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) assisted the Tohono O’odham Nation’s (Nation) San Xavier District’s (District) Farm Cooperative (CoOp) in developing some 1,400 acres of new farm land along both sides of Interstate 19 south of the existing CoOp farm fields. This project was in accordance with the...

Class III Pedestrian Survey, Shovel Probe Testing, Limited Nonsite Backhoe Trenching, and Magnetometer Sampling for the San Xavier District Farm Rehabilitation Project, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Photos (2011)
IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27482 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) assisted the Tohono O’odham Nation’s (Nation) San Xavier District’s (District) Farm Cooperative (CoOp) in developing some 1,400 acres of new farm land along both sides of Interstate 19 south of the existing CoOp farm fields. This project was in accordance with the...

A Class III Resources Survey of 12.99 Acres for an SRP Pole Replacement and Distribution Lines near Roosevelt Lake Gardens, Gila County, Arizona (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Zimmerman.

SRP proposes to install a new intercept power pole along an existing power distribution line that connects the Arizona Public Service (APS) system with SRP customers located in the project vicinity. The new wood pole would be located 80 feet to the south southeast of existing APS pole 694585. The new pole would be outfitted with an “intelleruptor” smart switch enabling SRP to remotely control the power circuit. SRP requested that in addition to the pole location, North Wind Resource Consulting,...

Class III Section 110 Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation-Withdrawn Lands along the Verde River South of Bartlett Dam, Tonto National Forest, Maricopa County, Arizona (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Heather Miljour. Rein Vanderpot. Robert Wegener. Samuel Fisher.

The project consists of a records search and intensive pedestrian cultural resource inventory conducted on Reclamation-withdrawn lands along both sides of the Verde River south of Bartlett Dam. The project area consists of two irregularly shaped footprints to the west and south of Bartlett Reservoir and along the lower Verde River. Statistical Research surveyed 586 acres of land in 2022 and 2023. Forty-nine archaeological sites were recorded and 77 isolated occurrences. Twenty-nine...

A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of 130 Acres of Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Prescott National Forest, Yavapai County, Arizona (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Travis Cureton.

At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office (PXAO), Logan Simpson performed an intensive Class III cultural resources survey of approximately 130 acres of Reclamation withdrawn lands managed by the Prescott National Forest (PNF). The Class III inventory was conducted in compliance with Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). There is no undertaking associated with this survey. Number of Sites Recorded: 22 (all newly recorded):...