Theodore Roosevelt Lake (Geographic Keyword)
1-25 (239 Records)
Desert Archaeology, Inc., under contract to Salt River Project (SRP) Agricultural Improvement and Power District, has completed archaeological monitoring of excavations along the northern bank of the Salt River at the eastern end of Theodore Roosevelt Lake. The excavations were undertaken as part of the construction of riparian habitat in the Meddler Point area. Archaeological monitoring of these excavations was conducted for the purpose of compliance under Section 106 of the National Historic...
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Structural Components of the Roosevelt Power Canal (1983)
During December, 1982, and January, 1983, representatives of the Environmental Services and Civil Engineering Departments of Salt River Project consulted with Archaeological Research Services, Inc. regarding the status of archaeological and historical information pertaining to the Roosevelt Power Canal, an early 20th century structure located in the Roosevelt Lake vicinity. Archaeological Research Services, Inc. had developed recent information on the Power Canal due to its participation in the...
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Structural Components of the Roosevelt Power Canal
During December, 1982, and January, 1983, representatives of the Environmental Services and Civil Engineering Departments of Salt River Project consulted with Archaeological Research Services, Inc. regarding the status of archaeological and historical information pertaining to the Roosevelt Power Canal, an early 20th century structure located in the Roosevelt Lake vicinity. Archaeological Research Services, Inc. had developed recent information on the Power Canal due to its participation in the...
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Structural Components of the Roosevelt Power Canal, Color Slides Part 1 (1983)
Color slides of power canal components, images # 1-50. PC # stands for the ARS component. Table with list of component descriptions corresponding to these images found in the survey and evaluation report on pages 13 - 18. This report is located in the tDAR resource:
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Structural Components of the Roosevelt Power Canal, Color Slides Part 2 (1983)
Color slides of power canal components, images # 51-100. PC # stands for the ARS component. Table with list of component descriptions corresponding to these images found in the survey and evaluation report on pages 13 - 18. This report is located in the tDAR resource:
Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Structural Components of the Roosevelt Power Canal, Color Slides Part 3 (1983)
Color slides of power canal components, images # 101-123. PC # stands for the ARS component. Table with list of component descriptions corresponding to these images found in the survey and evaluation report on pages 13 - 18. This report is located in the tDAR resource:
Archaeology in America: Cline Terrace Platform Mound and Tonto National Monument (2009)
The Cline Terrace site (AD 1280 to 1400) was a Hohokam style platform mound in the Tonto basin of central Arizona. Cline Terrace is one of the most thoroughly documented platform mounds in the Southwest. A modern excavation project, the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, generated a large data set from the platform mound, as well as from three villages and two hamlet sites surrounding the mound. These data enabled detailed comparisons between a platform mound and the associated communities where...
Archaeology in America: Hohokam Platform Mounds (2009)
The prehistoric Hohokam people of central Arizona constructed platform mounds at more than 100 sites between AD 1250 and 1450. These were stage-like platforms 2–2.5 meters high on which the Hohokam built rooms to place them in higher and more prominent locations in comparison to other rooms in the surrounding community. Sometimes additional rooms were constructed around the base of the platform mound, and a wall was built at ground level to surround the platform mound and rooms inside a...
Archaeology in America: Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites (2009)
On the southern end of the Tonto basin, along the waters of the Salt River, is a peninsula of land known as Schoolhouse Point Mesa, for the small school that once was located there. The structure and arrangement of the community on Schoolhouse Point Mesa reflect the characteristics of five other, nearby communities in the basin that also overlook the Salt River. Like the other four villages nearby, the Schoolhouse Point community grew quickly starting around AD 1250, called the Roosevelt phase...
The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
This report describes the archaeological investigations and results for studies of sites on Schoolhouse Point Mesa, a large geographic unit naturally bounded by the Salt River on its northern end and by major washes on its eastern and western sides (see Figure 1.1). Although people living on the mesa may have interacted with people living on the other side of major washes or rivers, the ease of interaction among people living on the mesa would have made them relatively more...
Archaeology of the Salado in the Livingston Area of Tonto Basin, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. Part 1 (1994)
Platform mounds appeared about 100 years later in the Tonto Basin than in the more southerly parts of the Sonoran Desert (e.g., Hayden 1957:186-189; Fish et al. 1992). The first small mounds were built in the Tonto Basin in the decades following A.D. 1250, but the concept gained rapid acceptance, and by the mid-1300s, the 50-kilometer length of the basin was dominated by ten large, regularly spaced mounds (Wood 1989). The mounds and their associated communities were occupied until shortly after...
Archaeology of the Salado in the Livingston Area of Tonto Basin, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Livingston Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex. Part 2 (1994)
This report is the second part of the third site description volume for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study. The two-part report describes the archaeology and artifacts of sites in the Pinto Creek Complex, Livingston Management Group located east of Pinto Creek. The chapters in this part of the report describe the analyses and results of recovered data, including ceramics, lithics, ground stone, shell, special artifacts, physical anthropology, pollen, plant remains,and faunal remains.
Classic Period Settlement in the Uplands of Tonto Basin, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Uplands Complex (1997)
This report is the third site description volume for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study. This volume describes 52 Uplands Complex sites investigated by the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study. Excavations or surface collections were conducted at 32 of the sites. These sites were in four study units located in the bajadas and foothill-transition zone of the piedmont that surround and define the Tonto Basin. Although the four Uplands Complex study units are in separate localities, the term "uplands"...
Cline Mesa Data, AZ U:3:128(ASM): Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data, AZ U:4:9(ASM): Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data, Sites AZ U:4:10(ASM), AZ U:4:11(ASM), and AZ U:4:13(ASM): Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data, Sites Near Casa Bandolero: Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data, Sites Near Cline Terrace Mound: Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data, Sites Near Indian Point: Strata (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from All Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Groundstone from All Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...
Cline Mesa Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1997)
The Cline Mesa archaeological sites are part of an extensive settlement complex called the Cline Terrace Complex at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. The Arizona State University, Office of Cultural Resource Management, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) divided the Cline Terrace Complex into three management groups: the Mound, Bandolero, and Indian Point management groups. The Cline Terrace Mound group included the Cline Terrace mound, which is...