Mine-Related Structures (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Mine
The remains of facilities or equipment, usually above ground, used for processing or storing mined materials.
76-100 (108 Records)
Aerial plan-view photographs from the California Department of Forestry 1947-1948, Northwest Coast, California.
Historic Cultural Resources in Relation to the Central Arizona Water Control Study (1983)
Flooding along the Salt, Gila, Verde, and Agua Fria Rivers in February and March of 1978 resulted in extensive damage to property in Central Arizona and in the disruption of ground transportation and commerce in the greater Phoenix area. Major flooding also occurred along these rivers in December, 1978 and February, 1980. The recognition of this flooding problem, and of requirements for the regulatory storage of Central Arizona Project (CAP) water, prompted the U.S. Department of the Interior,...
Hohokam and Historic Land Use of the Middle Gila River Valley Uplands: The Florence Army National Guard Survey, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
This document presents the results of a cultural resources survey of approximately 1,500 acres within the Florence Military Reservation (FMR) and adjoining State Trust Lands held in a special !and use permit (SLP) for military training exercises in Pinal County, Arizona. The project area is located north by northeast of Florence along U.S. 89). In addition to nine firing points, approximately 9.6 km of access roads were surveyed by Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI). A records check at the Arizona...
Intermontane Settlement Trends in the Eastern Papagueria: Cultural Resources Sample Survey in the Northeastern Barry M. Goldwater Range, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
In 1989, 1992, and 1994, Statistical Research, Inc., conducted sample surveys of the three proposed helicopter gunnery ranges on the extreme northeast corner of the Barry M. Goldwater Range. The survey was completed for the Western Air Reserve National Guard under a contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. Approximately 15,000 acres were surveyed in all; a total of 130 archaeological sites was recorded. One hundred six of these were prehistoric, and 24 were historic....
Kawich Range Stratified Archaeological Sampling Project: Predictive Model and Sampling Design (1999)
The Kawich Range is considered one of the least explored and most pristine mountain ranges in the Great Basin, part of 3.1 million acres withdrawn from public access in 1940s by the Department of Defense. Dames & Moore, under contract to Prewitt & Associates, was selected by Nellis Air Force Base to perform archaeological inventory and recordation of a 5,000-acre sample of the Kawich Range. The three phases of this project include: (1) preparation of a predictive model and research design; (2)...
Kentucky Camp Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Kentucky Camp site, comprised of the remnants of a mining camp, located on Coronado National Forest land. Structures, erected in 1905, include a corral, multiple cabins, stone retaining walls, a barn, a hotel, and an assay office. The file consists of a site data form, two maps of the site location, archaeological and historical site inventory form, three site inspection reports, a piece about the site history, a description of the property, and a...
Kirtland Air Force Base 1981B Archaeological Survey Project (1981)
The Center for Anthropological Studies has just completed an intensive archaeological survey of 256 acres of Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Twenty-eight prehistoric and historic artifacts were recorded and collected from 27 isolated loci. Two historic sites of the early twentieth century include a possible field boundary or livestock enclosure and a 1916 mining claim marker. The prehistoric archaeological resources of the project area indicate usage for lithic tool manufacture and...
Kirtland Air Force Base 1981B Archaeological Survey Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1981)
The Center for Anthropological Studies completed an intensive archaeological survey of 256 acres of Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Twenty-eight prehistoric and historic artifacts were recorded and collected from 27 isolated loci. Two historic sites of the early twentieth century include a possible field boundary or livestock enclosure and a 1916 mining claim marker. The prehistoric archaeological resources of the project area indicate usage for lithic tool manufacture and hunting-gathering...
Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.
Kirtland Air Force Base: Geophysical Studies (1997)
This report evaluates the applicability of several near-surface geophysical methods to intrasite archaeological prospection in New Mexico. The Investigations explored the effectiveness of resistivity, gradiometer, magnetometer, ground penetrating radar, and magnetic susceptibility techniques for verifying the presence and nature of architectural and other cultural features at Kirtland Air Force Base. The research involved the application of these techniques to five sites (LA 107488, LA 53672, LA...
Map of Cairn Association, Mount Washington, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (2022)
Maps of carin association with shafts or prospects and analysis of carin association with other carins.
Mills, Mines, a Mound and Maybe a Haunted House: Archeological Survey of 3040 Acres at J. Strom Thurmon (Clark Hill) Lake, Geogia, Volume II: Site Forms, Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999 (1998)
In order to comply with federal regulations concerning the protection of important archeological resources (National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; Executive Order 11593), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Savannah District, and the J. Strom Thurmond Project, sponsored the survey of 3040 ac prior to timber harvesting. Archeological sites judged to have research potential (i.e., that are eligible or potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) will...
Mills, Mines, a Mound and Maybe a Haunted House: Archeological Survey of 3040 Acres at J. Strom Thurmond (Clark Hill) Lake, Georgia, Volume I: Report, Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999 (1999)
In order to comply with federal regulations concerning the protection of important archeological resources (National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; Executive Order 11593), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Savannah District, and the J. Strom Thurmond Project, sponsored the survey of 3040 ac prior to timber harvesting. Archeological sites judged to have research potential (i.e., that are eligible or potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) will...
Nellis Air Force Base Archaeology and Native American Posters 2001-2006 (2006)
Nellis AFB archaeology posters.
Nellis Air Force Base: Archaeological Survey, Area II, Clark County Nevada (2017)
The Area II survey conducted by SWCA resulted in the documentation of 50 archaeological sites and 78 isolated finds. Sixteen of the archaeological sites were newly discovered, and of the 44 previously documented sites, 33 were found and reinvestigated. The archaeological sites included 15 prehistoric/ethnographic sites associated with Native Americans, 32 historic sites potentially associated with Euro‐Americans, and 3 multi‐component sites with prehistoric/ethnohistoric and historic components....
Nellis Air Force Base: Final Report, Section 110 Archaeological Survey, Area II, Clark County Nevada (2018)
The Area II survey conducted by SWCA resulted in the documentation of 50 archaeological sites and 78 isolated finds. Sixteen of the archaeological sites were newly discovered, and of the 44 previously documented sites, 33 were found and reinvestigated. The archaeological sites included 15 prehistoric/ethnographic sites associated with Native Americans, 32 historic sites potentially associated with Euro‐Americans, and 3 multi‐component sites with prehistoric/ethnohistoric and historic components....
Permian Basin BPA#9: Archaeological Survey of Ring Midden Sites in the CFO District (2024)
The BPA#9 project was developed under the Permian Basin Mitigation Program to conduct an intensive survey and inventory of approximately 60,000 acres within seven individual parcels of land situated across the foothills of the Guadalupe and Sacramento Mountains. Combined, these seven study units constitute the project area. Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), was contracted by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) to perform this survey,...
Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Planned USH 151 Improvements, Dickeyville to Belmont, Grant and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin (1995)
During June, July, August, September, and November of 1995 Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, Inc. conducted a phase I archaeological reconnaissance and geomorphological investigation for the planned USH 151 Improvements, Dickeyville to Belmont, Grant and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin. The area covered by the survey includes six alternate routes which extend from south of Dickeyville to Belmont, and bypass the towns of Dickeyville, Platteville, and Belmont. A total of 34 linear miles...
Photolog for the Photos from the Cultural Resources Assessment of 59 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase A) (2010)
The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit...
Photos from the Cultural Resources Assessment of 59 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase A) (2010)
The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit...
Playa Vista Archaeological and Historical Project, Volume 1: Research Design (1991)
The Playa Vista Archaeological and Historical Project is a multi-step comprehensive approach designed to achieve compliance with applicable Municipal, State, and Federal laws and regulations protecting cultural resources. This document represents the first step: the completion of a project specific research design that presents current knowledge of the cultural resources in the project area and outlines future steps to mitigate potential impacts of the proposed project. To complete the research...
Preliminary Case Report, Concerning Cultural Resources Along the Granite Reef Aqueduct and Granite Reef Aqueduct Transmission System, Central Arizona Project (1978)
This report only contains the Appendices A - J. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is requesting proposals for supplementary inventory survey and mitigation of cultural resources to be impacted by construction of the Granite Reef Aqueduct and Granite Reef Aqueduct Transmission System. This aqueduct and transmission system are features of the Central Arizona Project (CAP), which is a multipurpose water resource development and management project designed to provide supplemental water to central and...
Preliminary Draft: National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of 47 Archaeological Sites, Kirtland Air Force Base, Kirtland AFB, Kirtland, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2008)
In the period between October 2005 and June 2006, engineering-environmental Management, Inc. (e2M) conducted a cultural resources update and testing project of 47 sites at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) to determine their eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Eleven of the 34 sites recommended eligible are threatened from modern disturbances (LA 69885, LA 137933, LA 137981, LA 137985, LA 137987, LA 137988, LA 137995, LA 138002, LA 138016, LA 138028 and LA 138029)....
Preliminary Report on Archaeological Survey of Bureau of Reclamation Lands Near Cochran (1998)
This is a draft report on the archaeological survey of a 4,800-acre tract south of the Gila River referred to as the Cochran Survey. The initial phase of the project involved a 1500-acre survey identifying and evaluating prehistoric and historic cultural properties on Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) lands. The survey area was located in Pinal County. In total, 15 sites and 116 isolates were recorded in the survey area, most of which were believed to relate to Hohokam cultural facies....
Preserving History with Virtual Reality: The Future of Archaeological Public Outreach at the Historic United Comstock Merger Mill (2023)
This is an abstract from the "Digging Deeper: Pushing Ourselves to Engage the Public in Our Shared Heritage through Outreach and Education" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The United Comstock Merger Mill, locally known as the American Flat Mill, was a cyanide mill constructed in 1922 on the eastern portion of the American Flat near Virginia City, Nevada. This mill, located within the boundaries of the Virginia City National Historic Landmark,...