Isolated Artifact (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Archaeological Feature
A find spot containing a single artifact.
376-400 (784 Records)
Brockington and Associates, Inc. produced this artifact catalog listing artifacts found while doing the site evaluation in accordance with state law in 2004 at the CPW tract.
Cultural Resources Survey of the Cypress Ridge Tract (38BU2116, 2165-73, 2180) (2006)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., completed an intensive cultural resources survey of the Cypress Ridge Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina, in December 2005 and January 2006." They "recorded 10 archaeological sites on the tract." A cemetery along with several potential and one eligible NRHP sites were found. The report states that remote sensing was used due to the possibility of unmarked graved being discovered in order to keep from disturbing them.
Cultural Resources Survey of the Dasinger Tract (2007)
"In August 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the 40-acre Dasinger Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina. This work was conducted for Thornwell Partners, LLC, of Isle of Palms, South Carolina, in compliance with state laws and regulations concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Donnelley Wildlife Management Area Mitigation Tract (2012)
"Between August 30 and October 3, 2011, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive archaeological survey of the 691-acre Donnelley Mitigation Tract in the Donnelley Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Colleton County, South Carolina. These investigations were requested by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) in compliance with federal laws concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Dunn Shortcut Tract (2006)
"On 6-10 March 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Dunn Shortcut Tract in Horry County, South Carolina. These investigations were completed for Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company. This survey was requested in compliance with state laws and federal regulations concerning the management of historical properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona: Photos (2000)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Ganado Irrigation System and 40 Farm Plots, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona: Report (2001)
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources (NNDWR), in conjunction with other Federal and local entities prepared and evaluated alternatives for improving water management, conservation, and distribution within the Ganado Irrigation System. The resulting recommendations are termed the Ganado Irrigation Water Conservation Project (GIWCP), whose purpose is to develop a system that will enable the efficient conveyance of irrigation water to farmland and...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Gregg Tract (2011)
"In April and July 2011, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 42-acre Gregg Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina. These investigations were completed for Henrich Properties in compliance with state and federal laws concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) affected by...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Hoopstick Island Tract (2003)
In August 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the 70 acre Hoopstick Island Tract, located on Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. This survey included a background review and the systematic excavation of shovel tests at 50 and 100 foot intervals across the upland portions of the project tract. A dirt causeway on the tract was visually inspected. The cultural resources survey was undertaken to provide information concerning the kinds...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Johnnie Dodds Boulevard Improvements Project (2007)
"On June 14, 2007, the Senior Architectural Historian consulted the State Site Files at the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) for previously identified archaeological sites in the project vicinity. Several archaeological sites are located within 0.5 mile of the project area (Table 1). Also on June 14, 2007, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) files of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH) were searched for previously...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Laurel Park Tract (2003)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the Laurel Hall tract in the Town of Mount Pleasant, Charleston County, South Carolina. The tract covers 28 acres of land located northeast of the intersection of US Highway 17 and Lexington Drive (0.83 miles northeast of the intersection of US Highway 17 and SC Route 41). Archaeologists identified one isolated find (Isolate 1) on the project tract during the intensive survey. The isolated find is not eligible for...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Lee Nuclear Station Utilities Project (2009)
"In December 2008 and January 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Lee Nuclear Station on-site utilities. This survey includes the proposed wastewater line, on-site transmission lines, construction spoils area, and construction rebar laydown area within the Lee Nuclear Station in Cherokee County, South Carolina. These investigations included background research, archaeological survey, and architectural survey. The work was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Morgan Tract (2008)
"Investigators identified 14 sites (38JA410–38JA423) and 11 isolated finds (Isolates 1–11) during the survey of the Morgan Tract. We recommend sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and Isolates 1–11 not eligible for the NRHP. No further management consideration of sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and the isolated finds is warranted. Although we recommend the site containing a cemetery (38JA421) not eligible for the NRHP, ground disturbance in and near the...
Cultural Resources Survey of the North Columbia Quarry Tract (2010)
"Between April 20 and May 1, 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 315 uplands acres of the 508-acre North Columbia Quarry project tract in Richland County, South Carolina. The project tract was divided into 315 acres of uplands, consisting of ridges and drainages, and 193 acres of the Broad River and Nipper Creek floodplains. Geoarcheology Research Associates conducted the geoarchaeological survey of the floodplains. This work was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Olde Mill Run Tract (2005)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the Olde Mill Run Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. The project tract is located north of SC Route 46 near Pritchardville. Archaeological investigations involved systematic shovel testing of the 102 hectare tract. This work was done in compliance with state and federal regulations concerning the management of cultural resources affected through development activities in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina. The...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Ordnance Railroad Modifications, Naval Weapons Station, Charleston, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1998)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the proposed Ordnance Railroad Modifications within the Naval Weapons Station, Charleston (NWS) in Berkeley County, South Carolina 11-12 March 1998. Archaeological work entailed the pedestrian survey of approximately 4.6 km (3.0 miles) of proposed rail line and an associated 6.1 ha (15 acres) of railroad “yards." These investigations involved the excavation of shovel tests at 30 m (100 ft) intervals to provide systematic...
A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Salt River Project 92nd Street Substation, Salt River Pima and Maricopa Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
On December 27, 1990, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants, conducted an archaeological survey on the Salt River Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation for Salt River Project for a proposed substation. Approximately 2.07 acres located in a modern field were surveyed. Isolated artifacts consisted of a single piece of heat-altered rock and five pieces of mafic igneous flaked debitage. Archival investigations revealed that the project area is located in the extreme northwestern portion of Pueblo...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project (2007)
"In July–August 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project in Dorchester County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through Davis & Floyd, Inc., for the Dorchester County Sales Tax Authority in advance of road improvement activities along this portion of US Highway 78. The project corridor is approximately 39.6 kilometers (24.6 miles) long. The proposed project is located along existing US...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Wells Crossroad to Holly Hill Reach Water Transmission Mains (2011)
"Archaeological survey through surface inspection and systematic shovel testing at 30-meter intervals identified six sites (38OR331, 38OR332, 38OR333, 38OR334, 38OR335, and 38OR336) and one isolated find. Five of these sites contain remnants of nineteenth- to twentieth-century farmsteads or tenant farms. One site contains Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic artifacts. We recommend all of these sites and the isolated find not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). We also...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Wells Crossroad to Holly Hill Reach Water Transmission Mains (2012)
"Archaeological survey through surface inspection and systematic shovel testing at 30-meter intervals identified seven sites (38OR331, 38OR332, 38OR333, 38OR334, 38OR335, 38OR336, and 38OR341) and one isolated find. Six of these sites contain remnants of nineteenth- to twentieth-century farmsteads or tenant farms. One site contains Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic artifacts. We recommend all of these sites and the isolated find not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). We...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Quail to Florence Junction 69 kV Subtransmission Line Easement on State Trust Land, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
This report presents the results of a Class III cultural resources survey of a portion of the right-of-way corridor for a new 69 kV subtransmission line that will extend between the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) Quail Substation, located southeast of Queen Creek, and the Florence Junction Substation, west of Florence Junction, Arizona. The survey was requested by SRP to determine if significant cultural resources were present within the right-of-way...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Mesa Highlands and 46E 1S Substations, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (1991)
A cultural resources survey of two proposed substations was conducted for Salt River Project by archaeologists from SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants, on January 30, 1991. The project involved the survey of approximately 3.5 acres of State of Arizona Lands for the Mesa Highlands substation located in Maricopa County west of Apache Junction, Arizona, and approximately 4.0 acres of State of Arizona Lands for the 46E 1S substation located in Pinal County south of Apache Junction on the Queen...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Sandhill Road Mine Tract (2007)
"Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Sandhill Road Mine Tract in Dorchester County, South Carolina, on October 1–8, 2007, as requested by Austin Construction Company, Inc. ... There are no standing structures on the tract. We identified four archaeological sites (38DR350–38DR353) and eight isolated finds (Isolates 1–8) during the field investigations. Site 38DR350 is a small, nondiagnostic Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic...
Cultural Resources Survey of the South Rhett Tract (2007)
"In May 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 28-acre South Rhett Tract located in North Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina. The project tract is bounded to the east by South Rhett Avenue, to the north by the North Charleston Terminal Railroad Line, to the south by Noisette Creek, and to the west by a private neighborhood. At the time of this investigation, vegetation within the tract consisted of mixed hardwood forest,...