Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico)
The projects include (1) a general introduction to the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla and related work, and (2) pdf scans of excavation, survey, and artifact coding on project forms; (3) databases of feature/site and artifact information; (4) images from project work; (5) documents related to the project; (6) archival air photographs. The collection is dedicated by Barbara Stark to archaeologists and students working in Veracruz, with hope that in future some of the contents may prove useful for research. Not all project materials are made public yet, as some are in preliminary form or subject to current research. For these materials, interested researchers should contact Stark.
Site Name Keywords
693, 985, 1128, 1055, 1056, Patarata 52 (excavations); survey not enumerated
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Burial Pit •
Ball Court •
Governmental Structure •
Ancient Governmental Structure
Other Keywords
Mexico •
Veracruz •
México •
Survey And Mapping •
Survey and Excavation •
Mixtequilla •
Bone Artifact
Culture Keywords
Investigation Types
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Survey •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Architectural Documentation •
Archaeological Overview
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Wood •
Human Remains •
Shell •
Building Materials •
Fauna •
Dating Sample •
Temporal Keywords
Middle Formative, Late Formative, Terminal Formative, Early Classic, Late Classic, Postclassic •
Preclassic, Classic, and Postclassic periods •
Preclassic (Formative), Classic, Postclassic, Colonial periods (Mesoamerica) •
Formative, Classic, Postclassic, Colonial •
modern agency maps
Geographic Keywords
MX (ISO Country Code) •
Veracruz (State / Territory) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Mexico •
South-central Veracruz, Mexico •
Veracruz, Mexico •
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 142)
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Documents
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This project includes files related to western lower Papaloapan basin projects, including particularly relevant Master's theses, term papers, drafts of codebooks or other working documents, and some hard-to-get or out-of-print publications (confidential because of copyrights). A list of publications, theses, and dissertations related to the projects appears in a file in the related "Introduction" project.
1977 Prehistoric Ecology at Patarata 52, Veracruz, Mexico, monograph (1977)
This monograph is a revision of Barbara Stark's dissertation. It addresses primarily excavations on Patarata Island, located in the mangrove swamp at the mouth of the Papaloapan River, Veracruz, Mexico. It was published in 1977 but is out of print. (Prehistoric Ecology at Patarata 52, Veracruz, Mexico: Adaptation to the Mangrove Swamp. Vanderbilt University Publications in Anthropology 18.)
1989 Patarata pottery monograph (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
The monograph analyzes pottery from Patarata 52, Veracruz, Mexico. (1989 Patarata Pottery: Classic Period Ceramics of the South-central Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Mexico. Anthropological Papers 51. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.)
2001 Classic period Mixtequilla residential excavations, monograph (2001)
The monograph analyzes residential excavations in the Mixtequilla area of Veracruz, Mexico. (2001 Classic Period Mixtequilla, Veracruz, Mexico: Diachronic Inferences from Residential Investigations, ed. by B.L. Stark. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, Monograph 12, The University at Albany, N.Y. )
Field and Laboratory notes and records for Patarata excavations, 1968-69 (2012)
These scans are of the original field and laboratory records from excavations in 1968-1969 on Patarata Island, Veracruz, Mexico, reported in a monograph published by Vanderbilt University.
Kevin Johns Masters Paper (2003)
This is Kevin Johns' masters paper. It addressees ball courts using data from Barbara Stark's Proyecto Archaeologico La Mixtequilla in the western lower Papaloapan basin. The MA title is "Courting Power: The Role of the Ballgame in the Western Lower Papaloapan Basin, Veracruz, Mexico."
Mark Brodbeck 1993 Master's Paper (1993)
Title: " The role of domestic prismatic blade use in the social development of La Mixtequilla, Veracruz, Mexico." The master's research evaluated the degree of use wear on a sample of prismatic blades from the region.
Neil Miller's 2006 Master's Paper (2006)
Neil Miller's masters' paper, "Figurines and Middle to Late Postclassic Changes in the Western Lower Papaloapan Basin (A.D. 1200-1521)," examines figurine styles for the Mixtequilla area, Cotaxtla, and the Central Highlands during the Late Postclassic period to evaluate evidence of different identities.
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Forms
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This archive includes an introduction to the field projects and publications as well as copies in pdf of original field and laboratory forms, digitized data files (generally in excel), and files with descriptions of variables in digitized files. The files will be added to tdar through a series of updates. The projects were sponsored by funding various agencies, with permission from the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico.
Archival Auger Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
A program of augering residential mounds preceeded the selection of mounds for residential test excavations. These pdf files have the data forms and associated notes related to the auger testing, done in 1987.
Archival Excavation Records 1987 (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
Residential mound excavations during 1987 were recorded with forms, and artifacts from the excavations were recorded on forms.
Archival Survey Feature or Collection Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
These are pdf files of the original survey feature/collection forms. Each survey feature was recorded on a form and assigned a unique number, and, if the feature was collected, that number pertains to the surface collection. Some features have more than one collection, in which case additional feature/collection numbers were assigned. Rarely numbers were subsequently de-assigned, and might then be assigned to a different feature/collection later, but occasionally numbers were not used...
Archival Survey Field Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
These pdf files show forms for fields where survey was conducted and the locations of features/collections within the field, along with vegetation and other observations. These files are only available with special permission because those from seasons when global positioning equipment was used have UTM coordinates. Those from survey using aerial mosaics sometimes show roads or towns identifiable on maps.
Archival Survey Figurine Forms (2012)
These laboratory forms record figurine classifications.
Archival Survey Misc Artifact Forms (2012)
These pdfs contain the original laboratory coding forms for a variety of miscellaneous artifacts, such as spindle whorls, incensarios, colanders,clay balls, and other unusual ceramic forms. Artifacts related to ceramic production are included.
Archival Survey Obsidian Forms (2012)
Obsidian coding forms from the PALM regional survey and associated notes. The obsidian coding was directed by Lynette Heller.
Archival Survey Pottery Forms (2012)
These archival forms recorded pottery types and attributes for survey collections. Some show updates or corrections when pottery was reexamined, but a few updates were made directly on electronic database or excel files.
Chert Biface Coding Sheets (2013)
A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of chert bifacial artifacts, apparently all are projectile points.
Obsidian biface coding sheets (2013)
A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of obsidian bifacial tools. All appear to be projectile points.
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Images
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This archive is devoted to project images. The organization of the images is described in "Documentation of Image Archive." Each image has a unique accession number, and images are grouped into categories such as bone, chert, figurine, lapidary, lithic, obsidian, pottery, shell, and so forth. Information about each image is contained in an access database "Palm Image Archive." The image archive is not completed, and images have not been entirely edited. Contact Stark with questions. For...
Bone Images (2012)
Bone artifact images.
Ceramic Artifact Images, Miscellaneous (2012)
Miscellaneous ceramic artifacts include a wide range of forms, such as candeleros, net weights, shaft smoothers, clay balls, and other items. Not all images have been processed to improve visibility or trim unnecessary background space (e.g., in Photoshop) due to time limitations. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Chert images (2012)
Chert artifact images.
Documentation of Image Archive (2012)
Description of how the image archive is organized.
Figurines 1-500 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1-500. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 1001-1200 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1001-1200. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 1201-1500 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1201-1500. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 1501-2000 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1501-2000. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 2500-3000 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 2500-3000. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 3001-3700 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 3001-3700. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 3701-3800 (2013)
These figurine images have accession numbers 3701-3800 in the image archhive. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 3801-3900 (2013)
These figurine images have accession numbers 3801-3900 in the image archive. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 501-1000 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 501-1000. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Groundstone images (2012)
Ground stone artifact images, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Incensario (incense burner) images (2012)
Images of incensarios (incense burners), labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive."
Kiln fragment images (2012)
Kiln fragment images, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Lapidary images (2012)
Lapidary artifact images, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Mold images (2012)
Mold images for figurines, pottery, etc., labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Obsidian artifact images (2012)
Obsidian artifact images, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive."
Palm image archive data (2012)
This access database contains the information associated with images in the PALM and Patarata projects.
Pottery images 1-99 (2012)
Pottery images 1-99, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 100-199 (2012)
Pottery images100-199, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 1000-1299 (2012)
Pottery images 1000-1299, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 1300-1399 (2012)
Pottery images 1300-1399, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 1400-1499 (2012)
Pottery images 1400-1499, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 1600-1699 (2012)
Pottery images 1600-1699, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 200-399 (2012)
Pottery images 200-399, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 2400-2499 (2012)
Pottery images 2400-2499, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 2600-2699 (2012)
Pottery images 2600-2699, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 2700-2799 (2012)
Pottery images 2700-2799, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 2800-2899 (2012)
Pottery images 2800-2899, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 2900-2999 (2012)
Pottery images 2900-2999, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 3000-3099 (2012)
Pottery images 3000-3099, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 3100-3199 (2012)
Pottery images 3100-3199, see "Documentation of Image Archive" for archive variables and "Palm Image Archive" database for information about images.
Pottery images 3300-3399 (2012)
These pottery images have accession numbers between 3300-3399, the majority taken by Thanet Skoglund in a study comparing Late Postclassic pottery from Cotaxtla (Cotaxtla Archaeological Project) and PALM. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive".
Pottery images 3400-3499 (2012)
This file includes pottery images (3400-3499). See Documentation of Image Archive and Palm Image Archive for descriptions of the variables in the archive and for information associated with the images.
Pottery images 3500-3699 (2012)
These pottery images have accession numbers between 3500-3699. See Documentation of Image Archive" for information on variables and "Palm Image Archive" for information about individual images.
Pottery images 3700-3799 (2012)
These pottery images are within accession numbers 3700-3799. See Documentation of Image Archive for variables and Palm Image Archive for information about images.
Pottery images 3800-3849 (2013)
These pottery images fall within accession numbers 3800-3849 in the image archive, Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Pottery images 3850-3899 (2013)
These pottery images have accession numbers between 3850-3899 in the image archive. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Pottery images 3900-3999 (2013)
These pottery images have accession numbers 3900-3999 in the image archive. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Pottery images 400-599 (2012)
Pottery images 400-599, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 600-799 (2012)
Pottery images 600-799, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Pottery images 800-999 (2012)
Pottery images 800-999, labeled by accession number, see "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive"
Seal images (2012)
Images of ceramic roller and stamp seals. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
Shell artifact images (2012)
Images of worked shell and shell artifacts. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
Stone artifacts, miscellaneous, images (2012)
Worked stone images, see also Groundstone, Obsidian, and Chert for other worked stone files. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, ethnographic 1-1999 (2012)
These images (within the span 1-1999) are related to modern life in the survey region. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, ethnographic 2000-3499 (2012)
These images for the View, ethnographic category, 2000-3499, are from the region of the survey. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, ethnographic 3500-3699 (2012)
These ethnographic images from the project location fall within the accession numbers 3500-3699. See Documentation of Image Archive and Palm Image Archive for information about archive variables and photo contextual information.
View, features 1-999 (2012)
These images (1-999) are views of archaeological features. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 1000-1799 (2012)
These images are views of archaeological features (1000-1799). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 1800-1999 (2012)
These images show views of archaeological features (1800-1999). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 2000-2499 (2012)
These images show archaeological features (2000-2499). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 2500-2699 (2012)
These images show archaeological features (2500-2699). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 2700-3399 (2012)
These images show archaeological features (2700-3399). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
View, features 3400-3699 (2012)
These feature images fall within accession numbers 3400-3599. See Documentation of Image Archive and Palm Image Archive for a description of image variables and photo context information.
View, landscape 1-1999 (2012)
These images are views of the landscape of the survey region, 1-1999. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, landscape 2000-3500 (2012)
These images show the landscape of the survey region (2000-3500). See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, methods 1-1999 (2012)
These images show field and laboratory methods, 1-1999. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, methods 2000-3600 (2012)
These images show field or laboratory methods, 2000-3500. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, miscellaneous (2012)
These images are views in the region or on the project that do not fit well into other categories. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 1-999 (2012)
These views show project personnel, 1-999. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 1000-1899 (2012)
These views show project personnel, 1000-1899. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 1900-2599 (2012)
These images are views of project personnel, 1900-2599. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 2600-2999 (2012)
These images show project personnel, 2600-2999. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 3000-3499 (2012)
These images show project personnel, 3000-3499. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
View, personnel 3500-3699 (2012)
These are images of project personnel (accession numbers between 3500-3699). See "Documentation of Image Archive" concerning variables and "Palm Image Archive" for information about each image.
Waster images (2012)
These images show wasters from figurine, pot, or other ceramic production. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
Whistle images (2012)
These images show whistles, flutes, and other musical instruments. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
Whorl images (2012)
These images show spindle whorls. Some lip plugs and ear spools in some frames. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" for information about variables and images.
Wood artifact images (2013)
These are wooden artifact images. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Introduction
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This project contains a file introducing the project, funding, personnel, and publications.
Introduction to the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla (PALM) and Related Projects (2013)
This document introduces the project, funding sources, history, personnel, and publications. It serves as an introduction to the other closely related projects in the Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology Collection.
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Maps
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This projects contains scans of maps that were used during the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla. The maps are INEGI maps and Comision del Papaloapan Irrigation District Maps.
Blanco River Irrigation District Maps (2012)
Rio Blanco irrigation district maps were scanned for use in GIS programs for the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla. Not all the irrigation district maps were copied by xerox for this endeavor. There are additional maps held by the irrigation district offices. The irrigation district is part of the Comision del Papaloapan.
Cia. Mexicana de Aerofoto Aerial Mosaics of Lower Papaloapan Basin (1969)
Aerial mosaics of the lower Papaloapan basin were created for the Comision del Papaloapan by the Cia. Mexicana de Aerofoto, which has since gone out of business. Their negatives and any remaining prints appear to have been lost, or at least are in an unknown location. Prints were purchased covering the western lower Papaloapan area and used in archaeological survey 1986-1988. Subsequently, survey was conducted with Irrigation District maps or GPS. These scans function as archival records of...
INEGI Maps (2012)
These INEGI maps were scanned for use in GIS programs for the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla.
Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico): Databases
PROJECT Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This project contains excel or access databases for sites and artifacts from work in the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla. See the "Introduction" project for information about the project.
Ceramic balls from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains data on ceramic balls (usually whole or major part) collected during survey. Data from clay balls observed but not collected have not yet been added to the file. These artifacts are thought to have been used in construction.