Western Lower Papaloapan Archaeology (Veracruz, Mexico)
The projects include (1) a general introduction to the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla and related work, and (2) pdf scans of excavation, survey, and artifact coding on project forms; (3) databases of feature/site and artifact information; (4) images from project work; (5) documents related to the project; (6) archival air photographs. The collection is dedicated by Barbara Stark to archaeologists and students working in Veracruz, with hope that in future some of the contents may prove useful for research. Not all project materials are made public yet, as some are in preliminary form or subject to current research. For these materials, interested researchers should contact Stark.
Site Name Keywords
693, 985, 1128, 1055, 1056, Patarata 52 (excavations); survey not enumerated
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Burial Pit •
Ball Court •
Governmental Structure •
Ancient Governmental Structure
Other Keywords
Mexico •
Veracruz •
México •
Survey And Mapping •
Survey and Excavation •
Mixtequilla •
Bone Artifact
Culture Keywords
Investigation Types
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Survey •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Architectural Documentation •
Archaeological Overview
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Wood •
Human Remains •
Shell •
Building Materials •
Fauna •
Dating Sample •
Temporal Keywords
Middle Formative, Late Formative, Terminal Formative, Early Classic, Late Classic, Postclassic •
Preclassic, Classic, and Postclassic periods •
Preclassic (Formative), Classic, Postclassic, Colonial periods (Mesoamerica) •
Formative, Classic, Postclassic, Colonial •
modern agency maps
Geographic Keywords
MX (ISO Country Code) •
Veracruz (State / Territory) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Mexico •
South-central Veracruz, Mexico •
Veracruz, Mexico •
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-142 of 142)
Ceramic disks from the PALM project (2012)
This file contains information on perforated and non-perforated ceramic disks from the PALM project survey and excavation.
Ceramic wheels from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains information about ceramic wheels (for wheeled "toys") from PALM survey.
Chert and obsidian bifacial tool attributes, definitions used by AJ Vonarx (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark
This file lists and defines the attributes used by AJ Vonarx in coding obsidian and chert bifacial tools from PALM survey. This file is only partially complete at the time of upload.
Chert artifacts from PALM 1 (2012)
This dataset records information about chert artifacts recovered during PALM 1 (1984-1989).
Chert artifacts from PALM 2 survey (2012)
This file contains information on chert artifacts recovered during PALM 2 survey (1998-2002).
Chert tool attributes, PALM project (2012)
This file contains chert tool attributes recorded by A.J. Vonarx for her University of Arizona Master's thesis research.
Feature information from PALM survey through 2002 (2012)
This excel file contains information about the archaeological features recorded in survey from 1986 to 2002. The variables are described in a separate document: mcolvars.doc. A collection number is based on the feature number. Any additional collection from a feature was given a separate number, normally in the 900s.
Feature variables for PALM survey, definitions (2012)
This document file describes the variables in the mndallto02.xls file.
Figurines from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains tallies of figurines according to feature number or Isolated Find (IF) number. The figurine classification is described in the figurine codebook. Note that if the figurine was an IF, the collection/feature number is entered as missing data (all 9s).
Ground stone artifacts from PALM survey (2012)
This file tabulates ground stone artifacts from PALM survey, excluding Isolated Finds (IFs).
Miscellaneous Ceramic Artifacts from PALM survey (2012)
This file records ceramic artifacts other than vessels. The artifacts derive from survey and the feature number of the collection is indicated.
Non-rim sherds from PALM survey features (2012)
Non-rim sherds are entered according to feature number of the collection and pottery classification category. While all rims were collected, non-rims were collected only if decorated or showing unusual form information, such as supports, handles, or appliques.
Obsidian and chert, guide to files (2012)
This excel file lists obsidian and chert files with basic data, along with comments about contents.
Obsidian bifaces points from PALM 2 (2012)
This file contains information relating to obsidian biface points (code 61) from PALM 2 survey. Data were recorded by A.J. Vonarx, but variable documentation is not written.
Obsidian classification variables and related information (2012)
This file consists mainly of information recorded by Lynette Heller concerning the variables employed in obsidian analysis, with later clarifications by Barbara Stark. It included two addenda, one by Lynette Heller grouping codes according to production technology, and the other noting some special circumstances affecting a few obsidian collections. The obsidian files from PALM 1 and PALM2 are not constructed the same way (PALM 2 is non-relational), and the obsidian coding is not thoroughly...
Obsidian core data from PALM 1 excavation (2012)
Lynette Heller recorded these data for obsidian cores from Palm 1 excavations in 1987.
Obsidian core data from PALM 1 survey (2012)
These data for obsidian cores were recorded by Lynette Heller, for cores from PALM 1 survey. PALM 2 core data were recorded, but not entered into a database. .
Obsidian cortex occurrencees on PALM 1 survey obsidian (2012)
Lynette Heller recorded these cortex occurrences for PALM 1 survey obsidian.
Obsidian cortex occurrences on excavated obsidian from PALM 1 (2012)
Lynette Heller recorded occurrences of cortex on excavated obsidian from 1987 excavations in this file.
Obsidian from feature 1756, Palm 2 recollection and reanalysis (2012)
Obsidian from feature 1756, first recorded during Palm 1, was analyzed by Lynette Heller following recollection of the mound during Palm 2. The file is non-relational. The reanalysis uses Palm 2 variables. The Palm 1 collection and analysis is in a separate file.
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 1 (2012)
Obsidian from the 1987 Palm excavations, variables recorded in form 1 by Lynette Heller.
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 2 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations was recorded by Lynette Heller, variables from form 2.
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 3 (2012)
Obsidian was recorded by Lynette Heller for 1987 excavations, variables in form 3.
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 4 (2012)
Obsidian from 1987 excavations was recorded by Lynette Heller, variables on form 4.
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 1 (2012)
Obsidian from PALM 1 survey, form 1 variables, recorded by Lynette Heller. This file includes all Palm 1 survey years, including 1989, a project by Stuart Speaker.
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 2 (2012)
Obsidian from PALM 1 survey, recorded by Lynette Heller, variables on form 2. Palm survey 1986-1989.
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 3 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, recorded by Lynette Heller, variables on form 3. Includes all seasons of Palm survey, 1986-1989.
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 4 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, recorded by Lynette Heller, variables on form 4. Survey 1986-1989.
Obsidian from PALM 2 survey (2012)
This dataset is non-relational, containing information about obsidian artifacts. The PALM 2 obsidian file was created by Lynette Heller, and it is only partly documented. A separate file contains summary weight information, and two other files contain details about obsidian bifacial tools and retouched tools. Obsidian (and chert) bifaces were analyzed by AJ Vonarx, but that dataset is not yet well documented.
Obsidian hinge blade removals, PALM 1 excavations (2012)
Lynette Heller recorded instances of hinge blade removals for PALM 1 excavation obsidian.
Obsidian hinge blade removals, PALM 1 survey (2012)
Lynette Heller recorded instances in survey collections of hinge removals for PALM 1, mainly for prismatic obsidian blades. A separate file has information on excavation obsidian hinges. Although hinges may reflect raw material irregularities, in most cases they reflect insufficient or misdirected force in blade or flake detachment, which for blades, produced a rounded or blunt distal termination. In Palm 2, hinge information was recorded under "comments."
Obsidian Isolated Finds from PALM 2 survey (2012)
This file contains the classification of Palm 2 obsidian Isolated Finds. Obsidian from regular collections is in a different file.
Obsidian retouched tools from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains attribute information about obsidian retouched tools from the PALM 1 and 2 survey. It is a non-relational file created by AJ Vonarx for her University of Arizona Master's degree, and it is only partly documented at present.
Obsidian scrapers from PALM survey and excavation (2012)
This file has information about obsidian scrapers recovered in survey and excavation during the PALM project. Isolated Find scrapers are in a separate file.
Obsidian scrapers, Isolated Finds (2012)
This file concerns obsidian scrapers recovered as Isolated Finds (not in a designated collection area).
Obsidian weight for PALM 2 survey (2012)
This file contains summary obsidian weight information for PALM 2 survey.
Production related artifacts for ceramics from PALM survey (2012)
This file tabulates artifacts related to ceramic production, such as molds, kiln debris, and so forth, for PALM survey. Items are tabulated by feature number.
Rim and non-rim sherds from PALM survey features (2012)
This file combines rims and non-rims from the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla survey features.
Rim sherds from PALM survey features (2012)
The excel file has rim sherds according to the collection and pottery category for the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla. Isolated Finds (IFs) rims are in a separate file from those from survey feature collections.
Rim sherds from Stuart Speaker survey project (2012)
These rim sherds are from Stuart Speaker's dissertation research survey project in the Mixtequilla. An earlier version of the classification system was employed, so the categories are not entirely compatible with the PALM pottery classification, which was revised subsequent to 1988.
Spindle whorl reanalysis, PALM project, notes on variables (2012)
These notes address the variables used in Oralia Cabrera's reanalysis of spindle whorls in 2000. It includes variables recorded previously.
Spindle Whorls from PALM survey and excavation (2012)
This file contains the reanalysis data combining prior information with new variables devised by Oralia Cabrera, for spindle whorls from the PALM project, with some modifications by Barbara Stark. The file is still needs additional work on some entries.