The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is charged by federal law and statutes to identify, evaluate, and protect important cultural and historical properties on DAF land for the benefit of this and future generations of Americans. In executing these mandates, DAF has produced several thousand professional quality monographs, reports, and studies that record valuable data and insights on our Nation’s history and prehistory, as reflected on our installations and ranges. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) has partnered with Digital Antiquity and Argonne National Laboratory to curate these resources in the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR).
Since 2011, Digital Antiquity has worked with Air Force installations to establish a system for digitally curating DAF cultural resources documents and making those documents available to approved users. Installations have the ability to organize their file types in a way that is useful for their needs, while providing controlled levels of access to approved users.
This is the main collection for DAF. Here you can find collections of documents, data, images, and other digital information generated from and/or related to archaeological and other cultural resources and investigations on or nearby DAF facilities. The collection was created by the Center for Digital Antiquity in cooperation with US Air Force, US Space Force, and Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management personnel.
Site Name Keywords
Belle Chance •
Scott Air Force Base Historic District •
Building 1966 •
Building 1967 •
18PR447 •
Chapel II •
Building 1968 •
50-80-15-4853 •
LA 38135 •
Site Type Keywords
Non-Domestic Structures •
Governmental Structure •
Historic Governmental Structure •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Military Structure •
Artifact Scatter •
Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Other Keywords
National Register of Historic Places •
Melrose Air Force Range •
Cannon AFB •
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station •
Site Records •
Map •
Camp Bullis Survey •
Site Form
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Archaic •
Woodland •
PaleoIndian •
Prehistoric •
Late Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Middle Woodland •
Middle Archaic •
Early Woodland
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Historic Background Research •
Architectural Survey •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Ceramic •
Chert •
Glass •
Metal •
Building Materials •
Fauna •
Shell •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
Cold War •
20th Century •
Cold War Era •
World War II •
19th Century •
Archaic •
18th Century
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Texas (State / Territory) •
Bexar County (County) •
Texas •
San Antonio •
Bexar (County) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
California (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 8,682)
1978 Archeological and Historical Assessment, Fort Sam Houston
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jodi Reeves Eyre
Materials from the 1978 Archaeological and Historical Assessment of Fort Sam Houston.
2015, Accession Record 251, Fort Sam Houston (2015)
accession record
2015, Artifact Inventory 251, Fort Sam Houston (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jodi Reeves Eyre
Artifact catalog
The Fort Sam Houston Project: An Archeological and Historical Assessment (1978)
The archaeological and historical investigations reported here result from a contract between the Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Contract #DACA 63-77-6-0081). During this project, Thomas R. Hester served as principal investigator, with Dr. Joel Gunn as co-principal investigator. The archaeological field director, Thomas C. Kelly, his co-workers Andrea Gerstle and Cristi Assad, and the other...
1980 Historic American Building Survey, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
The detailed survey of eighteen (18) architecturally representative structures at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, was undertaken in 1980 by the National Architectural and Engineering Record (NAER) after a comprehensive inventory of the Post was conducted. Funding for the project was made possible through the cooperative efforts of the Department of the Army, Fort Sam Houston and the San Antonio Conservation Society. This project was under the general supervision of Kenneth Anderson, Chief...
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 102 Artillery Post Officer's Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
A handwritten draft, with accompanying photographs, for the Historic American Buildings Survey for Building 102 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Building 102 is presently used as Officers' Quarters.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 109, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A heavily annotated, handwritten draft of a Historic American Buildings Survey for Building 109 at Fort Sam Houston.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 11 Travis House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft on the history and architectural information of Building 11, Travis House, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 141 Telephone Exchange, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
Handwritten draft of a Historuc American Buildings Survey for Building 141 - a Telephone Exchange at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 143 Cavalry Post Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft of a Historic American Buildings Survey for the Cavalry Post Barracks, Building 143, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 15 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten Historic American Buildings Survey for the Officers Quarters, Building 15, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 151 Cavalry Post Latrine, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft of a Historic American Buildings Survey for the Cavalry Post Latrine, Building 151, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 155, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft of a Historic American Buildings Survey of the Cavalry Post Kitchen and Mess Hall, Building 155, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 2200 Gift Chapel, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Typed draft of the Historic American Buildings Survey for the Gift Chapel, or Post Chapel, Building 2200 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 603-610 and Building 613, Company Barracks and Band Building, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten Historic American Building Survey draft for the Company Barracks and Band Buildings, Buildings 603-610 and 613, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 616 Administration Building, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft of a Historic American Buildings Survey for an administration building, Building 616, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey Draft, Building 646 Band Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Handwritten draft of a Historical American Buildings Survey draft for Band Quarters, Building 646, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Historic American Buildings Survey, Building 40 Clock Tower, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Historic American Buildings Survey of the Clock Tower, Building 40, at the center of the Quadrangle building at Fort Sam Houston.
Historic Photographs and Letter to the Quartermaster General, Building 16, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1876)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
Letter written in 1876 by the Captain of the 14th Infantry in charge of constructing the Depot at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The letter was written to the Quartermaster General and is accompanied by black and white photographs of the construction progress. Also included are black and white photographs of the area in the 1970s.
Historical American Buildings Survey Notes, Building 6 Pershing House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A heavily annotated draft of notes for a Historical American Buildings Survey for the Pershing House, Building 6, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Included are historic photographs and excerpts of related news articles and publications.
Letter from W. C. Allanach to Laverne Herrington, Project to Remove Remainder of Freight Elevator, Building 2001, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1981)
Correspondence regarding the removal of the mechanical gears, pulleys, brace arms and remaining appurtenances formerly utilized for the operation of the exterior freight elevator in Building 2001 in the National Historic Landmark District at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Accompanying the letter are black and white photographs of the elevator.
Photograph Contact Sheets, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
Ten pages of photograph contact sheets of historic buildings at Fort Sam Houston. The photographs are in black and white and were taken in 1980.
Property Photograph Form, Building 179 The Eisenhower House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1970)
The National Register of Historic Places Property Photograph Form, with accompanying photographs, for Building 179 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
1980 Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Inventories, Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis
This project contains Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Inventory forms and pictures for historic buildings at Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis, which are now part of Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. The data and information were collected as part of a project undertaken by the National Park Service, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP). The collection comprises data pertaining to historic structures located at both Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis. This project...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 1560-Building 2071, Fort Sam Houston, TX (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: a water well, post hospital, hospital annex, hospital wards, morgue, station hospital neuropsychiatric ward, enlisted personnel mess building, hospital clinic, hospital non-commissioned officers' barracks, non-commissioned officers' quarters, barber shop, incinerator, boiler house, combined air...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 184-Building 372, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: officers' quarters, Nulson preschool, nurses' quarters, barracks, band barracks, enlisted men's barracks, mess hall and kitchen, a chapel, general instruction buildings, administration buildings, warehouses, World War II temporary structures, special corps area repair shop, stable guard and shop, boot...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 2157-Building 2420, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: magazines, stables, Pentathlon instruction building, veterinary hospitals, water well engine house, vehicle and storage sheds, garages, radio station, pumping plant, barracks, gift chapel, telephone exchange, bakery, guard house, post headquarters, warrant officer's quarters, temporary World War II...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 2425-Building 2653, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: a soaper, motor repair shops, gas station, vehicle storage, transportation Corps, administration buildings, credit union, NCO club, inflammable material storehouse, temporary World War II structures, ordinance field maintenance shop, car washer pump house, paint stripping plant, field house sports arena, bowling...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 2655-Building 5147, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston , Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: laboratories, general storehouses and warehouses, reviewing stand, general purpose warehouse, defense mapping agency, supply service administration building, combined air conditioning and heating plant, Klaus' grocery and saloon, heating plant gas fired, inflammable material storehouses, public toilet, lavatory...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 373-Building 618, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include infantry posts, company barracks, mess hall and kitchen, restrooms, lavatories, supply offices, post exchange, gymnasium, post headquarters, bachelor officers' quarters, and garages.
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 5147B-Building 8000, Camp Bullis, Fort Sam Houston (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Camp Bullis and Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Buildings with inventory forms and photographs include: latrines, lavatories, hutments, enlisted personnel mess building, detached day rooms, applied instruction building, enlisted mens barracks, theatre, medical administration building, general instruction buildings, unit chapel, general administration buildings, supply buildings, NCO club, Texas National Guard...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 52-Building 184B, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings and features with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: water tanks, gun shed, storehouses, a museum, administrative office buildings, incinerator, generator, switching station, distribution transformer, barracks, officers' quarters, bachelors officers' quarters, garages, kitchens, mess halls, shops, latrines, and a telephone exchange.
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Building 619-Building 1198, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: officers' quarters, commanding officers' quarters, non-commissioned officers' quarters, enlisted mens' barracks, band barracks, administration buildings, latrines, branch exchange, vehicle shed, Fort Sam Houston playhouse, gymnasium, regimental brigade headquarters building, detached day rooms,...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Cemetery and Building 1-Building T50, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Types of buildings with inventory forms and accompanying photographs include: a pet cemetery, grave sites, gates at Grayson Street, film vault and workshop, tents, post headquarters building, officers' quarters, garages, storage and storerooms, warehouses, terminal equipment building, bandstand, snack bar, blue print room, army headquarters building, Pershing house, San Antonio...
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Fort Sam Houston Landmark District and Camp Bullis, Texas (1980)
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. These are general information cards regarding the inventory project.
OAHP Historic Structure Inventory, Missing Information, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop
A group of historic structure inventory forms and photographs for Fort Sam Houston, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Missing photos or information sheets.
OAHP Inventory, Building 1, Building 2, Building 3, Building 4, Building 8, Building 9, Building 10, Building 11 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 1, Building 2, Building 3, Building 4, Building 8, Building 9, Building 10, and Building 11 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1881 as a officers quarters. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 101, Building 102, Building 105, Building 112, Building 113, Building 114, Building 117 Officer's Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 101, Building 102, Building 105, Building 112, Building 113, Building 114, Building 117 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1905 and 1906 as Officer's Quarters. Included in the inventory are four black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 101B, Building 102B, Building 103, Building 104B, Building 105B, Building 106B, Building 107A, Building 107B, Building 108B, Building 109B, Building 110B, Building 111B, Building 112B, Building 113B, Building 114B, Building 115B Garages, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 101B, Building 102B, Building 103, Building 104B, Building 105B, Building 106B, Building 107A, Building 107B, Building 108B, Building 109B, Building 110B, Building 111B, Building 112B, Building 113B, Building 114B, and Building 115B at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built from 1916-1943 as garages. Included in the inventory are two black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 103, Building 170, Building 173, Building 180, Building 181, Building 182, Building 183 Officer's Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 103, Building 170, Building 173, Building 180, Building 181, Building 182, and Building 183 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1909 as Officer's Quarters. Included in the inventory are three black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 104, Building 167 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 104 and Building 167 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1909 and 1911 as Officer's Quarters. Included in the inventory are two black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 106, Building 108, Building 109, Building 110, Building 111, Building 115, Building 116, Building 118, Building 120 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 106, Building 108, Building 109, Building 110, Building 111, Building 115, Building 116, Building 118, and Building 120 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1905 and 1906 as Officer's Quarters. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 107 Bachelor Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 107 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1908 as Bachelor Officer's Quarters. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 1135 Scale House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 1135 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1924 as a scale house. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 116B, Building 117B, Building 118B, Building 119B, and Building 120B, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 116B, Building 117B, Building 118B, Building 119B, and Building 120B at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1939 as garages. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 1198 Facilities Engineer Maintenance Shops, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 1198 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1939 as a facilities engineer maintenance shops. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 121 and Building 172, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 121 and Building 172 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1911 as Officers Quarters. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 122, Building 124, Building 126, Building 129, Building 131, Building 134 Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 122, Building 124, Building 126, Building 129, Building 131, and Building 134 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1905 as barracks. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 123, Building 128, Building 133 Kitchen and Mess Hall, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 123, Building 128, and Building 133 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1905 as kitchens and mess halls and now serve as a museum, youth center, and general instruction buildings. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 125, Building 127, Building 130, Building 135, and Building 140 Latrines, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 125, Building 127, Building 130, Building 135, and Building 140 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1905 as latrines and now serve as administration buildings, warehouse, and the Boy Scout building. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 141 Telephone Exchange, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 141 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1913 as a telephone exchange and now serves as a general storehouse. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 142 Administration Office Building, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 142 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1911 as administrative offices and now serves as reserve offices. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 143 Building 144, Building 145, Building 146, Building 147, Building 149, Building 2248, and Building 2250 Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 143 Building 144, Building 145, Building 146, Building 147, Building 149, Building 2248, and Building 2250 Barracks at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1907 and 1908 as barracks. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 151, Building 153, Building 154, Building 156, Building 157, Building 159, Building 2256, Building 2269, and Building 2273, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 151, Building 153, Building 154, Building 156, Building 157, Building 159, Building 2256, Building 2269, and Building 2273 Barracks at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1908 as latrines. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 152, Building 155, Building 158, and Building 2267 Kitchen and Mess Halls, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 152, Building 155, Building 158, and Building 2267 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built from 1908-1909 as kitchens and mess halls. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 1560 Water Well, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 1560 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1914 as a water well that is now non potable.
OAHP Inventory, Building 16 Quartermaster Depot, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 16 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1878 as a depot and now serves as office space. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 160, Building 162, Building 164, Building 165, Building 166, Building 168, Building 169, Building 174, Building 175, Building 176, Building 177, Building 178, Building 179 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 160, Building 162, Building 164, Building 165, Building 166, Building 168, Building 169, Building 174, Building 175, Building 176, Building 177, Building 178, and Building 179 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built from 1909 as officers quarters. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 17 Terminal Equipment Building, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 17 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1970 as a terminal equipment building. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 18 Film Vault and Workshop, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation of Building 18 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1940 as a film vault and workshop and it now serves as a general storehouse. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 184 Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 184 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1921 as officer's quarters.
OAHP Inventory, Building 184B Garage, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 184B at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1921 as a garage. Included in the inventory is a black and white photograph taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 185 Nulson Preschool, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building T-185 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The building was built in 1942 as Nulson Preschool.
OAHP Inventory, Building 186 Nulsen Preschool, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 186 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1910 as a barbershop, but now serves as Nulsen Preschool.
OAHP Inventory, Building 189 Nurses Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 189 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1918 as nurse's quarters and now serves as a pentathlon training center.
OAHP Inventory, Building 19 Bandstand, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 19 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in the 1890s and 1956 as a bandstand. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structure.
OAHP Inventory, Building 197 Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 197 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1912 as a barracks and now serves as offices.
OAHP Inventory, Building 198 Band Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 198 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The building was built in 1912 as a band barracks and now serves as office space.
OAHP Inventory, Building 199 Mess Hall and Kitchen, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 199 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1912 as a mess hall and kitchen and now serves as a band training facility.
OAHP Inventory, Building 1B, Building 2B, Building 3B, Building 4B, Building 5B, Building 6B, Building 7B, Building 8B, Building 9B, Building 10B, Building 11B, Building 12B, Building 13B, Building 14B, Building 15B Garage and Storage, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1980)
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 1B, Building 2B, Building 3B, Building 4B, Building 5B, Building 6B, Building 7B, Building 8B, Building 9B, Building 10B, Building 11B, Building 12B, Building 13B, Building 14B, and Building 15B at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built from 1917-1918 for garage and storage. Included in the inventory are black and white photographs taken in 1980 of the structures.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2000 Post Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2000 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1908 as a post hospital and now serves as a medical administration building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2001 Hospital Annex, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2001 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1917 as a hospital annex and now serves as a medical administration building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2002 Morgue, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2002 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1916 as a morgue and now serves as a general purpose maintenance shop.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2003 Station Hospital Neuropsychiatric Ward, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2003 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1942 as a station hospital neuropsychiatric ward and now serves as a hospital.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2004 Enlisted Personnel Mess Building, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2004 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1943 and serves as an enlisted personnel mess building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2005 Hospital Clinic, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2005 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1923 and serves as a hospital clinic.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2006 Hospital Non-Commissioned Officers' Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2006 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1912 as a hospital non-commissioned officers' barracks and now serves as an administration building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2007 Hospital Ward, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2007 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1917 as a hospital ward and now serves as a medical administration building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2008 Barber Shop, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2008 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1908 as a barber shop and now serves as a general storehouse.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2009 Incinerator Boiler House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2009 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1939 as a boiler house with incinerator and now serves as a flammable materials storehouse.
OAHP Inventory, Building 201 Liscum Road Chapel, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 201 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1941 as a chapel.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2011 Meter House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Building 2011 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1945 and serves as a meter house.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2018 Non Commissioned Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2018 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1910 as hospital non-commissioned officer's quarters.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2019 Non Commissioned Officers Quarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2019 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1908 as hospital non-commissioned officer's quarters.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2051 and 2052 Bath House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
An Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation inventory form for Buildings 2051 and 2052 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1929 and served as bath houses. The inventory gives a brief description of the buildings' construction, materials, and soundness.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2054 and Building 2055 General Purpose Warehouse, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2054 and Building 2055 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1943 as a general purpose warehouse.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2056 Pentathlon Facility, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2056 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1934 as a pentathlon facility.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2058 Outdoor Swimming Pool, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2058 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1929 as an outdoor swimming pool.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2059 Laboratory, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2059 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1944 as a laboratory.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2061 Laboratory Annex, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2061 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1943 as a laboratory annex and now serves as an ordnance administrative building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2062 General Storehouse, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2062 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1944 and now serves as a general storehouse.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2064 Detachment Barracks, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2064 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1917 as detachment barracks and now serves administrative purposes.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2067 and Building 2071 Temporary World War II Structures, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2067 and Building 2071 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The buildings were built in 1941 as temporary World War II structures and now serve as general purpose administrative buildings.
OAHP Inventory, Building 211 and Building 227 General Instruction Buildings, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 211 and Building 227 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structures were built in 1941 as a storeroom and general instruction building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2157 Magazine, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2157 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1889 as a magazine.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2182 Stable, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2182 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1917 as a stable.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2183 Stable, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2183 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1965 as a stable.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2185 Pentathlon Instruction, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2185 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1941 as a blacksmiths and now serves as a modern pentathlon instruction building.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2186 Veterinary Hospital and Stable, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2186 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 1908 as a veterinary hospital and stable.
OAHP Inventory, Building 2187 Veterinary Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter
An inventory form by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Building 2187 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The structure was built in 2187 as a veterinary hospital and now serves as a U.S. modern pentathlon stable.