North Carolina Office of State Archaeology Collection

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-400 of 896)

  • Documents (896)

  1. Archaeological Survey of Halstead Boulevard (Sr 1152) from US 17 Business To NC 34, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, U-1003, Er 88-7119 (1987)
  2. Archaeological Survey of Historic Properties Within the Town of Murfreesboro, Hertford County, North Carolina (1984)
  3. Archaeological Survey of Improvements To I-85 from Orange County Line To US 70 East of Durham, Durham County, I-306 (1987)
  4. Archaeological Survey of Interceptor Lines, Town of Gaston - Sewer System, Northampton County, North Carolina (1983)
  5. Archaeological Survey of Land Exchange Tract N-68S-I, Nantahala National Forest, Highlands District, Jackson County, North Carolina (1984)
  6. Archaeological Survey of Land Proposed for Use As Logging Platform Near North Fork of Catawba River, Grandfather Ranger District, Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina (1979)
  7. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By Replacement of Bridge No. 151-84-110 Over the Southern Railroad, State Project 8.1901501, Federal Aid Project BRS-1733(1) B-11 and Bridge No. 151-84-100 Over Hominy Creek, State Project 6.5030 (1981)
  8. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Proposed Channel Change of Lyle Creek for the Replacement of Bridge 64-79-50 On US 64-70 in Catawba County (1981)
  9. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Replacement of Bridge 57-48-10 Over Country Line Creek at Milton, Caswell County, State Project 8.1511201, B-625, Federal Aid Project Brs-2449(2) (1982)
  10. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Replacement of Bridge No. 125, Sr 1164 Over Sandy Run Creek, Cleveland County. State Project 8.2928401 (B-728), Federal Aid Project Brz-1164(1) (1982)
  11. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Replacement of Bridge No. 22, On Sr 1412 Over Leepers Creek, in Lincoln County. Replacement Project 6.503073, Federal Aid Special Bridge Replacement Project I.D. No. B-173 (1982)
  12. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Replacement of Bridge No. 226-88-06 Over the North Toe River and the Clinchfield Railroad in Spruce Pine, State Project No. 8.1855601, Federal Project No. Brs-6401(1) B-709 (1982)
  13. Archaeological Survey of Land To Be Affected By the Replacement of Bridge No. 229 On Sr 1357 Over the North Toe River, State Project 8.2060301, Federal Project Brz-1357(1) B-725 (1982)
  14. Archaeological Survey of Monteray Shores, Corolla, Currituck County, North Carolina (1988)
  15. Archaeological Survey of Murfreesboro Bypass, Hertford-Northampton Counties, North Carolina, R-600 (1987)
  16. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Alternates for Project X-5, Bridge Across Bogue Sound, Carteret County (1981)
  17. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Development Areas, Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge, Carteret County, North Carolina (1981)
  18. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Nitrification Field, Cedar Island Ferry, Carteret County (1986)
  19. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Project NC 89, Pine Ridge To Toast, Surry County, State Project 6.741001, Federal Project S-8664, I.D. No. R-515 (1981)
  20. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Location Three, Maggie Valley, North Carolina (1986)
  21. Archaeological Survey of Proposed Water Supply and Wastewater Collection Lines, Cherokee County, North Carolina (1984)
  22. Archaeological Survey of Replacement Bridge #23 Over Gales Creek On NC 24, Carteret County, B-1105 (1985)
  23. Archaeological Survey of Replacement Bridge #70 Over Rockfish Creek Sr 1152 - Sr 1309, Duplin and Pender Counties, B-2062 (1987)
  24. Archaeological Survey of Selected Recreational Areas, B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake, North Carolina (1979)
  25. Archaeological Survey of the Borrow Area Associated With the Hunting Creek Bridge Replacement Project, Iredell County, North Carolina (1983)
  26. Archaeological Survey of the Candor 115 Kv Tap Line in Montgomery County, North Carolina (1988)
  27. Archaeological Survey of the Carrollhouse Apartment Complex Site, Hayesville, North Carolina, Ch 84-C-0000-0005 (1983)
  28. Archaeological Survey of the Clodfelter Property in Beaufort, North Carolina (1982)
  29. Archaeological Survey of the Ellerbee Creek Floodplain and Vicinity, Falls Lake Project, Durham County, North Carolina (1981)
  30. Archaeological Survey of the Expanded Wastewater Treatment Facility, Town of Bethel, Pitt County, North Carolina (1985)
  31. Archaeological Survey of the Horseshoe Acres Housing Development, Franklin County, North Carolina (1987)
  32. Archaeological Survey of the Hunters Green Townhouse Development, Oxford, Granville County, N.C., (State Clearinghouse #83-C-0000-0898) (1983)
  33. Archaeological Survey of the Lenoir-Greenville 230 Kv Transmission Line in Lenoir, Jones, and Pitt Counties, North Carolina (1987)
  34. Archaeological Survey of the Mocksville Wastewater Treatment Plants (1984)
  35. Archaeological Survey of the New Life Baptist Church Borrow Area, Lenoir, Caldwell County, North Carolina, Er 89-7113 (1988)
  36. Archaeological Survey of the Norman Dancy Property, Forsyth County, North Carolina (1981)
  37. Archaeological Survey of the North Carolina Portion of the Jocassee To Tuckaseegee Transmission Corridor, Transylvania and Jackson Counties, North Carolina (1988)
  38. Archaeological Survey of the North Shores Country Club Tract, Onslow County, North Carolina (1986)
  39. Archaeological Survey of the Plant Site for the New Water System For Upper Cleveland County (1982)
  40. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Birkhead Mountain Parking Area, Uwharrie Ranger District, National Forests in North Carolina (1986)
  41. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Brick Landing Substation and an Associated Transmission Line, Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina (1988)
  42. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed C.R. Brown Enterprises Trout Processing Plant and Trout Raceway, Cherokee and Macon Counties, North Carolina (1987)
  43. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Colonial Beach Subdivision, Tyrrell County, North Carolina (1984)
  44. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Connor Borrow Pit, (Er-88-7353), Catawba County, North Carolina (1987)
  45. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Hardin Landfill, Gaston County, North Carolina (Er-86-8087) (1986)
  46. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Haywood County and Lake Junaluska Sanitary District Wastewater Interceptor and Lift Station, Ch #86-C-0000-0292 (1986)
  47. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lee County Landfill Expansion, Lemon Springs Vicinity, Lee County, North Carolina (1987)
  48. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Lexington 201 Facilities Project, Davidson County, North Carolina (1983)
  49. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Location of the Mountain Trace Nursing Center, Jackson County, North Carolina, Ch-86-C-0000-0801 (1986)
  50. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Meetinghouse Mountain Road, Cheoah Ranger District, Nantahala National Forest, Graham County, North Carolina (1984)
  51. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed North Carolina Indian Cultural Center, Robeson County, North Carolina (1986)
  52. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Peletier Creek Disposal Area, Morehead City, Carteret County, N.C (1983)
  53. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Raleigh Boulevard Extension, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (1987)
  54. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of a Branch of the Carolina Mountain Bank, Franklin, North Carolina (1982)
  55. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of a Precision Engineering Laboratory, Centennial Campus, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (1986)
  56. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the "Textile Clusters" On the Centennial Campus, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (1987)
  57. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Carver Boat Corporation Manufacturing Plant On the Northeast Cape Fear River, Pender County, North Carolina (1987)
  58. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Centennial Campus, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (1987)
  59. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Cherokee County Industrial Park, Clearinghouse #Ch-84-C0000-02-08 (1984)
  60. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Dennis Peacock Borrow Pit, Nash County, North Carolina (1983)
  61. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Sites for the Town of Candor, Montgomery and Moore Counties, North Carolina (1982)
  62. Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Sites for the Town of Cramerton, Gaston County, North Carolina (1982)
  63. Archaeological Survey of the S.C. 9 Borrow Pit, Columbus County, North Carolina, State File No. 26.559, F.A. Nos. F-134(89), F-134(80) (1983)
  64. Archaeological Survey of the Site of a Proposed Wastewaster Treatment Plant for the Town of Bailey, Nash County, North Carolina (1984)
  65. Archaeological Survey of the Site of the Stagville Preservation Center's New Classroom Building and Access Road Locations (1982)
  66. Archaeological Survey of the Southern Home Management Tract (Formerly the Efird Tract), New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina (1986)
  67. Archaeological Survey of the Star Wastewater Treatment Plant and Interceptor Lines (1984)
  68. Archaeological Survey of the U.S. 311 Bypass, High Point East Belt, from U.S. 311 North of High Point To U.S. 311 South of Archdale, Guilford and Randolph Counties, North Carolina (1987)
  69. Archaeological Survey of the United Carolina Bank Property Between Fort Bragg and Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina (1987)
  70. Archaeological Survey of the Western North Carolina Arboretum, Buncombe County, North Carolina (1987)
  71. Archaeological Survey of Three Mile Creek Park, Concord, North Carolina (1984)
  72. Archaeological Survey of Two Proposed Borrow Pits, Reidsville Vicinity, Rockingham County, North Carolina (1988)
  73. Archaeological Survey of Two Proposed Parking Lots in Compartments 302 and 307, Chestnut Mountain Quad, Grandfather Ranger District, Pisgah National Forest (1979)
  74. Archaeological Survey of U. S. Tracts N-710, N-710A, and N-718, Cheoah R.D. and Wayah R.D., Nantahala National Forest (1982)
  75. Archaeological Survey of U.S. 70 Bypass of Haw River; Alamance County, R-611 (1986)
  76. Archaeological Survey of U.S. Tract U476-I, Toecane Ranger District, Pisgah National Forest (1982)
  77. Archaeological Survey of US 1-64 and Cary Parkway Interchange, Cary, Wake County, U-2116 (1986)
  78. Archaeological Survey of US 25 from I-40 To the Blue Ridge Parkway, Buncombe County, U-90 (1988)
  79. Archaeological Survey of Winstead Avenue, Project No. 8.2320201, Rocky Mount, Nash County, U-2010 (1986)
  80. Archaeological Survey Report for the Proposed Relocation of US 23, from the Tennessee State Line To US 19, Madison County, State Project A-10 (1981)
  81. Archaeological Survey Report NC 273, from NC 27 To NC 16, Mount Holly, Gaston Co., Project No. R-527 & U-512 (1981)
  82. Archaeological Survey Report On Water and Sewer Improvements, Granville County, N.C (1981)
  83. Archaeological Survey Report, Bridge No. 85, Sr 1106 Over Hickory Creek, Cleveland County, Project No. B-1138 (1986)
  84. Archaeological Survey Report, Durham Southern Freeway, Eastern Section, Wake - Durham Counties, Tip Project No. R-2249 (1987)
  85. Archaeological Survey Report, Improvements To Sr 1110, Granville County (1986)
  86. Archaeological Survey Report, Improvements To Sr 1324, Montgomery Co., Involving U. S. Forest Service Lands, Project No. 6.552212 (1984)
  87. Archaeological Survey Report, Proposed Interchange, US 64 - Sr 1154, Macon County (1986)
  88. Archaeological Survey Report, Replacement of Bridge No. 904-23-10 Over Intercoastal Waterway, Brunswick County, Project B-627 (1983)
  89. Archaeological Survey Report, Tildon Whitehurst Mine, Perquimans County (1986)
  90. Archaeological Survey Report, US 17, from NC 87 at Bell Swamp To NC 211 At Supply, Brunswick County, Tip Project No. R-83 (1988)
  91. Archaeological Survey Within Revised Phase I Development Areas of Cate's Ford Access Area, Eno River State Park, Orange County, North Carolina (1982)
  92. Archaeological Survey, Access Road To Industrial Park from US 52, MT. Airy, Surry County, Project U-801 (1982)
  93. Archaeological Survey, Bridge # 11 (24-16-10) On NC 24 Over Broad Creek, Carteret County, B-1097 (1985)
  94. Archaeological Survey, Bridge #20 Over Lower Little River, NC 217, Cumberland - Harnett County, B-1146 (1986)
  95. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 15 Over the Seaboard Railroad, NC 80, Mitchell County, Project No. B-1283 (1986)
  96. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 195 On Sr 1918 Over Dutchman's Creek, Gaston Co., Tip No. B-811 (1983)
  97. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 198 Over Intercoastal Waterway at Sunset Beach, Brunswick County, B-682 (1980)
  98. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 20 On NC 113, Alleghany County, Project No. B-1010 (1986)
  99. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 34 On SR 1466 Over Brush Creek, Alleghany County, Project No. B-1015 (1986)
  100. Archaeological Survey, Bridge No. 4 Over South Fork, New River Overflow, US 221, Ashe County, Project Number B-1038 (1986)