The Tula Region Interaction and Migration Project (TRIMP): Year 1
Part of: Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (2017)
The tumultuous Epiclassic period in central Mexico has long provided fertile ground for evaluating anthropological, archaeological questions since its original definition over 75 years ago. Recent work in the region has produced new data that are beginning to flesh out and test previously conceived hunches and, in some cases, upending established models of local and regional economic, social, and political relationships and networks. One such project is the Tula Region Interaction and Migration Project (TRIMP), which began its first field season during the summer of 2016. The project combines archaeometric analyses of existing ceramic, lithic, and osteological collections with new excavation at Cerro Magoni, one of the principal political centers of the local Tula region during the centuries preceding the foundation of the Toltec state. Our session reports the results of the TRIMP to date and contextualizes its preliminary inferences within the continuing evolution of ideas concerning central Mexico during the Epiclassic. The papers presented demonstrate the untapped opportunities available in the Tula region in particular, and Epiclassic central Mexico generally, to inform and influence broader anthropological understandings of cross-cultural patterns on multiple scales.
Other Keywords
Tula •
Epiclassic •
Mexico •
Ethnohistory •
Obsidian •
Diet •
Territoriality •
Radiocarbon •
Ceramic •
Settlement patterns
Geographic Keywords
Mesoamerica •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country) •
North America (Continent)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-8 of 8)
- Documents (8)
El Cerro Magoni en su contexto regional - extensión y significado del desarrollo Xajay (2017)
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En los años setenta, el arqueólogo Enrique Nalda describió por primera vez un nuevo tipo cerámico, lo cuál denominó Xajay Rojo Inciso Postcocción (RIP). En las décadas después surgieron nuevas investigaciones que giraban en torno a la definición cultura-histórica de lo Xajay que resultaron en el registro de cada vez más asentamientos asociados con el tipo. Actualmente se sabe que los sitios pertenecen temporalmente a finales del Clásico y durante todo el Epiclásico, y que se encuentran...
El Cerro Magoni o Nonoalcatépetl en el registro histórico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
El presente ensayo utiliza documentos del registro histórico para investigar la reasignación de significados al Cerro Magoni por diferentes grupos desde el siglo XVI hasta su presente definición como parte del Ejido de la comunidad Huerto Nantzha mediante el marco conceptual de la territorialidad. Ésta consiste en la apropiación y dominación de un espacio mientras que el territorio es distinguible y defendida por su dueño y defendida. El poseedor será quien dote de significados específicos al...
Estudio comparativo de la cerámica epiclásica de la región de Tula – Cerro Magoni, Tula Chico, y La Mesa (2017)
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El presente trabajo se enfoca en un estudio comparativo que se enfoca en los atributos formales de la cerámica proveniente de contextos arqueológicos en tres sitios epiclásicos de la región local de Tula, Hidalgo conocidos como La Mesa, Tula Chico, y el Cerro Magoni. El objetivo del estudio es obtener un primer acercamiento a las pautas de interacción entre los sitios y entender el panorama social que prevalecía en la región local. En este ensayo, consideramos las particularidades del tipo...
Examining Tula Region Ceramic Compositional Analysis (2017)
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Chemical characterization of ceramics using Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) in Central Mexico has proven to be an important analytical approach for assessing exchange, especially between sub-regions within the Basin of Mexico and neighboring areas. Recent efforts based upon Epiclassic and Early Postclassic Period decorated ceramics have extended the sampling to the ceremonial centers and settlements of Tula Chico and Tula Grande, the resulting chemical analysis defined a more robust...
Migration and Interaction in the Epiclassic of the Tula Region: Preliminary Data as Evidenced by Dental Non-Metric Analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Dental non-metric data provide a means for the analysis of genetic affinities and relationships of individuals, and can therefore be used to reconstruct past migration and interaction patterns, both within and between sites. The dental traits of sixteen individuals, along with 21 individual teeth, from Cerro Magoni, an Epiclassic site in the Tula region, were collected in this preliminary analysis. Additionally, 13 individuals from two Xajay sites, El Zethe and Huesamenta, were also assessed....
A Preliminary Study of Epiclassic Diet at Cerro Magoni in Tula, Mexico using Stable Isotope Analysis and AMS Radiocarbon Dating (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
In this paper, we present preliminary paleodietary data and radiocarbon dates for 12 burials recovered from Cerro Magoni, an Epiclassic (ca. AD 600-900) hilltop settlement in Tula, Mexico. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) analyses of bone collagen were used to assess the diet of individuals buried near the summit of the settlement. The production of bone collagen requires essential amino acids derived from protein, therefore stable carbon analyses reflect the origins of dietary protein,...
Resultados recientes sobre la prospección del Cerro Magoni (2017)
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Cerro Magoni es un sitio relativamente desconocido que está ocupando un lugar cada vez más importante en la explicación del origen del Estado tolteca. Crespo y Mastache realizaron los primeros trabajos de prospección a finales del siglo pasado y concluyeron que se trataba de un sitio menor, con una ocupación efímera durante el Epiclásico y una mayor durante los años del esplendor de Tula. Investigaciones más recientes han mostrado que el sitio tiene una extensión mayor a la originalmente...
Technological and Archaeometric Analysis of Obsidian from Cerro Magoni (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
This study addresses one of the fundamental goals of the TRIMP - to contextualize local processes with broader patterns on regional scales - by combining formal technological and geochemical source analysis of obsidian recovered from recent archaeological excavations at Cerro Magoni, a hilltop Epiclassic site in Tula, Hidalgo. Archaeologists can use a variety of archaeometric techniques to better understand ancient interaction networks. Obsidian is a chemically homogeneous volcanic glass that...