Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2018)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 83rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, DC from April 11-15, 2018.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,701-1,800 of 2,921)

  • Documents (2,921)

  1. Mortuary Vessels at the Maya City of El Peru-Waka' (2018)
  2. A Mosque and a Castle: The Discovery of the Salemi Mosque (2018)
  3. Motivations of Indigenous New England Potters and Researchers: Technical Choice, Social Context, and Identity Construction (2018)
  4. Mounds at the Margins: The Effect of Temporal Frontiers on Archaeological Interpretation (2018)
  5. Mounds, Museum Visitors, and You (the Archaeologist) (2018)
  6. The Mountain Exile Hypothesis: How Humans Benefited from African High Altitude Ecosystems in Ethiopia (2018)
  7. Mountain, Steppes, and Barley: GIS Modeling of Human Environmental Interactions In the Armenian Highlands during the Bronze and Iron Ages (2018)
  8. Movement and Interaction in the Appalachian Summit circa 1300–1500 CE (2018)
  9. Movement and Places Between: The Power of Raccoons (2018)
  10. A Movement at the Margins: An Icelandic Rural Transformation at the Edge of the 19th Century Atlantic World (2018)
  11. Movement in Moquegua: Detecting Differential Activity Types via the Knee in a Tiwanaku Subgroup (2018)
  12. Movement, Inka Ceques and the Sajama Lines of Bolivia (2018)
  13. Movement, Intersubjectivity, and Sensory Archaeology– Insights from Western Ireland (2018)
  14. Moving Beyond Drone Technology: Comparing and Interpreting Architecture and Power at Chalcatzingo, Cuicuilco, and Teotihuacan through Volumetric Measurements Obtained with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2018)
  15. Moving Earth at Poverty Point: Investigating "Perforators" as Specialized Basket Making Tools (2018)
  16. mtDNA and the Peopling of Fuego Patagonia (2018)
  17. Multi-facetted Anthropology: Recent Work of the Athienou Archaeological Project in Central Cyprus (2018)
  18. Multi-isotopic Paleo-diet Reconstruction in a High Altitude Rockshelter of Southern Peru (2018)
  19. Multi-Method Geophysics in the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho (2018)
  20. Multidisciplinary Investigations of a Late Paleoindian Bison Butchery Event from a Southwest Texas Rockshelter (2018)
  21. Multiethnic Landscapes, Inclusive Identities, and Collective State Building (2018)
  22. Multilayer Networks and Relational Plurality: The Scales and Sources of Social Capital across Southern Appalachia, A.D. 1150–1350 (2018)
  23. The Multiple Meanings of the Rock Art Landscape of Central and Southern Honduras (2018)
  24. Multiple Temporalities in the Andean Eastern Piedmont (Tucumán Province, Argentina). (2018)
  25. Multiple Ways of Understanding Peru’s Changing Climate: Bridging Ethnographic, Archaeological, and Other Scientific Perspectives in Student Learning (2018)
  26. A Multiscalar Analysis of Piedmont Village Tradition Settlement and Demography, 1200-1600 CE (2018)
  27. Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Mapping, Modeling, and Interpreting the Archaeological Landscape of Bandafassi, Senegal (2018)
  28. Mundus vult decipi: Caribbean Indigenous Art Past, Present, Future (2018)
  29. Museum Quality Images Every Time, "It’s So Easy an Archaeologist Can Do It" (2018)
  30. Museums As Classrooms: Lessons in Applied Collaborative Digital Heritage (2018)
  31. My Grandfather’s Castanhal: Plants, Community, Territory, and Memory in the Brazilian Amazon (2018)
  32. The Mystical Past and the Lucrative Present: New Age Archaeological Tourism in the Andes (2018)
  33. Naked Huastecs, Anxious Aztecs: Male Nudity and Gender Identity in Aztec and Huastec Sculpture (2018)
  34. Names, Lineages, and Document Archaeology: Examining Traditions and Cultural Shifts in Jewish Personal Names (2018)
  35. Nasca-Wari Relationships on the Greater Peruvian South Coast (2018)
  36. Native American Responses to Spanish Contact and Colonialism in the American South (2018)
  37. Native Prairie: The Kankakee Protohistory Project and Ongoing Excavations at the Terminal Prehistoric Middle Grant Creek Site in Northern Illinois (2018)
  38. Natural Corridor or Challenging Route? Rethinking Pre-Hispanic Communications across the Pacific Coast of Guatemala (2018)
  39. Nature as Agent: Mass-Event, Incremental, and Biotic Perspectives (2018)
  40. The Nature of Leadership and Community Cohesion at Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico (2018)
  41. Navigating Narratives of the Past in the Present: Archaeology and Heritage Preservation in Tihosuco, Quintana Roo, Mexico (2018)
  42. Neanderthal Activities in Caves: Was There a Ritual Dimension? (2018)
  43. Neanderthals, Denisovans and Modern Humans: Unravelling the Chronology of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia (2018)
  44. The Need for Discipline-Based Education Research in Archaeology (2018)
  45. Negotiations in the Ritual and Social Landscape of Actuncan, Belize (2018)
  46. Neighborhood Integration in Low Density Cities Which Follow a Divergent (‘Outside-In’) Urban Trajectory (2018)
  47. Neighborhood Organization in Early States: Exploring Spatial Variability at El Palenque (2018)
  48. Neighborhoods and the Constitution of Authority (2018)
  49. Neighborhoods and Urban Political Organization at El Purgatorio, Peru ca. AD 700–1400 (2018)
  50. Neo-Assyrian Empire: Agriculture and Agricultural Strategies Based on Phytolith Analyses (2018)
  51. Neolithic Pigs and People along China's Fertile Arc: Regional Expression and Domestication (2018)
  52. A Network Model of Co-Rulership and Community Ritual in Teotihuacan: From Neighborhoods to Districts (2018)
  53. Network Models for the Emergence of Transportation Infrastructures in Central Italy (1175/1150─500 BC ca) (2018)
  54. Networks of Power: Sandstone Temple Production in the Provinces of the Angkorian Khmer Empire (2018)
  55. New Advances in the Conservation of Monuments at Piedras Negras, Guatemala (2018)
  56. The New Adventures of Old Ceramic Figurines from Tres Zapotes, Mexico (2018)
  57. A New Approach to the Anyang Hsi-Pei-Kang Late Shang Royal Cemetery: A Social Archaeological Perspective (2018)
  58. New Approaches to Old Questions: Current Research Objectives for the Green River Valley Shell Midden Archaic, Kentucky, USA (2018)
  59. New Beginnings at Fort Polk, Louisiana: CRM Strategies for the Expansion of Training Lands (2018)
  60. New Data and Potential Pathways of Paleoindian Exploration in the West Virginia Highlands (2018)
  61. New Data on Archaic Period Chronology and Raw Material Variation from a Stratified Archaic Site in the Appalachian Summit Region (2018)
  62. New Data on City Planning at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala (2018)
  63. New Digs for an Old Collection: A Case Study in Rehabilitating Legacy Collections (2018)
  64. New Evidence for Poverty Point’s Complex Developmental History (2018)
  65. New Evidence of Inca Ceramic Production and Exchange in the Cuzco Heartland (2018)
  66. New Evidence of Late Intermediate and Inca Occupation at Jahuay, Quebrada de Topará, Peru (2018)
  67. New Evidence of the Earliest Domestic Dogs in the Americas (2018)
  68. A New Excavation In Southeast Turkey: Kece Cave (2018)
  69. A New Frontier: Archaeology and Heritage Management Meet Urban Planning and Creative Placemaking (2018)
  70. A New Hypothetical Framework of Understanding the Evolution of Agriculture in the Lower Yangzi Region (2018)
  71. New Insights for Provenance Studies of Iron Artifacts (2018)
  72. New Insights from Old Wood: A Case Study from the Southeastern United States (2018)
  73. New Insights into Honduran Archaeology from the Recovery and Reanalysis of an Antique Lidar Dataset (2018)
  74. New Insights into the Chronology of Late Middle Paleolithic Occupations in Southwestern France (2018)
  75. New Insights into the Consumption of Cultigens for "Archaic" Age Populations in Cuba: The Archaeological Site of Playa el Mango, Rio Cauto, Granma (2018)
  76. New Investigations at Bonfire Shelter: A Consideration of Bison Jumps and Their Implications for Paleoindian Social Organization (2018)
  77. New Investigations of Bone Bed 1, Bonfire Shelter: A High-Resolution Analysis of Late Pleistocene Deposits (2018)
  78. New Investigations of the Deer Creek Site, an Early Eighteenth Century Ancestral Wichita Village (2018)
  79. New Magnetic Gradient Survey Results from Two Intermediate-Sized Earthwork Clusters in Southern Ohio: Junction Group and Steel Earthworks (2018)
  80. A New Method for Monitoring Socio-Economic Changes through Settlement Placement (2018)
  81. A New Methodology for Archaeological Investigation of Human Activity in Space: The International Space Station Archaeological Project (2018)
  82. A New Methodology for Understanding How Bone Wears Using 3D Surface Texture Analysis (2018)
  83. New Mexican Cuisine as Ethnogenesis (2018)
  84. New Perspectives in the Geoarcheological Context of Hunter-Gatherer Sites from the Beginning of the Holocene, Serranópolis, Brazil (2018)
  85. New Perspectives on the Maverick Mountain Phase Roomblock at Point of Pines Pueblo (2018)
  86. New Perspectives on the Native History and Archaeology of Block Island (2018)
  87. New Perspectives on Warfare in the Iron Age of Wessex (2018)
  88. The New Pragmatism: Archaeological Encounters and Entanglements (2018)
  89. A New Radiocarbon Dated Record of Holocene Weapon Technology from The Trail Creek Cave Site, Seward Peninsula, Alaska (2018)
  90. New Records of Pre-Hispanic Dogs (Canis familiaris) in Argentinean Northeast (2018)
  91. New Survey Results from the Bolas Region, Costa Rica (2018)
  92. The Ngake 001 Site: Surface Mapping and Subsurface Investigations (2018)
  93. Nine Gal Tavern Faunal Analysis (2018)
  94. No Digging within 50 Meters (2018)
  95. No Fire without Wood? Some Reflections on Late Pleistocene Pyrotechnology in Northern Tundra Environments (East Siberia, Interior Alaska) (2018)
  96. No Good Deed: The Recovery of Philadelphia’s First Baptist Church Cemetery (2018)
  97. No Man Is an Island: Death and Burial on the Island of Haffjarðarey (2018)
  98. no title specified (2018)
  99. no title specified (2018)
  100. no title specified (2018)