Projectile Point (Material Keyword)

1-25 (115 Records)

The 2006 Phase I Archaeological Survey of 597 Acres Within Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew Workinger. Lawrence S. Alexander.

Phase I investigation of 597 acres included within, or adjacent to, the old Camp Forrest. This project included background research as well as a comprehensive pedestrian survey and systematic shovel testing program. All areas were shovel tested at 30 meter intervals and screened through ¼ inch screen. Ten isolated finds were identified as a result of the investigations and one previously recorded site (40CF295) was revisited. Site 40CF295 is located at a springhead and appears to be an old still...

611th Air Support Group Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.

Archaeological Investigations Along the Navajo-McCullough Transmission Line, Southern Utah and Northern Arizona (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathleen Moffitt. Sandra Rayl. Michael Metcalf.

Since the Glen Canyon Project, eastern stretches of the Utah-Arizona border have become increasingly well known. From the Glen Canyon Dam west, however, few sites have been excavated. During 1972-73, the Museum of Northern Arizona surveyed a 500 kV transmission line transect from the Navajo Generating Station at Page, Arizona, to the Nevada border southwest of St. George, Utah. The line continues from the Nevada border to the McCullough Switching Station south of Boulder City, Nevada. This...

Archaeological Investigations at Nine Sites in the Madera Highlands Development, Pima County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerry D. Lyon.

Between March 27 and June 1, 2001, SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological investigations at nine archaeological sites on the 920-acre Madera Highlands property owned by Harvard Investments. The property encompasses lower bajada ridges and upper river terraces on the east side of the Santa Cruz River near the towns of Continental and Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona. The SWCA's excavations at Madera Highlands involved testing and data recovery at nine ridgetop sites in the...

Archaeological Investigations at the Outpost Estates II Parcel of AZ BB:10:59 (ASM)—An Early Agricultural Period San Pedro Phase Site in the Eastern Tucson Basin (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text S. Jerome Hesse.

In June 2005 and September-October 2005, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA), under contract with Outpost Development, conducted archaeological testing and data recovery at AZ BB:10:59 (ASM), located in the eastern Tucson Basin, near Tucson, in Pima County, Arizona. Outpost Development, which has subsequently sub-divided the 10-acre project parcel into nine individual house lots, a development known as Outpost Estates II, funded the archaeological excavations to comply with Pima County’s...

An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Aubrey Reservoir (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Britt Bousman. Linda Verrett.

This report describes the result of an archaeological reconnaissance conducted within the area of the proposed Aubrey Reservoir. Within the limits of the reservoir 26 archaeological sites were located and recorded. The period of occupation represented by these sites extends from approximately 2000 B.C. to A.D. 1870. Hunting and gathering were the main subsistence activities of the Indians who inhabited the area. No evidence of occupation during the Paleo-Indian stage was recorded in the...

Archaeological Studies of the Avra Valley, Arizona For the Papago Water Supply Project, Vol. 2: Archaeological Site Descriptions (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah Swartz.

This document contains descriptions of sites within the Schuk Toak and San Xavier study areas. These site descriptions include information on site dimensions, cultural features, and types of artifacts. The relationships between features and artifacts as well as any disturbance to the sites are also discussed. The document also discusses collection strategies used within the project, and finally, it evaluates the site occupation time periods along with site function as well.

Archaeological Survey and Inventory of 16,825 Acres Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee, Volume 1 and 2 (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marc E. Wampler. Kim Smith. John Hunter. Mathia Scherer. Richard Stallings.

From October 2008 to June 2009, a Phase I archaeological survey and inventory field assessment of all remaining survey areas (16,825 acres) was conducted on base. Seventy‐four new archaeological sites and 29 isolated cultural finds were identified during the course of the survey. Forty‐five of the sites are affiliated with the prehistoric period, twenty‐seven are affiliated with the historic period including one cemetery and one site has both periods represented. Additionally the Haynes‐Howard...

Archaeological Survey for the Grand Valley Circuits 13 and 14 Upgrade, Pima County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric S. Petersen.

Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico) proposes to use Rural Utility Service (RUS)-administered federal funds to upgrade the Circuits 13 and 14 existing overhead electric line within the town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona. The proposed upgrade will involve replacing an overhead single-phase line with an overhead three-phase, double circuit line to help support the Thornydale substation’s load during peak load conditions and to improve system reliability. The upgrade will involve using...

Archaeological Survey for Three Areas for the Sandia National Laboratory Sled Track Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

A cultural resources inventory was recently conducted for Sandia National Laboratories' Sled Track Project on approximately 370 ha (925 acres) of Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) property, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. This cultural resources survey yielded one archaeological site (LA 89044), which appears to be a historic check dam, and 10 isolated occurrences (IOs). Nine of the IOs consist of historic and/or prehistoric chipped stone items, and the other is a sherd from a prehistoric ceramic...

An Archaeological Survey of 208 Acres in the Northern Portion of Neighborhood 12, Rancho Vistoso, Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text India S. Hesse.

Between July 23 and August 4, 2003, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) completed a Class III archaeological inventory of 208 acres of private land in the Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether any cultural resources existed that might be adversely affected by proposed residential and resort development. The survey was conducted at the request of Mr. Dick Maes of Vistoso Partners. This survey was carried out in order to comply with Town of...

Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District. J. Strom Thurmond Project. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. Chad O. Braley.

This collection is referred to as “Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folders, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is nine and a half (9.5) linear inches. The documentation for this collection was originally stored in one acidic cardboard box in acidic folders. No original order was discerned for the materials. Many of the documents required flattening. Some documents contained torn...

An Archaeological Survey of 780 Acres for the Proposed Bridges at Maricopa, Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael S. Foster. Cara Bellavia.

This survey resulted in the recording of two archaeological sites, AZ T:16:156 (ASM) and AZ T:16:157 (ASM), and 13 isolated artifacts. AZ T:16:156 (ASM) is a late historic period/modern trash dump. The earliest identifiable material dates to the 1940s. AZ T:16:157 (ASM) is a large artifact scatter located along the western edge of the project area in undisturbed (agriculturally) desert. The site encompasses nearly 160 ac (647,490 m2). Despite its size, artifacts are sparse and consist mainly of...

An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 265 Acres for the Valencia Road Improvement Project, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David M.R. Barr.

SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) completed an archaeological survey of approximately 265 acres for the proposed construction on a detention basin along Black Wash and for road improvements along Valencia and Viviana roads. This survey was conducted at the request of CPE Consultants as part of the Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting process. All work was completed under Arizona Antiquities Act Blanket Permit No. 2006-019bl and the project was assigned Arizona State Museum (ASM) Accession...

Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir 1964-1965
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. Edward V. McMichael. Oscar L. Mairs.

Under contract to the National Park Service, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey undertook an archaeological survey for cultural resources in the East Lynn Reservoir, Wayne County, West Virginia (McMichael and Mairs 1965). The principal investigators were Edward McMichael and Oscar Mairs. Fieldwork was conducted in June 1964 and April 1965. The investigation consisted of an intensive survey and shovel testing of the areas to be flooded within the East Lynn Reservoir. Fifteen sites...

An Archaeological Survey of the Marsh Station Traffic Interchange on U.S. Interstate 10 East of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Heidi Roberts.

On June 3, 1993, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants of Tucson, Arizona conducted a cultural resource survey of land surrounding the Marsh Station interchange in Pima County, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to locate and describe cultural resources within the project area that might be adversely affected by reconstruction of the Marsh Station interchange and the Cienega Creek bridge. The findings of this study will be incorporated into the Environmental Assessment...

Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Coyote Canyon Air Base Defense Training Area, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Trevor Kludt. Allan J. Schilz.

In the period between January and June of 2004, e2M archaeologists relocated, updated, tested, and determined the eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) four sites managed by Kirtland Air Force Base. The four sites tested consist of LA 48098, LA 69739, LA 88116, and LA 134236. Each of the sites had been previously recorded, but further testing was recommended in order to determine eligibility. LA 48098 and LA 88116, were determined by e2M to be potentially eligible to...

An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Elk River Basin (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kenneth Dale Hasty.

The objectives of this intern project were to locate, investigate, and record as many unknown archaeological sites as possible. The investigations described in this report were undertaken to determine the existence of unknown prehistoric archaeological sites in the Upper Elk River Basin area. The survey was also needed to complete the inventory of archaeological materials and sites that lie along the expanse of the Elk River.

Archaeological Test Excavations and Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark Slaughter. David A. Phillips, Jr..

From January 25 to March 5, 1993, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted an archaeological testing program at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona. The test excavations were conducted for the Perini Land and Development Company, in conformance with Pima County regulations for grading permits. The plan of work for testing (SWCA 1993) was developed in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the Centre for Archaeological Field Training, Pima Community...

Archaeological Testing at AZ DD:4:141 (ASM): A Prehistoric Site in the Tinaja Hills Pima County, Arizona (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deni J. Seymour. R. Thomas Euler.

This report presents project background information and the results of investigations conducted at an archaeological site located in the Tinaja Hills of southern Arizona. A site evaluation, controlled surface collection, and trenching program was conducted at AZ DD:4:141 (ASM) between October 9 and 17, 1989, by SWCA. This investigation (SWCA Project No. 90336-1) was carried out under contract with Caterpillar, Inc, of Phoenix, Arizona. The work was conducted by a crew of three archaeologists and...

Archaeological Testing at Five Sites in North Neighborhood 12, Rancho Vistoso, Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Ezzo.

In July and August 2003, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a cultural resources survey of 208 acres in North Neighborhood 12 of the Rancho Vistoso development in Oro Valley, Arizona (Hesse 2003). Eight archaeological sites were identified. Following agency review of these findings, four prehistoric sites and one historic site were considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and required additional archaeological work prior to development. A...

Archaeological Testing at Four Sites on the Coyote Creek Property, in the Rincon Valley, East of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David P. Doak.

In April, 1998, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted a cultural resource evaluation of a 979-acre parcel of privately held lands in the Rincon Valley, southeast of Tucson, Arizona. The work was done at the request of Mr. Peter Backus of PB Trading Company, Inc. Most of the area under consideration—approximately 809 acres—had been surveyed as part of a 5,800 acre survey conducted by SWCA personnel in 1988 (Sires and Gregory 1989). The 1998 operation involved the...

Archaeological Testing at Site AZ AA:12:232 (ASM) within the Continental Ranch Development, Town of Marana, Arizona (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David K. Sayre. Jenna Bray.

Between November 29 and December 10, 2001, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological testing at Site AZ AA:12:232 (ASM), a prehistoric archaeological site known as the Cortaro Road Site in the Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona. Archaeological testing was related to the construction of a business facility and was conducted at the request of Arizona Pavilions Development, Inc., in order to comply with the Town of Marana Grading Ordinance. Testing...

Archaeological Testing in the City of Phoenix Sky Harbor Center, Part I and II (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Greenwald. David A. Gregory. Kirk C. Anderson. Fred L. Nials. Gary Huckelberry. David R. Wilcox.

Archaeological test excavations have been completed within the City of Phoenix Sky Harbor Center project area between February 13 and March 31, 1989, by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants under contract to the City of Phoenix. The purpose of the archaeological investigations was to locate, identify, and assess cultural remains associated with two sites, AZ T:12:47 and AZ T:12:62 (ASM) for their significance and to make recommendations for further mitigative data recovery efforts. While the...

Archaeological Testing of Four Sites on Haigler Creek near Young, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris North. Grant Fahrni.

AR-03-12-01-237 is a historic to modern site thought by locals to be the location of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp related to construction of the Chamberlain Trail. Work conducted during this testing program revealed that the site is related to early twentieth century ranching. Since the 1950s or 1960s, this area has been a favored recreational camping spot—a function that continues to this day. No evidence of a CCC camp was identified at AR-03-12-01-237 and archival research places...