Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Cultural Resources Archive

Part of: Air Force - East

Collection of documents, data, and images generated from and/or related to archaeological resource and investigations on the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina. The collection was created by tDAR under contract with the USAF and is intended to organize documents, images, and other data from the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Some of the digital resources are organized under several sub-collections, which group together documents from particular investigations or related to certain sites or parts of the base. Other digital objects are included individually. Due to the potential sensitive information included in these documents, users that wish to access documents and images without redaction should contact the cultural resources office at the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-20 of 20)

  • Documents (20)

  1. The Archaeology of North Carolina: Three Archaeological Symposia (2011)
  2. Cultural Resources Management Plan for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (1998)
  3. Eastern Cherokee Reservation Information (2020)
  4. A Final Report of the Phase I/II Archaeological Investigation at Fort Fisher Air Force Recreation Area, New Hanover County, North Carolina (1996)
  5. Historic Structures Survey at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina (1996)
  6. Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Annual Technical Update and Review for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (2018)
  7. Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (2016)
  8. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Historic Evaluation Buildings 5015, 2130, and 4828, U. S. Air Force Air Combat Command Series, Report of Investigations, Number 24 (2006)
  9. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base: Cold War-Era Historic Property Survey Database (2009)
  10. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base: Cold War-Era Historic Property Survey Summary (2009)
  11. SHPO Letter: Determination of Eligibility for 7 Buildings, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Wayne County, ER 16-0461 (2016)
  12. SHPO Letter: Determination of National Register Eligibility for Buildings 5015, Fighter-Inceptor Alert Hangar, Wayne County, ER 06-2063 4828, SAC Fuel Systems Maintenance Dock, Wayne County, ER 06-2064 (2006)
  13. SHPO Letter: No Further Archaeological Investigations Needed at SJAFB (1978)
  14. SHPO Letter: Proposal to Rehabilitate the Christmas Tree Associated with Building 2130 (2014)
  15. SHPO Letter: Propose to Install a Boundary Fence at the Fort Fisher Air Force Recreation Area in New Hanover County near Kure Beach, NC (2020)
  16. State and County Summary of the Cherokee Indians Traditional Aboriginal Territory (2014)
  17. A Systemic Study of Air Combat Command Cold War Material Culture, Volume I: Historic Context and Methodology for Assessment (1995)
  18. A Systemic Study of Air Combat Command Cold War Material Culture, Volume II-26: A Baseline Inventory of Cold War Material Culture at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (1997)
  19. A Systemic Study of Air Combat Command Cold War Material Culture, Volume III: Summary Report and Final Programmatic Recommendations (Draft 1, revised) (1995)
  20. Tribal Consultation - Legal Opinion from AFLOA (2016)