PAGES (Past Global Changes) PEOPLE 3000 - PalEOclimate and the PeopLing of the Earth

By integrating archaeological data, paleoecological data and dynamic modeling, PEOPLE 3000 aims to explain long-term patterns of growth in the consumption of energy in social-ecological systems and the tipping points of these systems within the contexts of changing climates and environments over the last 3000 years.

People 3000

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There are 17 Documents within this Collection [remove this filter]

  1. Assessing Impacts of Late Holocene Environmental Variability on the Demography of Prehispanic Societies in Northern Chile (18°-29°S) (2018)
  2. Climate Change, Economies of Scale, and Population Growth in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies: A Case Study from Southwestern Wyoming (2018)
  3. Contrasting Human Demography Trends between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers as Response to Climate Change: Central Western Argentina as Study Case (2018)
  4. Demographic Change through Analysis of Age Profiles of Burial Data (2018)
  5. Does Increasing Social Complexity Buffer Energy Consumption from the Effects of High Frequency Climate Variation? A Western European Case Study (2018)
  6. The Effects of Economic Complexity and Temperature on the Long-Term Energy Consumption Dynamics of Human Societies (2018)
  7. Fremont Maize Cultivation and Latest Holocene Climate Variability in the Cub Creek Archaeological District, Dinosaur National Monument (2018)
  8. Global and Regional Frameworks for Comparing Agricultural Intensification and Productivity Across Cases (2018)
  9. Human Demography and Ecosystems: Comparative Approach of Human Age-at-Death Profiles from Northpatagonia (Southern Mendoza, Argentina) (2018)
  10. Late Holocene Climate Change and the Emergence of Hunter-gatherer Territoriality in the Late Archaic Texas Coastal Plains: An Analysis using Bioavailable Strontium (2018)
  11. Modeling Hunter-Gatherer Population Dynamics on the Texas Coastal Plain during the Holocene (2018)
  12. Museums Make Great Partners for Science Communication: Sharing Successful Programming from PEOPLE 3K (2019)
  13. PEOPLE 3K (PalEOclimate and the PeopLing of the Earth): Investigating Tipping Points Generated by the Climate-Human Demography-Institutional Nexus over the Last 3000 Years (2018)
  14. PeoPLE 3K: Understanding the Population Dynamics of the Americas in the Context of Regional and Global Environmental Change (2018)
  15. Rates of Change in Radiocarbon Date Frequencies and Population Collapse (2018)
  16. A Review of Paleodemographic Changes in Prehispanic Bolivia Using a Countrywide Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates (2018)
  17. Table 1: Data References p3k14c (2021)