*SE Hope for the Future: A Message of Resiliency from Archaeological Sites in South Florida

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "*SE Hope for the Future: A Message of Resiliency from Archaeological Sites in South Florida" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

As South Florida faces sea-level rise, increased hurricane strength, fires, and other impacts from modern anthropogenic climate change, what messages can we learn from the eons of human use and occupation of the area? This session is dedicated to resiliency in South Florida as revealed through archaeological research. How do we define resiliency? How can the archaeological record inform modern efforts at adaptation? This session includes research that focuses on the ability of past groups in South Florida to adapt to shifting resources, face the aftermath of hurricanes, build and modify their environments to exist during rapid fluctuations in sea-level rise, and thrive by exploiting natural resources in the South Florida environment. Given the unprecedented amount of new archaeological research focused on early Florida contexts, the time is right to draw together concrete examples from specific case studies as well as synthesize the long history of climate resilience that could have relevance to contemporary climate-based challenges.