Western Region of the National Park Service
Part of: WACC documents organized by park
WACC documents associated with archaeological work at the park.
Site Name Keywords
Yosemite National Park •
Camp Pima •
Coronado National Memorial •
Tumacacori National Monument •
Fort Mason Golden Gate National Recreation Area •
Pacific Islands Cluster
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Mine •
Rock Art •
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Japanese American •
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Systematic Survey •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Fauna •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Metal •
Wood •
Geographic Keywords
Arizona (State / Territory) •
Utah (State / Territory) •
Nevada (State / Territory) •
California (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
United States of America (Country) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Colorado (State / Territory) •
Idaho (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-6 of 6)
An Archeological Survey Plan for the Pacific Islands Cluster, Pacific West Region, National Park Service: NPS Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program (2000)
The National Archeological Survey Initiative (NASI) was established to develop a Systemwide archeological Inventory Program (SAIP) which in tum should improve the National Park Service's (NPS) accountability for cultural resources. A plan for the Western Region, now called the Pacific West Region, was published in 1994 (Wells and others 1994). In 1998, the Pacific Islands Cluster archeologist and an archeologist from the Western Archeological and Conservation Center began revision of the plan...
An Archeological Survey Plan for the Western Region of the National Park Service: NPS Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program (1994)
The National Archeological Survey Initiative (NASI) was established to develop a System wide Archeological Inventory Program (SAIP) which in turn should improve the National Park Service's (NPS) accountability for cultural resources. Each region of NPS is required to produce a region wide survey plan. The Western Region of the National Park Service has 46 park units comprising more than 8,000,000 acres. Archeologically the region has a great deal of cultural diversity and a large number of...
Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites (2000)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
NOTE: document not uploaded - it is available as an online book from the NPS website (see URL below). This report provides an overview of the tangible remains currently left at the sites of the Japanese American internment during World War II. The main focus is on the War Relocation Authority's relocation centers, but Department of Justice and U.S. Army facilities where Japanese Americans were interned are also considered. The goal of the study has been to provide information for the National...
Guidelines for Archeological Recording and Evaluation of Abandoned Mining Properties (2005)
DOCUMENT Citation Only
Abandoned mineral lands and the sites that are on them are cultural resources worthy of protection. This guidance document has been produced in an effort to clearly explain the process by which mining resources should be investigated and assessed in advance of federal undertakings that could impact them. Included in such assessments are the identification of historic contexts to which sites might be relevant, historical research, and field investigations at a site. The information gained through...
Miscellaneous Historic Period Archaeological Projects in the Western Region (1986)
Over the past years, the Western Archeological and Conservati on Center (WACC) has been involved in a number of small Historical period archeological projects in both southern Arizona and central California. Ranging from inventory surveys to test excavations, these projects resulted in reports, which although contributing information to the archeological record, were too short to be bound and published. In order to make this information more available for use, it was decided to publish a...
The Archaeology of the Western Region of the National Park Service
PROJECT Uploaded by: Sophia Kelly
WACC reports summarizing archaeological projects and management plans in the Western Region of the National Park Service.