Hohokam Archaeology Along Phase B of the Tucson Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume 4: Small Sites and Specialized Reports
Part of the Tucson Aqueduct Project Phase B project
Editor(s): Jon Czaplicki; John C. Ravesloot
Year: 1989
Volume 4 of the Tucson Aqueducet Phase B project, the fourth in a series of five reports, describes the results of the investigations at all archaeological sites other than the two large Rillito phase settlements Water World and Fastimes. It reports the results of excavations at 11 sites: four limited activity sites (AZ AA:12:383, AA:l2:465, AA:l2:481, and AA:l2:484, better known as Hawk's Nest); two farmstead-field house sites (AZ AA:l6:97 and AA:l6:161); a probable protohistoric site (AZ AA:ll:26); and four lithic quarry sites (AZ AA:l6:95, AA:l6:96, AA:l6:157, and AA:16:175). Reports on the Phase B archaeomagnetic dating, the turquoise sourcing analysis, and supplemental survey also are included in this volume.
Volume 4 is divided into five parts. Part 1 consists of the first 10 chapters and discusses the results of the investigations at Hawk's Nest (AZ AA:l2:484). Part 2 is devoted to the excavation of AZ AA:l6:161 and includes Chapters 11 through 14. Sites AZ AA:ll:26, AA:l2:383, AA:l2:465, AA:l2:481, and AA:l6:97 are described in Part 3 (Chapters 15 through 19, respectively). Four lithic quarry sites (AZ AA:l6:95, AA:l6:96, AA:16:157, and AA:l6:175) are the focus of Part 4 (Chapter 20). Part 5 consists of Chapters 21, 22, and 23; each discusses a different specialized study that was part of the Phase B project: archaeomagnetic dating, turquoise sourcing analysis, and the supplemental Phase B survey, respectively.
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Hohokam Archaeology Along Phase B of the Tucson Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume 4: Small Sites and Specialized Reports, 4. Jon Czaplicki, John C. Ravesloot. Archaeological Series ,178. Tucson, Arizona: Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona. 1989 ( tDAR id: 378254) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8FX7B9K
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Building Materials
Chipped Stone
Dating Sample
Ground Stone
Human Remains
Site Name
AZ AA:11:26
AZ AA:11:36
AZ AA:11:37
AZ AA:12:383
AZ AA:12:465
AZ AA:12:481
AZ AA:12:484
AZ AA:16:157
AZ AA:16:161
AZ AA:16:175
AZ AA:16:304
AZ AA:16:305
AZ AA:16:306
AZ AA:16:307
AZ AA:16:308
AZ AA:16:309
AZ AA:16:310
AZ AA:16:311
AZ AA:16:95
AZ AA:16:96
AZ AA:16:97
Hawk's Nest site
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Domestic Structures
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features
Hamlet / Village
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno
Storage Pit
Trash Midden
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Data Recovery / Excavation
Environment Research
Site Evaluation / Testing
Systematic Survey
Avra Valley
Field Houses
Quarry Activity
Geographic Keywords
Avra Valley
Brawley Wash
Rillito Creek
Santa Cruz River
Tucson Mountains
Temporal Keywords
Early Colonial Period
Late Pioneer Period
Rillito Phase
Rincon Phase
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: 700 to 900
Spatial Coverage
min long: -111.242; min lat: 32.091 ; max long: -110.989; max lat: 32.399 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Principal Investigator(s): Jon Czaplicki; John C. Ravesloot
Sponsor(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Permitting Agency(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Repository(s): Huhugam Heritage Center
Prepared By(s): Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum
Submitted To(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Record Identifiers
Bureau of Reclamation Contract No.(s): 6-CS-30-03500
File Information
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